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CAYOM Y5 - Discussion Thread

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2 hours ago, cookie said:



Rest assured it's not cancelled but with more pressing projects at hand I'd rather not rush it. When I know I can finish it I'll let you know.


At this rate I'll circle back around to the infinitely gestating Chrono Heist before this gets released

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1 hour ago, Slambros said:

So I'm writing a short story for a creative fiction class right now. It's a genre blend of romance and horror, and it has elements of faith in it. I think, after my classmates read it, I might want to share it in CAYOM; would you guys be down for that? I'm sure there'd be room on the schedule for a horror film if I wanted to add one.

Yeah go for it!

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Just a heads up; I still intend to fully try to get my stuff done, because I'm really excited about a lot of it, but I just got over an awful cold less than a month ago (shortly after the opening of Part 1) and I'm now coming down with more or less the same damn thing. So a lot of my writing time while I'm sick will become naptime. So if I start cancelling stuff that'd be why.

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16 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Just a heads up; I still intend to fully try to get my stuff done, because I'm really excited about a lot of it, but I just got over an awful cold less than a month ago (shortly after the opening of Part 1) and I'm now coming down with more or less the same damn thing. So a lot of my writing time while I'm sick will become naptime. So if I start cancelling stuff that'd be why.

That's unfortunate to hear. Hope you get better soon.

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7 hours ago, cookie said:

I'll side with @Slambros in not knowing what this is.


It was something I tried to make during the middle of 2.0 over the course of a few game years but got burnt out. I'm sure I talked about it a few times then.


Technically still on the back-burner.

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@cookie @Slambros


The premise of Chrono Heist was that it took place a couple hundred years in the future, after a world war or two had devastated the planet, and it focused on a team of people who would travel back in time to "steal" priceless historical artifacts and artworks that were lost because of the intervening wars, etc. The cold open of the film was the team stealing the Mona Lisa in early 16th Century France.


I had all the time travel rules worked out, and I had the first act complete and I knew where I wanted the third act to generally go, but I was bogged down with the second act. It also was getting very long with what I had already put down for it, so I burned out.

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15 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

@cookie @Slambros


The premise of Chrono Heist was that it took place a couple hundred years in the future, after a world war or two had devastated the planet, and it focused on a team of people who would travel back in time to "steal" priceless historical artifacts and artworks that were lost because of the intervening wars, etc. The cold open of the film was the team stealing the Mona Lisa in early 16th Century France.


I had all the time travel rules worked out, and I had the first act complete and I knew where I wanted the third act to generally go, but I was bogged down with the second act. It also was getting very long with what I had already put down for it, so I burned out.

That actually reminds me of an idea I still have for Countdown and potential follow-ups:



Basically in order to circumvent the issue of branching timelines while also remove a whole lot of raised questions in regards to the story, humans had discovered through space science that every million years or so time "corrects" itself through an event dubbed a "Butterfly Congestion". Basically any timeline broken off from the original would cease to exist at a certain crossroad while only the original remains.




The last known congestion would be in the early-to-mid 1800s, so TISCA (the governing body that provides the time rovers) can go to any point in time earlier than the last congestion and change/grab whatever they want, and it would have no effect on the present as it still resides within the original timeline. An early scene had them showing a whole bunch of artifacts to the main characters, including a fresh copy of the U.S constitution.


This does mean however that should any time traveler still be around when the congestion hits they'll be erased from existence along with every trace left in their wake. And since the rules of branching and altered timelines still apply when traveling to any point after the last congestion, doing so is a capital offense (meaning people aren't allowed to go back to any point in their own lifetime). TISCA has systems to keep track of this so they'll know if a post-congestion alteration has occurred.


(plot spoilers below)


An idea for a mid-point twist was/is that it would be revealed that you could still emerge in one of the already created split timelines pre-congestion, so Chiwetel and his gang could still appear in split timeline A/B/C even if it's set to be erased once the next congestion hits.



Edited by cookie
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2 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

@cookie @Slambros


The premise of Chrono Heist was that it took place a couple hundred years in the future, after a world war or two had devastated the planet, and it focused on a team of people who would travel back in time to "steal" priceless historical artifacts and artworks that were lost because of the intervening wars, etc. The cold open of the film was the team stealing the Mona Lisa in early 16th Century France.


I had all the time travel rules worked out, and I had the first act complete and I knew where I wanted the third act to generally go, but I was bogged down with the second act. It also was getting very long with what I had already put down for it, so I burned out.

i really want to see this now @4815162342

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2 hours ago, cookie said:

That actually reminds me of an idea I still have for Countdown and potential follow-ups:


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Without going into detail since I'm on mobile, time travel in Chrono Heist is based around the primary principle that the universe abhors a paradox. The time travelers cannot do anything that would essentially prevent the future from which they originate from existing. This means that in some instances, the universe simply will prevent something from happening. Like a gun misfiring to prevent a death. Or causing a slip on pavement to prevent rushing over to interfere in an event.


This can't prevent everything, like say throwing a person off a giant cliff. It also doesn't work when the resulting change is minor.


This results in two different reactions when changes occur. For minor changes, the universe engages in course correction, minor alterations going forward that paper over the difference (like Joe Schmo Soldier dying and being replaced at a certain point by his friend Bob Blob Soldier)


For major changes that would render course correction essentially impossible by the sheer difference in historical effect (killing Hitler), the universe engages in severance. The timeline is broken into two, the original, and the severed, essentially instantly amuptating a limb to avoid the paradox from rendering events impossible. Any time travelers in the severed timeline cannot return to the future, because there is no future. The severed timeline is essentially growing a "future" via the progression of the present. In the original timeline, time travelers can no longer travel back in time prior to the moment of severance. So if that occurred at 12 pm on January 1 2000, the furthest back they could go would be 12 pm and 1 second on that day.

Edited by 4815162342
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Just now, Hiccup23 said:

Who wants to be the lucky devil and pre-read Giovanni? I should have the rough draft finished tonight. 

Perhaps I may be able to assist but my day is pretty busy tomorrow.

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On 1/26/2019 at 5:31 PM, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Perhaps I may be able to assist but my day is pretty busy tomorrow.


Okay, I'll send it to you either tonight or tomorrow! It is not gonna be a 10K+ story like the previous films FYI!


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