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Alpha's Reviews: Year 7 (Top 25 Finished)

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Well, next week we also had a pretty good film. This film is...


17. Amulet


Silly me, that's myself! Well, at least I provided you guys with some nice entertainment. The budget was too low, yes, which allowed for on-par animation, but that should be fixed with Amulet 2.

Edited by Victorious Iron Alpha
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Coming up next on August 4, what shocked and appalled audiences at the first CAYOM Festival, this grotesque movie was...


13. Innocense


Well I'll be damned. This movie was horrific. It was gross. Well, I wasn't over the top, really. Because this happens almost every day, not even in the United States, but countries in the Middle East and Europe. It's not a horror movie, but it sure is scary because it could happen to anyone.

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And coming out August 18, this movie was...


11. Seeing Her


Definitely the most underrated movie of the year. It's a heartbreaking drama, past the sci-fi elements, and the acting is brilliant. The film gives you a very sad outlook on things like loss. It's not getting much attention, but it's a great movie that will be on my Oscar ballot.

Edited by Victorious Iron Alpha
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Coming out Labor Day weekend, a.k.a. September 1, this movie is...


HM. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - The Return of Queen Chrysalis, Part 2


I can't believe this is even on my Honorable Mentions list. Or any list. I'm beginning to get brony tendencies, but that's not the reason this movie is on this list. It's really because it's a good family movie, and faithful to it's source material.

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11. Seeing Her

12. Walking With You

13. Innocense

16. The 39 Clues: The Maze Of Bones

17. Amulet

19. Top Gear Adventures: Our 'Nam

20. Bone - Solstice

21. Miserable Fans

22. Spark 2: Ignition

23. Blank


HM. Frindle

HM. The Boy in the Watchtower

HM. LucIId

HM. The Scottsboro Boys

HM. The Blue Belt

HM. Justice League

HM. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The Return Of Queen Chrysalis, Part 2

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We left off at Labor Day weekend, and now marks the beginning of Oscar season. The next movie to appear on the list came out on October 6.


14. Heavy Rain


One of the longest films of the year, Heavy Rain reinforces the fact that CAYOM is very video game movie friendly. While at some points the films drags on for quite a while, it's still a thrill ride you won't wanna miss.

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Next up on Halloween weekend, or October 27, here comes...


HM. Amnesia: The Dark Descent


While it didn't do anything special with the video game, it didn't really have too, anyways. It's a creepy, atmospheric horror movie, probably better than the average Halloween movie.

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Next up we have...wait...TWO MOVIES? Yep. November 3 had two great movies. Even better, both made the Top 25. Even more better, one film (Searching for Mr. Watterson) just barely missed the mark foraying into the Honorable Mentions list. But we still have two. These two were...


15. Among The Hidden


A disturbing and unique sci-fi drama. Andrew Niccol adapts a book I've never even heard of impeccably, with top notch writing and some decent acting in there too.




25. The Storyteller


Yep, I never thought Tarsem Singh could make a good movie after Immortals, but apparently he can. A very heartwarming tale about how everyone needs knowledge. The elements of sci-fi and fantasy click and make a deep story.

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Next up on November 17, a big tentpole that both families and 60 year-old literary experts have been waiting for, is...


HM. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


A satisfying fantasy adaptation of the first book in the classic Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. There's nothing special about it, but the key is entertainment, and this movie succeeds on that level.

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Oh wait, another good movie on November 17. YAY! Let's see which one that is too!


18. Hollywood


A comedy about Hollywood. That's one reason I like it. Though really, the only thing this movie happens to be is the production of a movie, it has romantic comedy elements, which turn out to be funny and help save the movie from being utterly boring. Thank god!

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While there were a lot of good movies in the months of October-December, but unfortunately they cannot be disclosed at this time :ph34r:. So, with that, the final film on this 11-25 list, released December 15, is...


24. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time


It's a good mystery movie. Sam Mendes did the best he could do with the movie. Not much else to say, really.

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So with that, my 11-25 and HM list is done. Between now, and earlier tonight, I will give clues to my Top 10, which I will post in this same, well, post :lol:. Guessing will be closed once I announce it (I may catch you off-guard), and I will do a countdown from 10 to 1. Then, I will post the awards, given to players for things such as "Best Writer" or "Most Prolific" and such.


Here are my clues.


1. This film is rated R.

2. This film is a documentary.

3. This director has a lifetime gross of $150.2 million. On average, a film by this director makes $30 million for each film.

4. This film was released 65 days before New Year's Eve.

5. This franchise was supposed to end in Year 5, but continued on with crossovers.

6. An actor from this film starred alongside Nicholas Cage in a Disney film I will not disclose.

7. This film was planned for release originally on September 15.

8. This director's last film debuted to No. 15 on the box office charts.

9. An actor from this film starred alongside Kevin Bacon in a thriller by James Wan.

10. This director has been in a swarm of controversy for abusing actors on his past works.


Guess. Some are easy, some are hard.

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1. It could be The Rich & Famous

2. I don't know. Jazz: The Movie?  :unsure:

3. Extrasensory

4. A Woman In The Crowd

5. Chuck Norris & Liam Neeson Vs. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass

6. I have no idea...

7. The Terrible Plight Of Freddy Zapper

8. The Rise & Fall Of Julius Caesar

9. Risk Management

10. The Three Month Funeral

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And now, the conclusion to Alpha Reviews' Top 25 Countdown...




Going down from 10 to 1...beginning with...


10. The Three-Month Funeral

David O. Russell strikes magic again with The Three-Month Funeral. The black comedy, which closed the First Annual CAYOM Festival with a bang, and won the Best Film award at that festival, is the perfect blend of comedy and drama. A family struggling with a member's death doesn't always click with audiences, but this easily switches the situation around on a lighter. With funny subplots like the bond between a woman and her mother-in-law and the gay roommate relationship fill up the last holes in this funny, heartwarming film.


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9. Risk Management

A financial drama that works. Joel and Ethan Coen, once again continuing their streak of good films with Risk Management, get the best out of their actors and work with a top-notch script. The movie feels long at times, but the film works in every other department by providing us with a connectable story.

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8. The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar

I didn't love The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar as much as everyone else, but I still loved it. Aside from being a thoughtful and dramatic biopic of Julius Caesar's last few months, it has some of the most gorgeous scenery of the year. Everything in the technical aspect is perfect. Sets, costumes, cinematography, special effects, you name it. This movie has the best of the best.

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7. The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper

While it's not an Oscar contender in any sense of the matter, it sure is one of the best movies of year. Why do I say this? Well, for good reason. First off, the writing is funny and quirky. But foremost, it's a wonderful homage to the 50s. The era of cheesy science fiction movies that could be made for less than a million dollars. Everything in this movie is a throwback to the 50s, and it's done in a way that both old and new audiences can enjoy.

Edited by Victorious Iron Alpha
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6. Reality Shift

Ben Stiller makes the comedy of the year. It's funny and gross at the same time. Some of the things in this movie are disgusting and grotesque (someone crapping like crazy in a minefield, babies cutting each others heads off with swords), but it makes the experience all the more better. Everything in this movie makes you laugh out loud, making this not only the best comedy of the year, but one of the funniest comedies in recent memory.

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