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After careful consideration, my wife and I have it figured out.


Cassie's boyfriend is the brain surgeon.  He is also Vogel's son.  Vogel mentioned that she had something in her past that got her into the study of psychopaths that she doesn't want to talk about.  The bf knows about Dexter through his harassment of his mother.  He insinuated himself into a relationship with the woman next door to Dexter. He saw Dexter outside with Zach... and he probably learned about Zach's true self through his mother's notes.  So he is the only one who would try to frame Zach for Cassie's death.  Vogel being the true villain is too obvious for that to be the case.  Maybe she knows or suspects who the brain surgeon is, but she's not saying.

Nicely done.


Although I must say this season is shaping up to be quite the letdown to end the series. I still find Hannah to be a Rita/Lila/Lumen conglomerate, but not as compatible for Dexter as any of those. Their whole relationship is such been there done that territory on this show. I'm hoping the brain surgeon kills her off next ep. Dexter should have done it last season.

Edited by MovieMan89
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This season has been a let down. I really hope Dexter and Hannah do not go to Argentina in the last episode. There is no excitment or danager in this season. I would love if the brain surgeon would be leaving clues for police to think it is Dexter or kill Harrison early off in the season.  Or why not have season 8 take place right after season 7. Have Laguita death be investigated and have another forensic blood guy look at Laguita death. Since Dexter has had a negative history with her. She makes it public Dexter is a serial killer and ends dead with the guy the kiled his mom and he can investigate the murder.

Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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They've missed a lot of opportunities.  When Dexter left the distraught Deb with Vogel, I thought for sure Vogel was going to kill her and make it look like suicide.


Then in this past episode, they had the history of Vogel's son drowning... and then you have Harrison going to swimming lessons with Dexter rushing to Vogel's aid.  I thought for sure Harrison would be drowned.

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They've missed a lot of opportunities.  When Dexter left the distraught Deb with Vogel, I thought for sure Vogel was going to kill her and make it look like suicide.


Then in this past episode, they had the history of Vogel's son drowning... and then you have Harrison going to swimming lessons with Dexter rushing to Vogel's aid.  I thought for sure Harrison would be drowned.

I feel like they resolve everthing can build attention so quickly. Deb was fine with Dexter by episode 4 or 5.  Dexter killing all of those maybe serial killers. All the sudden the killings stop.  Now another murder happen. Deb and Hannah solve there past very quickly

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No one commenting on last night episode of Dexter?  They are making this show so predictable and thus uninteresting. 

I think a lot of people just don't wanna comment on this season anymore. I mean it's beyond obvious at this point that this is going to go down as either the worst or 2nd worst season of the series at this point (maybe 2nd only to season 6). For a show that's had such spectacular highs that are unrivaled by virtually any other tv show, that's beyond depressing to me to see it go out like this.


But my overall thoughts on Goodbye Miami anyways: Vogel's character was a big fat waste of time and space. All that effort into her character this season and then they just kill her off with virtually no real pay off? What was her true purpose and impact on the series? Aside from introducing her son who may be an even worse foe for Dexter than season 6's Travis. And believe me I'm no fan of season 6. Does anybody really give two craps about this character? He's terribly uniteresting and not to mention the guy who plays him is an awful actor. Are we supposed to buy after all the amazing foes Dexter's taken out, this is the guy that's gonna finally lead to his demise? :huh: It's just so unbelievable if that's where they're headed like it looks like it is. None of the stories have had any real payoff this season though, not just Vogel's. They introduce a character we think may be semi important like Zack or Elway, and then they kill them off or just kind of forget about them.


And I hate how Hannah has once again taken away from exploring the far moire dynamic Deb/Dexter relationship, just like what happened in the second half of last season. Don't get me wrong, I've never even remotely wanted the Dexter/Deb romantic angle to happen :sick:, but their relationship now that Deb knows about Dex is far more interesting than a retread of Dexter's past romantic ones. And that's all Hannah really is, except not executed nearly as well as a Rita, Lila, or Lumen's arcs.


Then there's something like Masuka not wanting his daughter to smoke pot introduced this epidose? WTF, this is the final 3 episodes of the whole series and they're gonna try to sell us something like that as a side plot?  :bash: 


It's just really frustrating and makes me wonder if the writers just weren't invested in this season. Maybe they wanted season 7 to be the end but Showtime demanded another season so they just decided they would phone it in for this one. I really can't think of how else this season could have ended up this poorly executed except just a genuine lack of interest from the creative staff.

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Reason why this season sucks there is no season plot. All the other seasons had a main plot behind them. 

Season 1 Ice Truck Killer/ ties in with Dexter's past

Season 2 investigation into the murder of the Bay Harbor/ Doakes looks into Dexter

Season 3 Attorney and Dexter team up. Attorney is using Dexter.

Season 4 Trinity Killer/ Dexter wants to know how trinity is able to keep a family life

Season 5 Lumen needs helps to remove the rapist

Season 6 Doomsday Killer/Deb is in love with Dexter

Season 7 Laguerta investigates the old bay harbor butcher case/ Deb dealing with Dexter as a serial killer and Laguerta investigation/ Ukraine mob vs. Dexter

Season 8 I have no idea what the main story line is ( Deb dealing with death of Laguerta for a couple of episode and being pissed about dexter/ Brain Surgeon shows for a couple of episodes and showing up again at the end of the season/ Vogel and Dexter's past/ US Marshall looking into Hannah/ Elyway randomly being there.


There has been no clarity with season 8.  I do not how to even sum it up. Serial Killer this season is so lame. In pretty much every other season all the main plots and side story lines have come together in same way. I feel like Dexter season 8 is just last couple of months of Dexter and what he decide to do during this time.  The first 3 episodes are nothing in common with the last couple episode of this season. 

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I felt like season 6 was at least trying to be good but failed. I do not think there has been an effort in this season. 

Very true. Despite my disdain for season 6, I agree that they were at least making an effort. A failed one, but an effort nonetheless. Where on earth is the effort in this season? I sure don't see it. I don't even think they had a basic outline for it. Seems like they've literally just made up as they've gone along.

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