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The reason people complain about about the sequels is because they dont like change. Pixar went from original movies with 90's RTs to Disneyfied sequels and 70's and below RTs. Pixar is different from Dreamworks because of acclaim. One reason Pixar movies do so well is universal appeal, not just kids. My theory for Wall E beating KFP? You had alot of adults who went, because guys honestly, from a kids view it was boring as hell while KFP was pure grade A entertanment. The same can be said for Brave vs Madagascar 3. Pixar is synonomous with adults. You think families alone lifted Up to almost $300M? This should have been forecasted once Disney bought Pixar. Disney likes getting money off movies, but loves getting it off merchandise, the more they pimp out these Pixar characters, the more it sells, just like sex. If Pixar started out like DWA all along, nobody would be complianing about the sequels, but we're all still used to the 2000's Pixar, which was flawless and original, and now we're getting what we're getting.I dont like change either, I dont like Pixar doing 2 movies a year, but I have no say. People are going to complain about sequels, but whining about people complaining is no better. Its going to happen, we gotta except it. Pixar is still king and they havent turned into a crapola yet, so lets see what the 2010's hold. Obviously it wont match the 2000's, but as long as Pixar keeps focus on quality over quantity then it should be fine. Thats my theory on why people dont want the sequels, but yet DWA and Blue Sky can do them. But yes, complaining about people complaing is just as annoying. Js.

Edited by LeFlop James
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The recent glut of less-than-perfect movies is probably why I'm not as concerned about the accelerated slate as I would be otherwise. They've got a bunch of ideas, may as well get em all out and hope some of them stick at this point since they don't have to worry about being perfectionists anymore.


If nothing else, their movies always look terrific, far beyond what other studios are capable of. That alone makes them unique.

Edited by tribefan695
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Because they of all the studios have won some pretty rabid fans over; not counting the legacy Disney fans of course. Reason they were able to get those fans was their attention to quality, their "pickiness" with projects; their attempts to take risks and be "original" (as original as a rated PG movie will allow anyway); and their once-strong resistance to just franchising every movie they make like other studios tend to do.So really it is fine that they make sequels as long as they're good (I'm mostly over it now though it took a while). But I do think that choosing the easy and safe path with franchising hurt their rep; mostly because they were expected to be better than the other studios and not to make the same choices other studios make.






IMO, original movies are inherently better than sequels/prequels/remakes even if somehow you could measure that they're both equally good qualitatively.  Pixar was a breath of fresh air.  Great original films with original characters.  Outside of TS2 the films were new and entertaining and not based on other properties.  Disney comes to the scene and many of us predicted that we would see more sequels/3D gimmicks/saturation etc.  In fact, it was Disney threatening to make TS3 without Pixar which helped force its hand and become acquired by Disney with little fuss.  I don't blame Disney at all.  They had to justify the billions spent buying Pixar to shareholders and as a corporation, its bottom line is the number 1 priority.  If I was a shareholder, I would applaud more movies, more merchandising tie-ins, Toy Story 4, etc.  As a movie-goer, especially one that appreciated the originality and freshness that Pixar brought, I am a little saddened by this trend.  The veneer has worn off, even though two of the sequels I've seen are great (TS2 and TS3) and the latest original, Brave, was a bit underwhelming.  Corporate logic has infected the creative atmosphere of Pixar's decision making IMO.  Case in point, it would make sense to make Cars 3.  Pixar and movie fans would cringe at such news but when you factor in the enormous amount of merchandising money that franchise rakes in, it is a slam dunk.  Hopefully Pixar has enough latitude to push back against Disney.  I think this original movie every year policy was such a move.  

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The reason people complain about about the sequels is because they dont like change. Pixar went from original movies with 90's RTs to Disneyfied sequels and 70's and below RTs. Pixar is different from Dreamworks because of acclaim. One reason Pixar movies do so well is universal appeal, not just kids. My theory for Wall E beating KFP? You had alot of adults who went, because guys honestly, from a kids view it was boring as hell while KFP was pure grade A entertanment. The same can be said for Brave vs Madagascar 3. Pixar is synonomous with adults. You think families alone lifted Up to almost $300M?This should have been forecasted once Disney bought Pixar. Disney likes getting money off movies, but loves getting it off merchandise, the more they pimp out these Pixar characters, the more it sells, just like sex. If Pixar started out like DWA all along, nobody would be complianing about the sequels, but we're all still used to the 2000's Pixar, which was flawless and original, and now we're getting what we're getting.I dont like change either, I dont like Pixar doing 2 movies a year, but I have no say. People are going to complain about sequels, but whining about people complaining is no better. Its going to happen, we gotta except it. Pixar is still king and they havent turned into a crapola yet, so lets see what the 2010's hold. Obviously it wont match the 2000's, but as long as Pixar keeps focus on quality over quantity then it should be fine. Thats my theory on why people dont want the sequels, but yet DWA and Blue Sky can do them. But yes, complaining about people complaing is just as annoying. Js.



Change is not always good as you indicated above.  Why shouldn't people complain then?

