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Results and Standings (Fake increases lead, Cedar jumps, 24lost solidifies)

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I read the tips thread but did not think it necessary to read every single reply since people had individual questions. I didn't even find that question ambiguous. I'm cool if you keep it as "the next top 5," but as the question is worded it really does refer to #3-5.EDIT: Looking at my preseason predictions I would have pretty easily answered "No" had the question been worded differently.

Edited by Sims
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But it was never supposed to be 3-5, that's pretty much impossible unless you thought Brave or Spiderman had a chance at 400 and the other two films had a chance at 300.

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But it was never supposed to be 3-5, that's pretty much impossible unless you thought Brave or Spiderman had a chance at 400 and the other two films had a chance at 300.

True and when you think it through it makes perfect sense but a casual reading of the question says otherwise. I am fine getting it wrong, I didn't take the time to fully read/understand the question before I answered it and therefore I am responsible for my answer but its easy to see where others might be upset.
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01) Fake: 477,500...

02) baumer: 447,000...

03) infamous: 436,000...

04) 24lost: 434,500...

05) xenozodiac: 433,000..

06) iceroll: 430,000.

07) Goffe: 430,000...

08) ariadne 417,000....

09) Narniadis: 413,000....

10) movieman: 407,000...

11) Alfred: 398,500...

12) Cedar: 397,500...

13) jake gittes: 394,000...

14) laguy: 393,000...

15) cjohn: 391,500...

16) Tyler Durden: 391,500....

17) johnnY: 391,500..

18) chewy: 385,000...

19) sims: 378,000....

20) Tower: 370,000....

21) junkshop: 355,000...

22) Michael G. Scott: 355.000...

23) shawnmr: 352,500....

24) hallowed prince: 344,000...

25) adim: 342,500..

26) phillip: 326,000...

27) Dav: 325,500...

28) acsc: 324,500...

29) townzy: 322,500...

30) bed005: 313,500....

31) Dexter of Suburbia: 309,000...

32) Gizmo: 305,000

33) sixteen: 285,500....

34) kayumanggi: 284,000...

35) AA: 282,500..

36) spaghetti: 276,000

37) empirestrikesback: 255,000...

38) tawasal: 235,000...

39) crusader: 225,000

40) Bk007: 175,000

41) olive: 181,000...

42) Dar: 151,000

43) The dark Zombie: 161,000

44) jajang: 137,000

45) jamesford: 140,000

46) KDS: 72,000

47) vanilla: 62,000

48) lilmac: 12,000

49) Katy Perry: 2,000

50) Totem: -23,000

51) Neo: -5,000

52) Gopher: -5,000

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But it was never supposed to be 3-5, that's pretty much impossible unless you thought Brave or Spiderman had a chance at 400 and the other two films had a chance at 300.

It wasn't impossible at all though B. Check out my post on the previous page. If you look at average predictions when the game started it's completely reasonable to think it could have been very close for some people since the range was about 750-850 for most people's 3-5 films and 850-900 for TDKR and TA. No one expected TA to do anywhere near what it did. I actually think it seemed more impossible for them to outgross spots 3-7 cause people would've had to predict that TA and TDKR were gonna make a combined 1.1b+ and no one did at the beginning of the game.
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It wasn't impossible at all though B. Check out my post on the previous page. If you look at average predictions when the game started it's completely reasonable to think it could have been very close for some people since the range was about 750-850 for most people's 3-5 films and 850-900 for TDKR and TA. No one expected TA to do anywhere near what it did. I actually think it seemed more impossible for them to outgross spots 3-7 cause people would've had to predict that TA and TDKR were gonna make a combined 1.1b+ and no one did at the beginning of the game.

That's what I was thinking as well.
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01) Fake: 477,500...

02) baumer: 447,000...

03) infamous: 436,000...

04) 24lost: 434,500...

05) xenozodiac: 433,000..

06) iceroll: 430,000.

07) Goffe: 430,000...

08) ariadne 417,000....

09) Narniadis: 413,000....

10) movieman: 407,000...

11) Alfred: 398,500...

12) Cedar: 397,500...

13) jake gittes: 394,000...

14) laguy: 393,000...

15) cjohn: 391,500...

16) Tyler Durden: 391,500....

17) johnnY: 391,500..

18) chewy: 385,000...

19) sims: 378,000....

20) Tower: 370,000....

21) junkshop: 355,000...

22) Michael G. Scott: 355.000...

23) shawnmr: 352,500....

24) hallowed prince: 344,000...

25) adim: 342,500..

26) phillip: 326,000...

27) Dav: 325,500...

28) acsc: 324,500...

29) townzy: 322,500...

30) bed005: 313,500....

31) Dexter of Suburbia: 309,000...

32) Gizmo: 305,000

33) sixteen: 285,500....

34) kayumanggi: 284,000...

35) AA: 282,500..

36) spaghetti: 276,000

37) empirestrikesback: 255,000...

38) tawasal: 235,000...

39) crusader: 225,000

40) Bk007: 175,000

41) olive: 181,000...

42) Dar: 151,000

43) The dark Zombie: 161,000

44) jajang: 137,000

45) jamesford: 140,000

46) KDS: 72,000

47) vanilla: 62,000

48) lilmac: 12,000

49) Katy Perry: 2,000

50) Totem: -23,000

51) Neo: -5,000

52) Gopher: -5,000

Which question was scored and added in this?

