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JAPAN BOX OFFICE | Demon Slayer breaks all time record for OW

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So Avatar made $23M (2.3B Yen) after its video release. I would say Frozen is just as popular as Avatar in Japan or even more so.In order for Frozen to beat SA in yen, it HAS to reach about 29.0 billion yen (2.3B yen would be added in the days after the video release) in the next 7 weeks. It's about 19.85B yen right now. $100M in 7 weeks. Is that impossible?


This reminds me of Frozen barely reaching 400M DOM. Disney sabotaging the movie with the early dvd release date, and almost stopped it from the milestone that was once a sure thing. <_<

Edited by Mojoguy
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Yeah, the DVD is being released in July afterall. I think they were late in confirming the date because now some might skip it in theaters and wait for the DVD (especially the repeat viewers). I suppose we'll see if this is true if there's a noticeable change in its weekly increases/decreases.I mean, July is the perfect time to release a DVD, but the July 19-20 weekend is when it's going to suffer a massive drop. It still has 7 weeks until that point, though, which is enough time to overtake Titanic and become the #2 film of all-time.

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Could it be that Disney wants to release Frozen dvd early in Japan, so it doesn't take attention away from Maleficent and Big Hero 6 in theaters?


Big mistake. Maleficent will be making chump change compared to Frozen. BH6 isn't coming out until late December in Japan. Disney needs to realize that Frozen will very likely be the biggest thing they will ever have in Japan for a very long time, and they SHOULD be trying to ride out this hype train for as long as possible instead of killing it with an early dvd release.


Frozen was the perfect storm that can't be replicated. Pixar is going to bounce back, after realized how much they wasted everyone's time these last 3 years, and Disney will have to play catch up again. I see NONE of Disney's animated movies in the next 10 years getting anyway near Frozen's boxoffice. :ph34r:

Edited by Mojoguy
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In order for Frozen to beat SA in yen, it HAS to reach about 29.0 billion yen (2.3B yen would be added in the days after the video release) in the next 7 weeks. It's about 19.85B yen right now. $100M in 7 weeks. Is that impossible?

it likes to hold above 13m lately. It could average 10m a week until then if the dvd announcement doesn't curtail movie going. Y'all need to write them. Maybe they wake up and smell the catfood.http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/contact-us/corporate-communicationsIf they hear from several people they may take notice. Edited by T E Lawrence
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JUST delaying the dvd release by 2 months would GREATLY increases Frozen's chance at beating SA in yen. That seems like a nobrainer.


Does Disney have a weird agreement with Japan to release Frozen on video by a certain date or something? Is this a HUGE conspiracy to keep Spirited Away the top movie in Japan, and not let some American movie taken first pace? :angry:

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Xmen off to a fast start. Part of me is rooting for it to win the day. I think frozen only lost one day in its run to conan. *1 **1680 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ… *2 **1122 アナと雪の女王 *3 ***478 青天の霹靂 *4 ***186 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ *5 ***157 MONSTERZ モンスターズ *6 ***150 相棒-劇場版Ⅲ- *7 ***144 コジファントゥッテ MET *8 ***139 マンデラ 自由への長い道 *9 ***134 モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ 10 ***129 ぼくたちの家族

Edited by T E Lawrence
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Frozen may have one song that's better than all of the Aladdin songs...


On the contrary, while I love "For the First Time In Forever" and "Let It Go" quite a lot, "A Whole New World" remains my all-time favorite Disney song. That might not always be case if Disney keeps pumping out more great Broadway-style musical films like The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, and Frozen... but as of right now, "A Whole New World" claims the top spot for me.



Could it be that Disney wants to release Frozen dvd early in Japan, so it doesn't take attention away from Maleficent and Big Hero 6 in theaters?


It's probably the same issue as with the domestic Blu-ray/DVD release. Even though the domestic release wasn't officially announced until early January, the Blu-ray community knew about the March 18th street date since at least early December. Not only was the timing consistent with previous WDAS November films, but a Blu-ray/DVD release requires so much planning and coordination that the wheels had to have started turning on production by December or November or even before the actual theatrical release.


Some people ask, well, why can't they just delay the release and hold onto the discs until a later date? It's because a delay could be extremely costly. No one could have predicted Frozen's success and "legs" back in November or December, but that's when they start producing marketing materials with the still-unannounced release date, materials that are used throughout the country's retail stores, on billboards, in print and broadcast ads, and so on. In addition, that's when cross-promotional deals are made with other companies in order to coordinate commercials, licensed products, etc. to coincide with the Blu-ray/DVD launch. Synergy and stuff.


I imagine it was a similar situation in Japan. Most of the marketing materials and coordinated planning and promotion were set long before the Japanese theatrical release, probably even before it became a bonafide phenomenon in other parts of the world. They set the release for the same weekend they've used for previous WDAS releases, and thought nothing of it. But when the film became a huge hit, I imagine they thought, "Well crap, now we've got a dilemma. Costly delay, or lose out on box office?" and at the very least decided to hold off on confirming the Blu-ray/DVD release for as long as possible to milk the box office sales for as much as they could.

