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Eric Quinn

Star Wars: The Bad Batch | Disney+ | Final Season premieres February 21st!

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Episode guide for Reunion dropped.  One of the things in there was concept art from the episode.  And one of the pieces of concept art released makes one go: YiBe40t.png YiBe40t.png YiBe40t.png




(click to embiggen)


Specifically that giant honking plate on Cad Bane's noggin' that wasn't around in TCW days.


Like, say, where a blaster shot wound might be? YiBe40t.png


Now, concept art is exactly that.  No guarantee it ever is seen in the show.  On the other hand, Lucasfilm didn't need to release this concept art.  And they are sure to know what will be the reaction from Deep Cut Obsessives.


So...  Not saying the Cad Bane/Boba Fett duel definitively happened.  Am sayin' it's now a distinct possibility.


@4815162342 will probably be interested in this.  @Darth Lehnsherr as well.

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Very nice and lengthy interview with Jennifer Corbett that takes a broad look at the front half of the season, how some of the elements of the show came to be, as well as her background as an officer in the Navy relates to her writing.

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"Alpha" and "Omega".


Why didn't I see that coming. :slaphead:


Probably coz I listened to too much spec that she was the last clone, even though it was obvious by the premiere that she wasn't.


Odds of "Alpha" showing up in the show rose considerably, and they were already pretty high.


Overall a pretty good episode.  Not as intense as the last couple but still very good.  Also good to see the 


plots within plots, which clears some things up in regards to the bounty hunters.  Does make me wonder if this lessens the odds of the Kamino Uprising happening though.


Back to being fairly wide open on this second half of the season.  Should be interesting to see it all play out.


My only real problem with the episode is that it felt like the rescue of Omega was a little too neat and quick. Not on the Omega/Bane/Fennec side.  That was very well done with lots and twists and turns.  Just felt that the rescue squad showed up a little too quickly, even with hyperspace travel moving at the speed of plot.  Just a couple of small tweaks to Omega's flight away from the medical center would have made feel a bit more smooth for me.  Though, I do suppose that's part of the genre at play.


Aside from that, another good episode, as I said.



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A nice, more sedate, episode.  Won't quite call it a breather episode, but it was much less intense than the last few.  In fact, felt like a throwback to classic TCW stories.  


Which, I suppose makes sense, all things considered.


Lots of little things to like, but since they're little won't comment on them.  Except to note I was actually fairly glad they had the internal fortitude NOT to have a very easy, and probably gratuitous, character cameo that could have shown up all too easily.  As Jennifer Corbett noted, this doesn't in fact need to be The Bad Batch Variety Show.  


Prob put it at an 8/10.  Solid, but not earth shattering.  Good episode that advances more than one plotline (both character and story).


Def one of the "lightest" episodes of the season, about on par with Rampage (the one with the young rancor) when it comes to stakes and tone. 



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Never in a million million years would I have EVER suspected that 


Cham Syndulla of ALL people was a collaborator.




Okay, maybe that's a strong word for it.  But I never ever EVER pictured him as a type to try to give the Empire an even shake. Or at least be the one who was willing to cooperate with this new government.


Like.  WOW.  What a great twist.  And it makes perfect sense, in the "sick of war, want what's best for my people" type thing.  Not everyone is immediately a Saw Gerrera, after all.  




Also this tweet was certainly right:



Never saw the "Devil's Deal" being a look at the sacrifices needed to be made in this new Empire, but man does it fit!


Just... WOW.  What an episode!!!!





Also, REALLY dug the conflicted clone trooper (Captain Howzer, who I think is a new clone).


More of that please.  Much much much more of that!


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Funny thought here:


[don't open unless one has seen the episode]:



Who here wants to make a bet that the ONLY reason Chopper is once again credited as "Himself" is for the folks who insist on watching SW in Chronological Order instead of Release Order.


After all, don't want to spoil the surprise for folks who haven't seen Rebels yet, right? :ph34r:




On a separate topic, do wonder what @Fullbuster thinks of this episode, mind


As a main reason I am flipping out is from resonance from both TCW and Rebels.


think there's enough drama and character building here for it to be a pleasing episode for someone unfamiliar with the greater scope of Lucasfilm animation, especially with the stakes slowly ratcheting as the episode goes on.  But I wouldn't expect him to be flipping out like I was.




Not gonna apologize for that, either. :lol: 


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9 hours ago, Porthos said:

Funny thought here:


[don't open unless one has seen the episode]:


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On a separate topic, do wonder what @Fullbuster thinks of this episode, mind

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As a main reason I am flipping out is from resonance from both TCW and Rebels.


think there's enough drama and character building here for it to be a pleasing episode for someone unfamiliar with the greater scope of Lucasfilm animation, especially with the stakes slowly ratcheting as the episode goes on.  But I wouldn't expect him to be flipping out like I was.




