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Everything posted by Charism

  1. Yep, you're right, its GOT we talking about, anybody can die anytime. Edited into spoiler tags.
  2. That's what I meant. And yet - no leaks for first 4 episodes of season one, two, three and four was happened.
  3. Bastards. Btw - wouldn't they sent out screeners for previous seasons?
  4. Wow I just almost instantly loved Fisk. "A woman that can be bought, isn't worth having." What a great line!
  5. That's an unexpectedly good numbers for Ex_Machina. I'm glad.
  6. That was Awesome. It's 3 am here. I'll give a try to 3rd episode.
  7. Just after the first episode (finally) and looks great as hell! Second episode, lets roll.
  8. Binge watching is the most fun way to watch any series that provides 'fun' (darker and heavier like True Detective, or even House Of Cards are a bit less good to watch whole at once). If you only have a time to do that - try it, it's great. I could compare it to reading a very, very good book, that you can't wait to come back o it after work/chores/etc and just need to read it further. Same with tv series. So good you just can't wait to watch another episoe.
  9. Black Bond Villain Yaphet Kotto Says a Black 007 Would Be ‘Ridiculous’ http://www.imdb.com/news/ni58487630?ref_=hm_nw_mv5
  10. Can millions of flies be wrong? Just taka a look at that: http://imgur.com/a/4nROZ I took a color form around the centre of every circle. In order, from 1 to 8. Only youtube bar is red.
  11. And..thats all, really? And I extracted colors on those pads in simple MS Paint. There is no red, it is grey. Please, do it yourself ('color extraction') and see for yourself.
  12. Yup, I always had a little problem with colour distingtion. But what is red here? That? That so-dark-that-almost-black purple is red? And maybe forehead in the same shade? This is the red costume? When only few square centimeters of it are slightly less black-ish?
  13. But where? All I can see is black suit, honestly. Affleck one - that was red, but this one? If somebody could pointed me out which elements of this costume are red, I would be greateful.
  14. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. This looks soooo good. Better than lots of movies. Anyway - it was almost perfect series, one of the best in history of cinema, so sequel should at least look good. And I'm mega hyped even though I hate Farrels face, don't like Vaughn and that Not-Rachel-McAdams lady. And then I see something as badly cinematographed as Daredevil... Ugh. True Detecive. <3
  15. Ow, that was a really bad looking scene. This fight, those kicks was so slow... I really don't liked it. Still onboard to check this out when it come, but my expectations are on 6/10 level. Maybe it will surprise me, but i doubt it. Still much better than Batfleck Origins: Daredevil movie.
  16. Go read it. It's really short, both books, and they're unbelievably awesome. Jabberwocky 'poem' is most linguistically brainmelting thing I ever seen.
  17. Bit late for the party, but I paused on this moment. It was like...2 frames or something. Why it even was here? It's so stupid.
  18. Huh? Anyway - It's my one of the most anticipating movies this summer (amongst Avengers and Inside Out, which I deffinitelly will not see in cinemas, 'cause I hate dubbed movies).
  19. Doing research on Daredevil, found out who is the writer of this. And now I'm finally interested in this. ...but still probably won't see in cinema, if reviews will be on par with last Ridley Scott movies.
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