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Oz The Great and Powerful


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Well, after today I can say that I'm not a fan of the 'Oz' 'franchise'. A total mixed bag of a movie, some good parts, some awful parts, some funny parts. If it wasn't for those unexpectedly hilarious parts, it would have been bad, like this it's simply mediocre.




Also, the Wicked Witch is probably the most ineffective villain ever. She literally can't kill anyone and I don't know why everyone is so afraid of her. Well, it doesn't help that Kunis sucks here but still, she couldn't even touch a helpless girl in Wizard and got killed by the magical power of... uh, water :blink:

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Just saw this last night:


So obviously The Wizard of Oz is a classic and could never be topped (unless something out of this world happened), that's just a given. I went in to see this directors take on what happened prior to Dorothy going and seeing if things meshed up right. Sigh........and for the most part I don't think it did. First off, I hate hate hate hate the CGI in this. I think there were very parts in few that I liked it, mostly from the China doll (she actually did look really good). Other than that the CGI just looked bad, really fake. Story wise, I feel like there were holes. I think Theodore turning into the wicked west was WAY too fast and really made no sense why she was so upset in the first place. Evenora (sp?) her older sister showed Oz with Glinda through the ball.......umm......okay aaaaaaand? So what?! Were they kissing? No. Were they fucking? No. Were they even hugging? No. So it made no sense for her to just assume that he lied and was cheating on her (though her did somewhat indirectly lie to her about his feelings). It just felt so forced to me, and kind of annoyed that they really want me to believe that the origin of how the wicked witch of the west came from something so trivial and low, yeah nope. Sorry. Kind of stupid. Glinda I didn't really feel at all, she looked nothing like Glinda from the first and even the whole Glinda and Oz romance felt absolutely weird. Ummm.....refresh my memory but when did Glinda and the wizard in the original ever hook up or remotely seem like a couple? Oh yeah, that would be NEVER. I get it. It's hollywood, they clearly feel like a big romantic couple is always needed, but in that way? No, it just didn't make any sense. Perhaps if they instead decided to rev up the romance between Oz and Theodore more, and really build depth between those two characters (I mean how long did they see each other for? 24? I mean really), then not only would you have the romance you wanted but also a great beautiful bittersweet tragedy of the two falling apart by whatever means and getting more from Theodora's perspective of why she would resent him so much.


There really wasn't much that I liked in this, it had some moments, I think my favorite part being when Oz fixed the China doll's legs (obviously a symbol for the beginning of the movie with the handicap girl). Overall I'd give this a 5/10, it isn't the worst movie in the world but it's nowhere near good and it's borderline 'okay', and a C- grade.

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