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Everything posted by Charism

  1. I usually watch everything with headphones. So thiat crappy edited ADR on this Italian policeman was even more audible, and even more horrible. And his acting was way, way below usuall quality of this show. ... Actually, no it was just plain bad. No decent actors in Italy? Shame. He and his ADR was really putting me out of the episode.
  2. Frist two reviews: http://variety.com/2015/tv/reviews/true-detective-season-2-review-hbo-1201515929/ http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/true-detective-review-farrell-vaughn-top-new-team-article-1.2254923 Or rather 'shitty texts, which somehow came under a name of review'. No words about direction, cinematography, music, or even about quality of acting. Just short summarize about who main characters are and how dark their world is. And that the season 2 is good, but worse than season 1. So - I still don't know shit.
  3. Apparently another leak. Just one picture, but still. What the hell happened to HBO security this season? :\ I think whole episode will be just messy fast-cut of every plot. Cersei, Arya, Winterfell and Jon major events are going to be in it, but will be too short to have impact on viewer. This is my design.
  4. Holy hell, that's an awesome poster! Much better than that one with Emma on it.
  5. I'm in. Murray which is not sleepy and sad, like in almost all of his newer movies? This must be good. And that girl from a trunk is pretty...pretty. :3
  6. Not very good trailer itself... but foreshadow a great movie. (hopefully)
  7. But he's in Kings Landing now? (magically teleportated from Winterfell to KL, but ok)
  8. It was just my guess, books and series n Dany arc are almost at same level right now.
  9. No, they aren't. Danny flew off to far away land, while Tyrion magically survived arena massacre. I think they will not be together for vast amount of time, again. Which is sad, cause their banter was one of the best in season 5.
  10. I'm lost about numbers of books (especially that last two books were released here in two volumes each, cause of their size), but I must agree - Alayne in books in the end of her, know at this point, story is boring.
  11. O.o It was cheap, minimalistic, Disney-ish, not scary, with little 'wtfs' (like how can Jorah fight so much better than before, on the arena? Why nobody shot Dany with arrow/spear? Why unsulied suddenly can't fight, if they're basically terminators? How Drogon know exactly who to burn?), overoptimistic music, bad CGI (that flight...), and so on.... And despite all that it still wasn't awful, but it was far, far from being perfect.
  12. No need, episode was aired yesterday night, so we can talk about it regulary. Anwyay - episode 5/10. Boring, illogical, irritaiting and with low production value. Last scenes with Drogon was unintentionaly laughable. It looked like flying on this dog-dragon from Neverending Story. And why nobody even bother to throw a spear, or shot Daenerys from bow? Dragon was not scary - he has a magic abillity to recognize friends from foes of his mother etc. Horrible. Only good thing were, as rather usuall in this storyline, dialogues. Dorne was laughable as well, but this is normal to this storyline in series. Arya storyline was irritaiting. The Man didn't recognized the obvious lie? About Stannis - well, they ruined a character. Nuff said.
  13. Disagree. Max put his own touch to Giger works from Alien series. And Max made them far less awesome, he took those beautiful biomechanical designs: And made them much more mechanical-biomechanical. Differences are mild, but visible (those walls...), and even Ridley and Arthur spoke about this in many interviews. http://diymag.com/archive/interview-prometheus-production-designer-arthur-max
  14. Yeah, I wikipedia'ed him and it's Arthur Max himself behind production design in this. Well, I liked almost* everything visually about Prometheus, so, I'm fine with similiarities. *almost - I did not liked the overly 'mechanised' biomechanical design of alien ship.
  15. It's written by Goddard I have faith. Looks good. Is Arthur Max a production designer to this? Looks very Prometheus-ian.
  16. Well, to be fair... Sansa in Winterfell married to Ramsay couldn't ended any other way.
  17. Doubt. It was builded for whole season (seasons 1-3 he was unlikeable, he then redeemed himself in the end of fourth and was a agreat and loveable character in fifth), and leaked rpevies of episode 10 shows a scene when one person says something that inclined this whole mess wasn't a dream sequence.
  18. Agree again. Sansas story, cutting Brienne timescreen and putting Olly in the place of Bowen Marsh were good decisions. And I was sort of deffending rape scene from earlier, because it was 'in character' for young Bolton. But Littlefinger losing his intelligence, Dorne story falling into deep pit of intense stupidity and now, that thing what will happen tonight it's just... just bad. I would preffer boring, but logical scenes over bad scenes. Especially considering that tonights 'hero of the day' is my favourite character.
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