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Everything posted by cheesypoofs

  1. Wish both films were bigger this weekend. Maybe we've just been spoiled the last couple of weeks with gangbusters for numbers lol I think Pikachu probably could've performed better with less competition. Like maybe back in February? As long as it's enough of a success for more movies though, I'll be happy. I really enjoyed the movie
  2. I really enjoyed this! By far my favorite live action video game film. Not that that was a very high bar to begin with, but still. I thought it was fun, charming, really enjoyed the world building. Felt like a complete story that lays groundwork for a franchise/universe. Definitely looking forward to more movies! I have nothing bad to say about this movie.
  3. I keep getting a gut feeling of 282m domestic
  4. So these are all in the same continuity right? I really hope so. And I don't want the last Knight to be left off on a cliffhanger. At least wrap that up. I don't care if they do more movies set in the 80s or on Cybertron. Just don't leave the cliffhanger from TLK and have them all in the same continuity of each other. That's really all I want.
  5. As long as they don't leave TLK on a cliffhanger. I would like that all the films are in the same continuity
  6. I really loved this film. I want sure about the first 20 minutes or so, but once Carol crashes through the Blockbuster, it really picks up from there.
  7. I just want a follow up to TLK so it doesn't end on a cliffhanger like that. TLK was my last favorite TF movie, I just don't want it to end on a cliffhanger
  8. I really liked the 2016 film. Would like this to see this be a crossover between the original films and the 2016 film.
  9. How is that "if lucky"? IW passed the mark. And I'm pretty sure a lot of people wanna know what happens next
  10. Only a small amount would translate to live action. Wall-E, Up, Incredibles, Brave, and maybe Coco. The rest would just be...weird. And even though Inside Out had its fair share of human characters, I just couldn't picture the emotions in live action. That's just.... No.
  11. 300m would be fantastic and I'd be happy for it, but I'm expecting more like 230m
  12. Even though I was only 9 at the time of the 2000 film, I still remember it being a phenomenon. This new film is doing very, very well, but definitely not on the same level. Especially if you adjust for inflation. I imagine this new film will get to 225m or so from it's ow. Definitely great.
  13. Not gonna lie, 35m was actually my gut feeling before Halloween steals is thunder. I just didn't know how likely that was
  14. It did its job as a teaser. It's not meant to be a full trailer. I'm liking what I'm seeing so far
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