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Everything posted by junkshop36

  1. This has got to be one of the best threads I've ever had the pleasure of reading through.As for the Monday numbers... solid drops all around; but I especially love the drop for TA! Just because.
  2. Glad to see Prom stay above 50m and TA increase above 11m.
  3. Crappy weekend for most of the hold overs.THG finally passes 400m! Hope it keeps going and makes all it can. It deserves it.Would like to see TA's weekend drops level off a bit. It'll make 600m, but I'd like to see it not limp past it.
  4. Just like how seeing Star Wars made him realize he needed to step his game up as a director.
  5. To a movie he directed, no. However, he did do Hannibal, which was a sequel.
  6. The one thing I really liked about it is that it makes you think. It's not spoon feeding you every little bit of info.I truly hope Scott gets to make the sequels he's talked about because I'm very interested in seeing his answers for the questions that have been raised here.The more and more I think about it, the more I'm coming to really appreciate this movie.
  7. The opening scene was meant to be ambiguous as to what planet the engineer was on. However, later on when they take the DNA from whats left of the head and comapre it with ours, it's an exact match. At that point I thought it was pretty clear that it was in fact Earth that we see at the beginning.Also, it would seem that the engineers were visiting us early on in our existence; hence all the drawings from early civilizations. But, for some reason they stopped. It's possible something occured to make them stop coming here and eventually they decide to wipe us out.
  8. As soon as David was talking to Weyland I instantly thought of the scene where Shaw trys to mess with the medical table. Clearly it was for Weyland and I assumed that he was in the seperate living quarters in stasus. also, he wasn't aware that Vickers had came on the trip. After he awakes from crio and is in the bedroom, she walks in and he says "so you decided to come along." Then she talks about not wanting to stay behind and spend 2 years arguing with the board about who's in control of the company. Made perfect sence to me. She knew he was on board but he didn't. The seperate living pod was for Weyland when he woke up, NOT HER. Everyone else just assumed it was for her because they had no idea that Weyland was actually on board.Over all I thought it was good. Visually it was great looking. The score was pretty good as well. Fassbender, Rapace, Theron and Elba all did a good job in their roles. I liked the whole theme and ideas that the movie presented and I didn't mind all the unanswered questions.The problems I had were with some lapses in logic with the script.1.Why did the two guys get lost when they were in contact with the ship and everyone else?2.On top of that, why would they suddenly decide to get all freindly with an unknown alien creature that they know nothing about and is showing aggresive behaviour? That was straight up stupid!! :blink:3.After the big deal that was made about allowing Hollaway back on board, they turn around a little bit later and have no problem opening the bay door for that geologist guy(who's name I can't think of) even though they have no freaking idea if there is anything wrong with him.4.I did think the ending with the engineer getting inpregnated and the subsequent birth of the xeno felt tacked on. As if fox pushed Scott to include that so that there would be some kind of direct connection to the Alien movies. Would have been nice if the xeno had looked a little more like the ones we're used to from the previous Alien movies.I gave it a solid B
  9. Would be great if they both hit 60m, but I don't think Promethius will make it.
  10. I wish. I'm on my way to work right now. I'm already over 30 minutes late thanks to the construction on the interstate.
  11. 1.NO2.YES3.YES4.YES5.NO6.YES7.NO8.YES9.NO10.NO11.YES12.MAD3BONUS:1.109.021m2.134.695m3.400.264m4- slots:6-BEMH7-WTEWE9-TD12-CD
  12. Has to be something that I really enjoyed and can see myself watching multiple times. There have been a number of movies that I enjoyed or thought was decent but didn't really feel that I would want to watch multiple times. If its something I loved I'll by it the day it comes out but some movies I can wait for them to be cheaper. Of coarse I bought the SW BR set. I got Alien and Aliens as well. Looking forward to getting the Indy BR collection.
  13. Recently got all 3 Austin Powers movies for 9.99 each at Best Buy. MI4:GPWaiting for Sherlock to come out.
  14. I watched it after seeing TA, but it wasn't the first time. I actually really enjoy Serenity. As you watch it you can see why Marvel chose him for this movie. He knows how to balance out multiple characters so that they all get their chance to shine.
  15. Schools here have been out for a couple of weeks. Nice holds. Summer week days starting to kick in.
  17. Damn it Baumer!! Why couldn't question 9 have been top 12 instead of top 10, LOL!!Bernie's Sunday gross was only, like, a 10% drop from last Sunday. BEMH's Sunday went from an estimated 39.9% difference to 45% with the actual. Oh well. Also, the difference between the actual for bonus #2 and my answer is only 0.009. I my actually a have chance to get that one.
  18. TA wasn't the only movie to see steep drops on Sunday. There were a couple of 40% drops as well a few others in the 30's. Don't know why.
  19. I also started paying more attention when JP came out, but there was no day to day back then; at least none that I was aware of. I don't even think the Mon through Thur gross were ever reported on. Before then, I was aware of how movies would do but generally not until there runs were over with. Heck, in the 80's I had no idea how much just about any had made. I new they were popular by how much other people talked about them, LOL. I didn't get into the day to day tracking until Titanic and then especially with TPM, being the huge SW fan that I am. Don't remember when I joined BOM officially. I lurked for a little bit before actually joining. I remember being on there when the first Hulk movie came out. That was fun.
  20. I realized that I forgot to put him in there as well after I posted. He did a good job, regardless of the accent. Personally, I didn't even notice. I did like how they kept the dwarves a bit of a surprise as far as their individual personalities. Now that I think about it; were they ever even shown in the adverts for the movie? They were funny and pretty cool.
  21. Ya, when I saw that I was like, WTF!!Why would it suddenly have a Sunday 10% higher than its worse drop in any of it's previous 4 Sundays? Seems kinda strange.
  22. My reason for seeing it was:1. The over all tone of the movie and the slightly different take on an age old story2. Having some actual action in there3. Charlize's portrayal of the Queen was great looking in the trailers
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