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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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12 hours ago, Olive said:

Tuesday Est
Book of Love  - 43.5m/483M  
The Jungle Book - 10M/914M 


TJB slowed down after holiday ,1B is dead.:locked::ca:

10m was expected. Right in line with the lock. Will have 7% of shows on friday. More than enough to do 8m/20m17m




Care to wager $10 again?

Edited by No Prisoners
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13 hours ago, Olive said:

Tuesday Est
Book of Love  - 43.5m/483M  
The Jungle Book - 10M/914M 


TJB slowed down after holiday ,1B is dead.

Book of Love is having a good hold. Sadly, CA3 comes out this Friday!

Anyway, the director will successfully hold biggest female director record (beating Zhao Wei's So Young) & highest grossing romantic movie record. 


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15 minutes ago, Olive said:

Stellar cinemas (7% market share) may not be able to show CA3 due to a dispute of participation in BO.

Just the same case as BVS.


Lets hope they work it out

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    OW Total     OW Total
1 druv10 850.0 2300.0   druv10 850.0 2300.0
2 bluebomb 825.0 2030.0   leatherjacket 780.0 2250.0
3 jiangsen 815.0 2050.0   TigerPaw 750.0 2150.0
4 Jack 798.0 1985.0   jiangsen 815.0 2050.0
5 leatherjacket 780.0 2250.0   bluebomb 825.0 2030.0
6 Pypa94 770.0 1870.0   Jack 798.0 1985.0
7 TallismanRing 765.0 1900.0   Asyulus 684.0 1920.0
8 No Prisoners 760.4 1815.5   TallismanRing 765.0 1900.0
9 Cynosure 755.0 1780.0   Pypa94 770.0 1870.0
10 TigerPaw 750.0 2150.0   Ent 695.0 1850.0
11 Olive 745.0 1740.0   No Prisoners 760.4 1815.5
12 Infernus 740.0 1800.0   Infernus 740.0 1800.0
13 Wrathof Han 720.0 1745.4   Cynosure 755.0 1780.0
14 pepsa 700.0 1600.0   Wrathof Han 720.0 1745.4
15 Ent 695.0 1850.0   Olive 745.0 1740.0
16 eXtacy 690.0 1730.0   eXtacy 690.0 1730.0
17 fmpro 690.0 1650.0   fastclock 671.0 1679.0
18 Asyulus 684.0 1920.0   Imojammaer 675.0 1650.0
19 abra 680.0 1350.0   fmpro 690.0 1650.0
20 Imojammaer 675.0 1650.0   pepsa 700.0 1600.0
21 fastclock 671.0 1679.0   peludo 640.0 1550.0
22 peludo 640.0 1550.0   cannastop 625.0 1450.0
23 cannastop 625.0 1450.0   Omni 550.0 1400.0
24 Omni 550.0 1400.0   abra 680.0 1350.0
  Average 723.9 1801.9   Average 723.9 1801.9


I meant to lower mine a bit. I forgot my own deadline:bash:

but I'm right above the average.


Im starting to think it does AOU numbers. 650/1445



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2 hours ago, fmpro said:



presales are not that hot?

Not as hot as I thought.

Still ahead of SW7, but looking at other markets it close to in line with AOU.  Being with in 10% of AOU is a safer bet at this point.  

The mob is fickle. The big breakout is hard to come by.


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EP7 increased its midnights * 3,75 in the last 24hours and did 12-13 times that midnight number on OD

BVS increased its midnights * 2,5 in the last 24hours and did 13 times that midnight number on OD


Useing EP7 multipliers were looking at 24 mill midnight and 300 mill OD

Useing BvS multipliers were looking at 16 mill midnight and 210 mill OD

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12 hours ago, Fake said:

The Jungle Book keeping 6% showtimes on Friday.... I reckon it still has got a shot at 1B.


Needs to get at least 7M on Friday though.

Olive said CA should have 55-60% of shows, it's at 65%. They are still adjusting. TJB at 6.2%, maybe it gets to 7% then 9-10% on Saturday.

Presales look like crap for friday, 1/4 of BoL which reflects the week day ratio of the two. BoL is just 33% ahead on Saturday. It will probably have 200% increase on Saturday. 7m would be good.  7/21/17 for FSS. Taking the total up to 975m. If so, 25m will definitely happen in final 7 days. 

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15 hours ago, fmpro said:

EP7 increased its midnights * 3,75 in the last 24hours and did 12-13 times that midnight number on OD

BVS increased its midnights * 2,5 in the last 24hours and did 13 times that midnight number on OD


Useing EP7 multipliers were looking at 24 mill midnight and 300 mill OD

Useing BvS multipliers were looking at 16 mill midnight and 210 mill OD

EP7 had a last minute rush for discount tix 

It's pacing lower than BvS Multi.


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1 hour ago, No Prisoners said:

EP7 had a last minute rush for discount tix 

It's pacing lower than BvS Multi.



I would be very disapointed if it opend under BvS

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