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Wells has unblocked LexG, who has made his return.

That was bound to happen because LexG is the best thing about that site. Jeff`s nothing without him.Does anyone remember that retarded blog Diaries of an Angry Hobbit Girl from Crone`s site that was running during the Shriekapoo Oscar campaign? Anyway, the stupid bitch behind the blog (not Crone to my knowledge, a different blogger) wrote a rant after the clean sweep that NL fucked up nominations because they didn`t push Shitto for supporting actress. Lmao! She went to explain that if Shitto got the nomination, she would win (??????) and Shriekapoo would have record breaking 12 wins instead of tie-breaking 11. So I wrote back and said straight up that she was dellusional cause Shitto was horrible and no precursor bothered to nominate her and no critics ever suggested she was worthy. The bitcxh ttolaly freaked out! She wa slike, I didn`t expect this kind of reaction. The blog was dissolved right away never to reapear again. I`m wondering if it`ll rear its ugly head come end of the year.
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That's pretty insane -- people just don't think rationally at all. I frequented a fair number of LOTR boards back in the day, and I don't remember anyone even from them hoping/thinking Otto would or should get a nom. The three candidates always were McKellan, Serkis, or Astin.

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I don`t know what Crone was thinking when she allowed that shit on her site. I guess she was whoring for hits cause she wasn`t big on LOTR up until Shriekapoo when her "faux Xena meets faux Lisbeth meets any real 50+ years old washed up street worker" persona got the better of her and she proclaimed that Shitto stole the movie!? Lol, how exactly? By baring her Mouth of Sauron fangs for about 5 minutes out of 15 minute screen time? Than 2 years later, she went on to champion KK for best picture. :lol: :lol: :lol:LexG`s love letter to Matt McConaughay(sp?) is divine. :wub:

Edited by fishnets
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She had that one embarrassing moment of Shitto love but otherwise she didn`t support LOTR.However, if any of TH movies gets a serious nom (BP+BD) or forbid wins, I`m gonna join The Pomp`s meldown on his site. He`s already said that TH must not win and I agree. Enough is fuckin enough.

Edited by fishnets
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It's kinda funny how Wells is very iffy about even thinking of liking The Avengers now that he knows Robert Downey Jr. is a Republican.

That just shows that Jeff has ZERO credibility. What does political oreintation has to do with the quality of the movie and acting? Borelando is a left-wing so he`s now better actor than RDJ? Fuck that attitude!Anyway, he called the kid singing the anthem in TDKR trailer an eunuch. :lol: Edited by fishnets
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Meow! Sasha hasn't responded yet, but her lapdog did and he ain't havin it:

RyanAdams says ...

"I take all this back is Sasha is getting paid big by Disney to put that headline up."

Just want to point out, Gabe's typo: "is" should be "if"

And Gabe, you ought to know better. That's a crude thing to say. Disgusting thing to write about an associate. Even to snidely suggest it as a possibility. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.

Jeff, you should be smarter too.

It's no worse for Sasha to simply "consider" a popcorn movie for BP than it is for you to summarily "dismiss" populist fluff. We've all seen your grandiose decrees proven wrong before.

Wake up, you silly snots. Look at Oscar history. Mediocre movies get BP nominations all the time.

The Blind Side was a complete piece of shit that only got a BP nomination because it was hugely successful.

The Greatest Show on Earth. The Towering Inferno. Avatar. Wow. The Avengers is a better film than all those. The list of insubstantial pop sensations that became Oscar nominees goes back 80 years and will extend 80 years in the future.

You big tough guys peering through your prissy little monocles. Hilarious. Might be amusing if you weren't such pricks about it.

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Whenever I try to translate the rhetoric of most Oscar bloggers, it usually comes out like this:


If you loved The King's Speech, don't tell any of them. It will disprove their theory that the only people who even liked it were evil old Academy fogies sitting in a room cooking up wicked schemes to rob David Fincher of one of the fifty Oscars that should be on his shelf. (And bear in mind this statement comes from someone whose favorite movie of that year was, in fact, The Social Network.)

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So Wells has been a particular spoiler bitch the past few weeks. He ruined the Peggy/Joan episode of Mad Men for me a couple weeks ago, so I avoided his site/Twitter since then. I went back tonight and saw that he also blatantly spoiled the "Lane" episode last week too- right in the title, first sentence, with picture... he doesn't even discuss the god damn episode in the blog. Just posts the spoiler as the headline and writes a paragraph justifying why that's ok for him to do. What a fucking twat. Glad I avoided that.http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2012/06/turn_me_on_dead_1.php

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I'm on full Wells isolation mode until I see TDKR because I am 100% sure he will spoil the ending in the title of a blog post or post some still above the cut that spoils something huge. It's Well's nature, he can't resist being the spoil troll.

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