Not gonna apologize for that, either. :lol: 



While I don't have any emotional link with TCW I definitely have such link with SW Rebels as I saw season 1&2 so far (the rest later in 2021) and I must say this episode really surprised me because


I didn't expect to see Hera and a family at all, it obviously makes sense but I kinda didn't think about that, and an episode where the Bad Batch is barely present is something pretty daring.

I was happy to see some Rebels reference there, I feel more connected to The Bad Batch even though I was liking it without that :)




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This episode hit me the hardest out of all so far


Rebels is one of the few shows where I like the main cast nearly all equally but if I had to pick a favourite it would probably be Hera. We don't have many positive mother figures in Star Wars and her resolve and strength while also her vulnerability is what makes her one of the best characters.

So to see essentially a prequel to Star Wars Rebels while connecting it to the themes of this show is amazing.


I like the link to last week's episode (liked but didn't love) that the Republic and Separatists  both lost emphasising again the consequences and somewhat facades of a war that was the Clone Wars. 


The senator cannot die unless they want to break canon again with Lords of the Sith. Worried we may be seeing Hera's mum die next week.


Hopefully the discussion online about the episode will again encourage people to watch Star Wars Rebels.


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6 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

This episode hit me the hardest out of all so far

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for the canon implications


Rampart specifically said "attempted assassination" at the scene, so even if we don't actually see that senator in the next episode, we can presume he survived.


The "BOOM, HEADSHOT" was also more of a glancing blow than a direct hit, and we can see him still moving when he was on the stretcher, so those are supplementary pieces of info that while canon might be bent once again, it ain't broken.


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A good setup episode for what I assume will be one hell of a conflagration next week (unless this is a longer arc than just two, which would be nice). I liked seeing different viewpoints on the Imperial occupation.


Loved seeing young Hera of course. 

I do still feel like this show is missing a bit of emotional connection compared to TCW or Rebels so I hope next episode is more focused on the Bad Batch. 

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What I basically feel about the SW animated series:


Star Wars Rebels Season 2: 9/10

Rebels Season 1: 8.5/10

The Bad Batch: 8/10


It's solid, it has impressive visuals, nice characters but it's not as emotionally powerful and relatable as in the other shows, the pace is too slow. With all these fillers or seeming like fillers episodes it feels like an old-school TV shows but it doesn't work as well in 2021 where shows tend to focus on what matters: the main plot. That's why I think 16 episodes was a mistake and 10 would have been more than enough.


A big SW fan will probably be satisfied with ever more content but for a more casual/moderate fan like me it doesn't work as well, the weekly fomat probably makes this far worse. Good thing is my Disney+ hiatus till September that will allow me to binge TBB, I'll like it better that way I think...I know Season 2 of Rebels wouldn't have been as pleasant if I didn't have binged it on D+.

I hope season 2 will be shorter, more focused because otherwise I'll wait till it's over before watching/binging it.

WandaVision & Loki worked really well with a weekly format as they're short and focused.



I feel Star Wars Visions will do a great job in that regard witn everything out at once and more focused stories.

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11 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:

It's solid, it has impressive visuals, nice characters but it's not as emotionally powerful and relatable as in the other shows, the pace is too slow. With all these fillers or seeming like fillers episodes it feels like an old-school TV shows but it doesn't work as well in 2021 where shows tend to focus on what matters: the main plot. That's why I think 16 episodes was a mistake and 10 would have been more than enough.


I'm not gonna jump down your throat here, but I must admit you are hitting one of my major pet peeves. 


Just what IS filler in your mind?


I won't put any words in your mouth, or try to answer for you.  Just... Just so you know, I detest the word "filler", but I wanted to see what you meant by that before I try to respond to any of your points.  


I suspect I know part of what you're going to say as you alluded to it already, but I wanted to see if you could elaborate on it some more.

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BTW, I want to make it clear, that if you (or anyone else) finds the show too slow paced, that's fine! Really.  If you are finding some of the arcs a bit on the boring side, I won't complain.


It's just... I really, REALLY, REALLY hate the term "filler". :lol:


(almost as much as I hate the phrases "Deus ex Machina" or "Mary Sue". ;))




I promise I'm going somewhere with this and that it's not just coz I'm a tad cranky coz it was 111 degrees here in Sacto. 


(well it is partially that, but I absolutely swear I'm going somewhere with this.  Promise! :lol: But I need some clarification from Fullbuster before I head into the direction I want to go here)

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