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Brazil Box Office Thread

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nah, I'm surprise as well. I think people are just caring about the world cup now.But from what I know (I did not even watch) the crowd made ​​a chorus cursing the president during the game against Croatia.

Dilma is probably praying day and night for a Brazilian victory,hoping it will help her being reelected :P
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It's a surprise,so far I didn't hear about any accident or problems in Brazil..given all the delays and surging crime you could expect something to happen.Good for Brazil though.


You should have listened to me, then you wouldn't be surprised.  :P

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Interesting how much you have changed your tune, you were the one that came here to gloat before the tournament started.

Not exactly,it's still the perfect example in terms of mismanagement.And an accident still can happen in 3 weeks.
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When it comes to other sport I never hear about Brazil,it's like soccer is the only existing sport :P

never heard of Beach Volleyball ? - Brazilians practically invented it


Formula 1 is also their favourite - ever heard of Ayrton Senna?

Edited by Rudolf
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It's a surprise,so far I didn't hear about any accident or problems in Brazil..given all the delays and surging crime you could expect something to happen.Good for Brazil though.

I told you nothing would happen during the WC.

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