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Everything posted by Charism

  1. Agree. Although he is a little bit 'too obvious'. But I don't mind him, his fine for me.
  2. I know it wasn't drectly to me, but I'll answer. Do you even watch this series? Have you read books? Anyway - what books are doing great is character development. Characters really have arcs, have consistence and logic in their behaviour etc. But in the show they're sometimes butchered by nonconsisten and illogical behaviour. (like when really smart guy does something really stupid for no reason, or someone really strict and just made something on the verge of a crime for no reason etc.) So, yeah, sometimes, we, the fans, knows better how characters should act than creators. And I'm not taking about Thrones only. I'll try to explain why. Creators of show have an idea of character. Let's say character that is really agile, slick, but he has a really bad left hand. They showed us in some episde that he is really slick. But never showed that his left hand is bad. So, creators knows that, audience not. Audience knows that this guy is slick. And then comes great scene, he must do something really incredible using his agility, but he must use his left hand. We, the audience, know from what they showed us, that he'll do fine. But he is not, he did terribly, he failed. Audience is pissed, because that's illogical, that made no sense and this shouldn't happen this way. So, we, audience knows better how this character should bahaviour. And if he out of sudden does something that contrary to his character develompent in series, then it's just a bad writting/showrunning. Therefore - we're pissed, especially if we liked the show. [Not allowed here] - ED
  3. Nah, just some dude with access to episode posted few screencaps and camrips of few major 'OMG' scenes from this episode and now everybody knows. You wanna be spoiled about what is in that scenes? (I don't know if were supposed to talk about it, cause it's bootleg/leak material...)
  4. Clay - this show was great for long and just begined to going dumber and dumber at some moment I can't exactly pinpoint. But there is still some love for this show in me, and maybe hope for good things, as they were before. And a little... lets call it loyality. Loyality to stay with it as long as I could. Also I like many characters, world building, visual style... And there is also a factor of not wanting to leave things unfinished. Any things, but i nthis case - don't abbandon show at the end of season. Many, many things are going in my subconsciousness about this show, that prevents me from simply 'turn it off'.
  5. What is this, and where is this from? We live in an era of 4k monitors, and yet - twitter and instagram 'micro pictures resolution only' shit...
  6. While they're all a minor characters... why can't they be a little older (and uglier)? Like.. well, real astronauts?
  7. That's true what Son of the Sun has said. D&D just simply butchered rather good character development for simple shock value in illogical, horrible scene. Fuck them, this season is the worst by far. Dumb Littlefinger (smartest guy in books), beyond dumb Dorne plot, and now this. I will watch till the end of this season and will not return, untill at least I read 6th book, whenever it will be out.
  8. It is good, but that last episode.... I must agree with dddeee. Previous episodes were great, but last one was awful.
  9. Depends on how you watch it. First time I took alll seriously, but on rewatch every cannibalistic puns made me laugh out loud. And there is plenty of them. EDIT: And whole Chilton character! He was funny as hell, even without those subtitles: http://fuckyeahhannibalpuns.tumblr.com/post/113244875587/nattah-gudgrrl-good-job-chilton-you-nailed-it
  10. Thias movie even hava a script? A date of start shoting? Anything at all? Or just very close release date?
  11. And that ridicule choices of her, and all what she 'builded' falling apart makes her story really interesting. Payment for stupidity. I like that.
  12. For sure, but just wondering what it will be, and how it will be portrayed in series (probably off-screen, cause we don't have anyone of main chracters in that area). This movie simply spoiled me that much, that I can watch scenes like Sansa/Ramsay without disgust.
  13. Isn't he portrayed by Edmure Tully? I wonder what is going to happen to Freys story in series. Have you heard about movie Irréversible by Gaspar Noe?
  14. It was a joke. Editing of music in scene, when asteroids miss the Earth shows that it was an intended joke. How many times did we see that juxtaposition? Something dramatic is happening, sparks, flames, dramatic music, and then cut to another angle, without music and bombastic sound effects, showing that just 'phew, it wasn't dramatic at all'. Rather standard visuall joke I would say.
  15. They could and should show something more, like...human. But looks good.
  16. What pissed me off in yesterdays episode was name changing for Arya. Really? Why not stay with 'Cat from Cannals'?
  17. Aaaaand... on the next episode! More Sand Snakes! More Dornish boobs! More stupid plot! But 5x08 was really awesome. And not only second half. Eveything. Even Sophie and Emilia did a great acting job.
  18. Just a pic of Bebop and Rocksteady from set! Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3101289/The-baddies-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtle-2-villains-Shredder-Bebop-Rocksteady-seen-set-time.html
  19. Loved it. Although few minor issues - obvious ADR on Max, that disgusting* CGI shot with guitar and wheel near the end, and construction of the movie. First 1/3 is so intensive, right till the end of Storm, that everything else in that movie can't compare. But should I complain? hell no. It's really a minor issue. second part of the movie, well last 2/3 of it was incredibly great, with great pace and tension. But, well, it wasn't as good as the best first third of the movie I have ever saw, which is Mad Max Fury Road. *It was really good CGI. But still - in that movie it was really stick out in a bad way. So. First 1/3 of movie - grade 11/10 Rest of it - 9.5/10 Overall - 10/10. I can't really think about other action movie which was even near to that grade (in my opinion, of course). Loved the vulvani and how respectadle Miller treated old women, loved characters, loved how less dialogue it has, loved action scenes, choreography, world building, characterisation, music, cinematography, and so on... 'What a lovely day' scene almost made me cry with joy. Phenomenally fantastic.
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