Edited by lilmac
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I disagree. If enough people make some noise, things happen. Witness Microsoft's shift in its XBox One strategy.

Or even just witness Ed Catmull announcing recently that Pixar is gonna cut down on their sequel output. I think they've heard enough of the diehard fans complain over the past few years.
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I disagree.  If enough people make some noise, things happen.  Witness Microsoft's shift in its XBox One strategy.

But how would that apply to Hollywood? How do you reckon we a bunch of geeks on the internet to mobilise millions of people to do that? The only thing that matters to Disney execs and shareholders is revenue, and without a massive scale boycott (which will never happen) they will carry on with whatever plan they have for Pixar down the road, whether that means originality or safe money we don't know.
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Or even just witness Ed Catmull announcing recently that Pixar is gonna cut down on their sequel output. I think they've heard enough of the diehard fans complain over the past few years.

That sounds good. Hope it happens though.
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Or even just witness Ed Catmull announcing recently that Pixar is gonna cut down on their sequel output. I think they've heard enough of the diehard fans complain over the past few years.

I object to internet posters and/or critics being called their "die-hard" fans. These movies are made for the parents who bring their multiple children to the theatre. Not the YA (mostly) who latched on a long time ago and believe that their connection to the internet makes them superior fans to the broader GA.


MU was the most perfect movie they've made since TS3, it erased the obvious production flaws of the past two films. Why are people still complaining?

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I object to internet posters and/or critics being called their "die-hard" fans. These movies are made for the parents who bring their multiple children to the theatre. Not the YA (mostly) who latched on a long time ago and believe that their connection to the internet makes them superior fans to the broader GA.MU was the most perfect movie they've made since TS3, it erased the obvious production flaws of the past two films. Why are people still complaining?

Disagree on a couple of points though I understand what you are implying - that MU was redemption and people should be happy that Pixar has brought their quality back.For one - the "die hard" fans are the ones who care enough to know that Planes isn't a Pixar film, but a Disney one. The mom with multiple children will take their kids to see just any animated film, whereas the diehard Pixar fan parent might save their one family movie that summer for the actual Pixar offering. The critics who raved about their movies in the past are the ones who help generate this "Pixar can do no wrong" word of mouth for a generation. And the diehards who could not find each other to revel in past movies' glory finally have an outlet on the Internet to become glowing fanboys of the studio and be part of the community that includes all the fan sites dedicated to Pixar, which only adds to their legend. No other studio, except for Disney, has that.As for MU being the most perfect movie since TS3, I disagree. I liked Brave better.
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Disagree on a couple of points though I understand what you are implying - that MU was redemption and people should be happy that Pixar has brought their quality back.

For one - the "die hard" fans are the ones who care enough to know that Planes isn't a Pixar film, but a Disney one. The mom with multiple children will take their kids to see just any animated film, whereas the diehard Pixar fan parent might save their one family movie that summer for the actual Pixar offering. The critics who raved about their movies in the past are the ones who help generate this "Pixar can do no wrong" word of mouth for a generation. And the diehards who could not find each other to revel in past movies' glory finally have an outlet on the Internet to become glowing fanboys of the studio and be part of the community that includes all the fan sites dedicated to Pixar, which only adds to their legend. No other studio, except for Disney, has that.

As for MU being the most perfect movie since TS3, I disagree. I liked Brave better.


I object to the notion that critics played a significant role in giving Pixar their high cred. Their cred was built on their early movies, TS2, MI, FN and TI, plain and simple **(the point in time where they started putting them out consistently)

Edited by Misadventures2x3
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I object to internet posters and/or critics being called their "die-hard" fans. These movies are made for the parents who bring their multiple children to the theatre. Not the YA (mostly) who latched on a long time ago and believe that their connection to the internet makes them superior fans to the broader GA. 

MU was the most perfect movie they've made since TS3, it erased the obvious production flaws of the past two films. Why are people still complaining?


It didn't fixed flaws of the past two films, the moral lesson wasn't subtle like Pixar past movies (Cars 2) or add characters only to make the movie more kid-friendly (Brave and those twin brothers ugh)

Edited by Goffe
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Or even just witness Ed Catmull announcing recently that Pixar is gonna cut down on their sequel output. I think they've heard enough of the diehard fans complain over the past few years.


I don't think it's correct to say they're cutting down on sequels despite every single film blog repeating the same headline. They're just putting them on a more consistent schedule while upping their original output.

Edited by tribefan695
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I object to the notion that critics played a significant role in giving Pixar their high cred. Their cred was built on their early movies, TS2, MI, FN and TI, plain and simple **(the point in time where they started putting them out consistently)


I don't really see a difference. The critics loved every one of their films through The Incredibles.

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I object to the notion that critics played a significant role in giving Pixar their high cred. Their cred was built on their early movies, TS2, MI, FN and TI, plain and simple **(the point in time where they started putting them out consistently)

How significant the critics' role was is unmeasurable at this point, but as tribe points out, critics loved those films. And every year, Disney and Pixar would include how "critically acclaimed" their movies were in marketing their films. I would say that acclaim played some role in their rise to the top.
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