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it likes to hold above 13m lately. It could average 10m a week until then if the dvd announcement doesn't curtail movie going. Y'all need to write them. Maybe they wake up and smell the catfood.


If they hear from several people they may take notice.


Thanks for the link mfantin. I decided to write them just a brief plea but hopefully if enough of us box office enthusiasts unite Disney may take action. Here's what I said btw:


As an avid fan of Disney movies who loves to see such a respectable company reap the financial gains off of such great products, it saddens me that Disney is releasing Frozen on DVD in Japan so quickly. The movie has been absolutely killing it there and it has a real chance of passing Spirited Away to become the all time highest grosser in that country. Furthermore, it could even supplant Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on the all-time #4 spot worldwide. Please let the global phenomenon that is Frozen run its natural course!

Edited by Kingslayer
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It's probably the same issue as with the domestic Blu-ray/DVD release. Even though the domestic release wasn't officially announced until early January, the Blu-ray community knew about the March 18th street date since at least early December. Not only was the timing consistent with previous WDAS November films, but a Blu-ray/DVD release requires so much planning and coordination that the wheels had to have started turning on production by December or November or even before the actual theatrical release.

Oh, I know about the idiotic early March dvd release dates that Disney has been having these last few years. They did it with Tangled and Ralph too, but I always thought it was way too short window between November theater release and video release. 

Some people ask, well, why can't they just delay the release and hold onto the discs until a later date? It's because a delay could be extremely costly. No one could have predicted Frozen's success and "legs" back in November or December, but that's when they start producing marketing materials with the still-unannounced release date, materials that are used throughout the country's retail stores, on billboards, in print and broadcast ads, and so on. In addition, that's when cross-promotional deals are made with other companies in order to coordinate commercials, licensed products, etc. to coincide with the Blu-ray/DVD launch. Synergy and stuff.


Just how much does it cost to print out a new poster with a new date?


Tie ins? There are ZERO Frozen toys out on store shelves when the dvd was released. Everything Frozen merchandise related is nearly impossible to find. Elsa dolls have been sold out for months. It seems to me it would have made sense to delay it until July, when it will apparently take that long to restock the toys in stores.



I imagine it was a similar situation in Japan. Most of the marketing materials and coordinated planning and promotion were set long before the Japanese theatrical release, probably even before it became a bonafide phenomenon in other parts of the world. They set the release for the same weekend they've used for previous WDAS releases, and thought nothing of it. But when the film became a huge hit, I imagine they thought, "Well crap, now we've got a dilemma. Costly delay, or lose out on box office?" and at the very least decided to hold off on confirming the Blu-ray/DVD release for as long as possible to milk the box office sales for as much as they could.

But they had way more time with Japan. It was the absolute last country to get Frozen. I just find it really hard that Disney couldn't adjust the video release after seeing Frozen take off so much everywhere else for so long. If I was Disney I would do the costly delay, since I doubt I would be getting anything like Frozen in the next few years. :wacko:

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Xmen off to a fast start. Part of me is rooting for it to win the day. I think frozen only lost one day in its run to conan.

 *1 **1680 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ…

 *2 **1122 アナと雪の女王

 *3 ***478 青天の霹靂

 *4 ***186 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ

 *5 ***157 MONSTERZ モンスターズ

 *6 ***150 相棒-劇場版Ⅲ-

 *7 ***144 コジファントゥッテ MET

 *8 ***139 マンデラ 自由への長い道

 *9 ***134 モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ

 10 ***129 ぼくたちの家族

[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
 *1 **1706 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ…
 *2 **1417 アナと雪の女王
 *3 ***551 青天の霹靂
 *4 ***253 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ
The difference is shortened.
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How do rentals work in Japan? Are Disney even getting much from Frozen at this point? Surely by mid July it'll be even less. In that case a HV release then would make sense.

Edited by lab276
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[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
 *1 **1818 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ…
 *2 **1806 Frozen
 *3 ***720  Bolt from the blue
xmen is likely to be overtaken by Frozen today,...
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Frozen has been number 1 for 11 weekends now in Japan. The 11th weekend barely dropped from the 1st weekend. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=intl&country=JP&id=frozen2013.htm

The theatres will be getting at least 50% of that. They will have got significantly more in the first weekend than in the 11th, if rentals work how I think they do.
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It needs 22566 to match last friday. 36 updates at 625 each. I tracked it a couple of times. It actually tallies a consistent amount per 20m throughout the day to be able to predict a total.only 400 since last period but it gradually increases as afternoon and evening approaches. Xmen stopped in its tracks.  *1 **1818 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ… *2 **1806 アナと雪の女王over taken more like in 10m

Edited by T E Lawrence
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The theatres will be getting at least 50% of that. They will have got significantly more in the first weekend than in the 11th, if rentals work how I think they do.

Money is money. It is in the best interests of both Disney and the Japanese movie theaters to keep Frozen in theaters for as long as possible with how well the movie has been doing. ;)

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