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"Teared up after about 10 of the 30 minutes they showed from BRAVE. Mothers and daughters, Pixar finally seems to be telling our story."

Wow, I didn't expect any tearing up scenes from anything we've seen so far, so that's certainly a good sign. Then again I wonder if it's a good sign for male appeal. Maybe this movie is going to target mother/daughters too much.

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There they go hooking you with a great first act then inevitably disappointing you with the crappy rest of the movie.


(For the record I am kidding; though I did want to get in front of the obligatory comments that will be along the same lines...)

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There they go hooking you with a great first act then inevitably disappointing you with the crappy rest of the movie.


(For the record I am kidding; though I did want to get in front of the obligatory comments that will be along the same lines...)

Except that article didn't even sound overly enthusiastic about the first act. If anything they raved the most about the animation than anything else. They just said Merida was "likable enough" but no Wall-e or Nemo.

Edited by MovieMan89
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Well, the two trailers they played right before it were Madagascar and Katy Perry, so of course it shined by comparison. :lol:

It begins with Merida's voiceover quickly introducing her family and the conflict with her mom. There's a really hilarious scene between Elinor and Fergus where Fergus tries to imitate Merida's complaining. They also hint at the "curse" that apparently threatens a war among the clans.

The last 30 seconds are similar to that ad that played during the Oscars with the same music. There's also text that says "From the creators of Wall-E, Toy Story 3 and Up" and some tagline involving "family" but I can't remember what it was exactly.

Edited by tribefan695
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Well, I'd hate to raise your expectations too high (because it seems like someone's always disappointed by any trailer), but if you're looking for it to lay out the story, I think it does that far better than the November trailer. It focuses far more on the family dynamics that are allegedly the actual plot.

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Well, I'd hate to raise your expectations too high (because it seems like someone's always disappointed by any trailer), but if you're looking for it to lay out the story, I think it does that far better than the November trailer. It focuses far more on the family dynamics that are allegedly the actual plot.

Cool, that sounds promising.

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