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Movie Blogger Discussion Thread

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Well, the title is "Movie Blogger Discussion Thread", and since we spend all day trashing these guys already, why not mention one that's actually worth our time?

What, there are such bloggers?Anyway, these guys will be supper happy to know there`s a blog dedicated to them. They are fame whores like Gosselins, Kardashians, Teen Moms and other reality show fucks. Just not camera friendly though they could be squeezed on IMAX screen.Polland was such Avatar fan he named his newborn son Cameron. Better than Toshiro Lucas McWeeny for sure.
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I wouldn't lump Drew McWeeny in with the others. Yeah, he may be a geek and he may be lenient to some films but I enjoy his writing and he seems to be pretty level-headed.Faraci's a self-absorbed douche, but he occasionally makes good points.Knowles and Wells are like the extremist versions of those two perspectives.

Edited by tribefan695
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I wouldn't lump Drew McWeeny in with the others. Yeah, he may be a geek and he may be lenient to some films but I enjoy his writing and he seems to be pretty level-headed.Faraci's a self-absorbed douche, but he occasionally makes good points.Knowles and Wells are like the extremist versions of those two perspectives.

They are all fun. Crone, OTOH, is not. She`s totlaly crazy. She thinks she`s Bigelow. She thinks she is Fincher. She thinks she`s Viola Davies.She`s completely off the rocker. The only fun comes from others poking fun at her dellusions but her writing, bitching and meltdowns are not in the slightest. Edited by fishnets
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I don't read many bloggers. Wells is mandatory reading though, he's hilarious. Apparently LexG turned down an offer to professionally write for his site. Which is probably a good thing because HE would just fill up with articles about how there are no White girls in LA or something.

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I was being flippant earlier, but honestly every so often each one of them will post something insightful or interesting or thoughtful. That's why I enjoy reading them -- usually because they're off-the-wall or full of themselves, but also because of that sliver of genuine insight that they all have.

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Jeff Wells should be ashamed of himself

You must have read this.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh Jeffrey. Typical diva meltdown.

My favorite diva moment has to be this one though:

The next "almost" happened in a touristy area near Congress Street. I raised my camera to take a picture of a couple of Clydesdale horses. A woman who was about to walk in front of my viewing path went "oh" and stopped and waited. She was being polite, of course, but I've said before that waiting for someone to snap a photo is a mark of middle-class cluelessness about photography. A good photographer has to roll with what happens, and sometimes you can get a better shot if somebody or something is half-obscuring what you're shooting. You never know, and you're better off not knowing. I never stop and wait for a picture to be taken...ever.

In any case, I said "thanks...it's okay...it's cool" to the woman. But I didn't say it the right way. She took umbrage and asked if I had an attitude problem. I was just trying to get out of there but just to mess with her head I said "uh, yeah, I guess I do." She stopped in her tracks. "What's your problem?" People like you, I wanted to say. People who don't understand that one of the tenets of mediocre photography is refusing to accept the natural unruliness of life and to just go with what happens when you're shooting and stop trying to control everything. But instead I said "it's cool, doesn't matter" and turned away.

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My favorite Wells moment might be this one:http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2008/12/couch_potato.phpIt's a short post and doesn't seem like much initially, but you've got to read the comments. Comedy Gold. (The fact that there are several follow up posts makes it even better.A sampling from Jeff:

... leaving the cowboy hat and plainly stating to the proprietor that I'd come back and wear it the following year (especially after having stayed at the Star in '07 and '08 and been part of the family there, in a sense) was a very emotionally vivid and pronounced way of stating my intentions. It was a message that is recognized by everyone all over the world. It's even recognized in the animal kingdom (i.e., leaving your scent on a piece of turf).If you go out with a girl and she comes home with you and stays the night and she leaves her underwear or bra or socks in your bedroom after she leaves the next morning, we all know that's a universal message that says, "I want to come back and get to know you better and probably have sex with you again." Everyone knows that. Leaving an article of clothing, something with your scent and paw-prints and sweat residue on it, means that you intend to come back and spray your scent around some more.If you were to see a 1930s Gary Cooper western and hotel manager Frances Farmer, giving him the old twinkle-eye, asked him if he was coming back after taking his cattle to market, and if he faintly grinned at her and took off his cowboy hat and left it hanging on the wall as he walks out the door, everybody watching the film in any country in the world would know exactly what that means. It would be crystal clear.

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Wells = Baumer ?

If anything, the massive success of The Hunger Games is a confirmation of a kind of cultural vapidity or failure. It says "look how malnourished and under-developed we are...look at the spiritual junk food we're eating!"


Wow, but Ryan Adams (Sasha Stone's slave co-writer) RIPS him in the comment section. LMAO @ Laser Cats bashing.

You do what you do, Jeff. Keep posting today's big news about Laser Cats and weekly headlines about loud girls who sit at tables too close to you.

That the stuff that matters to you, but not to me. Though I usually don't feel prodded into being an ass about it.

Fact is, there are lots of people -- millions of people -- who realize that The Hunger Games is not on par with The Searchers, but we can still appreciate that it represents an effort far better than most every other movie in the $300-million club.

So some of us are happy to see a decent movie making money for a change. Whether or not everybody thinks it's a decent movie isn't my concern. I'm posting the news of its success for the people who do care. Those people exist. They might even outnumber the people who care about Laser Cats.

It took me longer to write my rationale here that it did to post this weekend's brief box-office report. But yeah, far more interesting angle you came up with: A special headline moaning about other headlines. Now there's a headline worth reading.

Looking for more "confirmation of a kind of cultural failure"? Look no further than Laser Cats or anything else on SNL. There are few things less meaningful or less interesting to me than sillyass filler clips from friggen SNL.

No big deal. Different things matter to different people. Now hop down off your saddle pony and tell me I'm a person of no depth or consequence.

Your big headline about what sort of headlines you like wasn't getting much attention, so I'm here to help out. Now that the intramural movie-site shit is sufficiently stirred, I'll head back to mind my own business.

Edited by rockNrollaDIM
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That LexG roundtable video was hil-fucking-larious.Now imagine a BKB vs. Cochofles sparring session about The Avengers, with LexG providing commentary (and crude drawings of the participants). That shit might win the Internet.

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I wouldn't lump Drew McWeeny in with the others. Yeah, he may be a geek and he may be lenient to some films but I enjoy his writing and he seems to be pretty level-headed.Faraci's a self-absorbed douche, but he occasionally makes good points.Knowles and Wells are like the extremist versions of those two perspectives.

Yeah Drew is the only blogger I read these days. Faraci I read once and that was enough. Wells I've never read. And Knowles I haven't read in years.
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