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Everything posted by filmnerdjamie

  1. We knew it was coming though. Peele's brand has been a Bill of Goods after Get Out, and audiences took note.
  2. $68M is the officially listed budget, I believe. But those figures are quite often bullshit.
  3. Why would any actor want to take over playing the same version of Superman as Cavill when his take/films didn't work?
  4. Haven't the slightest idea why fans keep insisting Warners is in the wrong regarding Cavill. They most certainly are not. People vote with their wallets and Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League all failed to meet financial expectations nor were they received positively by audiences/critics. Cavill just never took off in the public's eyes as Superman, and he refused to come back unless he got paid the fee he felt he was owed. Hence how he bailed on the Shazam cameo at the zero hour. Sincerely hope fans finally clue in on the obvious and accept the reality that is staring them blankly in their faces. But... they won't.
  5. Peele, in effect, made an A24 horror film on Universal dime. One's mileage on that will vary. Me personally leaving the theater an hour ago... I fucking hated it. Have a hard time imagining word of mouth not causing this to crater. Hard.
  6. It was never realistically going to hit $70M+ after the divisive reaction to Us (outside of Lupita's performance) plus the straight-up negative reactions to The Twilight Zone revival he produced/headlined* and Hunters. Plus the very questionable marketing materials for Nope. This was destined for a fall comparative to Us. I won't lie. I had this as low as $35M. So I'd say anything $40M+ can be perceived/spun as a win. Barring good word of mouth which is very much up in the air. We're seeing it tonight and I can't wait. *By multiple accounts, he wasn't that involved creatively. But he most certainly was using his Get Out goodwill. One can't have it both ways. It's entirely fair to hold this against him.
  7. We bought our tickets the moment they were available (a month or so back?) That same screening (IMAX Friday 6:00 PM) only has four tickets sold as of today. Two of those are ours. Universal isn't treating this like a winner in the slightest and I've felt zero excitement. Compare to Get Out and Us, it's night and day.
  8. Ready Player One felt like Spielberg making one final hurrah in the sci-fi/fantasy/adventure genre that he defined so iconically from '75 to '93 (as both a director and producer). It absolutely worked for me. After The Fabelmans, I have a gut feeling he's going to retire.
  9. Only thing that annoys me about latter-era Spielberg is how critics/pundits will every-so-often say "HE'S STILL GOT IT, YOU GUYS!" Uh. He never lost it to begin with? Oh and I couldn't stand The Post.
  10. Several years back, my li'l niece (now age 14 - queue Saving Private Ryan aging gif) watched Jaws. She was absolutely mesmerized... until the shark appeared. That broke the reality and she could never come back. On the other hand, my sister showed her E.T. and that had her from start to finish.
  11. We get too hung up over differing opinions. Acting like someone's opposing taste in their entertainment (like their politics) is a war crime. We can agree to disagree without being childish about it. My three favorite films are Excalibur, Dawn of the Dead (1979) and The Wizard of Oz. If you don't like those, that's perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with that.
  12. Its funny. Elvis has been selling out on weeknights here. I know this because my best friend and his wife have been trying to go this week to no success. Don't have the heart to spoil it.
  13. Yeah something feels very off. Don't sense any excitement two weeks out compared to Us or even Get Out with it's glowing advanced word.
  14. Luhrmann said it isn't going there next month and the fact is this was always more of Kilar's baby. Zaslav clearly isn't as beholden to HBO Max.
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