Edit: Oh! makeup questions.....

Edited by Fake
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I put IA4 at #2 internationally this week, but Ted is putting up quite a fight.I won't be surprised if Ted pulls an upset, especially since China numbers tend to get underreported with estimates.Both should get 30-35M weekend.

IA4 - 32.8MTed - 32MNearly an upset. :)
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So now it looks like there is a chance that a film will gross 85 mill in the UK. TDKR had a 6 mill weekend for 63 mill total. 22 mill is not likely but it can't be ruled out either. We'll have to wait a bit for that one to play out.

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What will Spiderman make by the end of the game? There is no abstaining1) More than 230 mill. 30002) More than 240 mill. 40003) More than 250 mill. 60004) More than 265 mill. 80005) More than 280 mill. 10,0006) More than 300 mill. 13,0007) Less than 230 mill. 15,000If you are wrong on choices 1-3, you lose 5000 points.If you are wrong on choices 4-5, you lose 7000 points.If you are wrong on choices 6-7, you lose 9000 pointsInfamous: -7000sixteen: -9000ariadne: 6000baumer: 4000goffe: 4000tawasal: 6000MGS: 4000narnia: 4000cedar: 6000olive: 6000acsc: 600024lost: 6000movieman: 4000fake: 6000iceroll: 6000kayumanggi: -7000darkalfred: 6000johnnY: 6000sims: 6000laguy: 6000tylerdurden: -7000dav: 6000bed005: 6000phillip: 6000chewy: -7000xeno: 6000hallowedprince: -7000townzy: -7000shawn: -7000tower: 6000gizmo: 6000junkshop: 6000jakegittes: 6000cjohn: 4000

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Standings (not in order) after SOTM 8:01) Fake: 483,500...02) baumer: 451,000...03) infamous: 429,000...04) 24lost: 440,500...05) xenozodiac: 439,000..06) iceroll: 436,000.07) Goffe: 434,000...08) ariadne 423,000....09) Narniadis: 417,000....10) movieman: 411,000...11) Alfred: 404,500...12) Cedar: 403,500...13) jake gittes: 400,000...14) laguy: 399,000...15) cjohn: 395,500...16) Tyler Durden: 384,500....17) johnnY: 397,500..18) chewy: 378,000...19) sims: 384,000....20) Tower: 376,000....21) junkshop: 361,000...22) Michael G. Scott: 359.000...23) shawnmr: 345,500....24) hallowed prince: 337,000...25) adim: 342,500..26) phillip: 332,000...27) Dav: 331,500...28) acsc: 330,500...29) townzy: 315,500...30) bed005: 319,500....31) Dexter of Suburbia: 309,000...32) Gizmo: 311,00033) sixteen: 276,500....34) kayumanggi: 277,000...35) AA: 282,500..36) spaghetti: 276,00037) empirestrikesback: 255,000...38) tawasal: 241,000...39) crusader: 225,00040) Bk007: 175,00041) olive: 187,000...42) Dar: 151,00043) The dark Zombie: 161,00044) jajang: 137,00045) jamesford: 140,00046) KDS: 72,00047) vanilla: 62,00048) lilmac: 12,00049) Katy Perry: 2,00050) Totem: -23,00051) Neo: -5,00052) Gopher: -5,000

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All questions worth 1000 points UOS:

1) Will Diary of a Wimpy Kid open to more than 22.9 mill? 2000 NO

2) Will Total Recall open to more than 25 mill? 2000 YES

3) Will either of these two films have an increase on Saturday? YES

4) Will both films have an increase on Saturday? NO

5) Will TDKR finish number one? YES

6) Will TDKR fall less than 50%? YES

7) Will TDKR have one of the three best Friday increases in the top 12? YES

8) Will any film have a Saturday bump of more than 43%? YES

9) Will THG finish higher than The Avengers? YES

10) Will The Watch have a better drop than Step Up? YES

11) Will Moonrise finish within 5.2 mill of The Watch? NO

12) Will Ted make more than Step Up? NO

10/12 3000

11/12 4000

12/12 7000

Bonus 1: What will be the combined Friday gross of Wimpy and Recall? 4000

Bonus 2: What will the combined weekend gross be of THG, The Avengers and Brave: 4000

Bonus 3: Internationaly, what films finish in spots:

2 IA4


5 MAD3

2000 each 3000 bonus if all three are correct.

Bonus 4: Domestically, what films finish in spots:




4 IA4



2000 each 7000 bonus if all 6 are correct.

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GOFFE: 18,000OLIVE: 33,000ARIADNE: 27,000CEDAR: 21,000MOVIEMAN: 34,000MGS: 20,000+0 FOR INDIVIDSINFAMOUS: 22,000JUNKSHOP: 33,000+0 FOR INDIVIDSHALLOWEDPRINCE: 19,000+0 FOR INDIVIDSPHILLIP: 19,000XENO: 16,000SIMS: 21,000BAUMER: 33,000GIZMO: 20,000CHEWY: 20,000+10,000 FOR INDIVIDS: 30,000DEXTER: 21,000SIXTEEN: 28,000TYLER: 20,00024LOST: 31,000CJOHN: 21,000ICEROLL: 27,000TOWER: 28,000BED: 28,000JOHNNY: 31,000NARNIA: 18,000JAKEGITTES: 38,000LAGUY: 34,000FAKE: 43,000!! WAY TO GO!ACSC: 22,000

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