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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. about last night has the best reviews by far of any of the valentines day weekend openers.
  2. LOL this. All my cousins ranged from like 4-12 have seen the Avengers. Isn't that the target audience for this film?
  3. LOL you live in New York and you think 10 inches is bad? I thought New Yorkers got a lot of snow? In Canada 10 inches is nothing
  4. LOL I seriously wouldn't take Grace Randoplh seriously. She passionately hate Frozen lol. She let's her bias show through everything.
  5. so will Frozen make more than The Hobbit WW?
  6. I don't think it's really a 3 horse race. I think it's a 2 way race between Gravity and 12 years a slave.
  7. I thought they had the same voting system as the Oscars how the hell can their be a tie? holy fuck this is an intense race.
  8. LOL at the people who think Leo has a chance. :rofl: Do you guys never learn? He's not going to win an oscar.
  9. I actually liked AH. And I would be happy if Jlaw won. I love her. I just think this year Lupita was better. And I wouldn't be mad if it won BP.
  10. Yeah because it's so easy for dark skinned black females to get good roles in Hollywood
  11. I think Lupita was better but considering golden globes, Jen's star status and the AH love at the oscars, I wouldn't be surprised at all if she won.
  12. yeah considering they gave AH all 4 acting nominations it might win best picture. and Jen is winning again.
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