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Everything posted by junkshop36

  1. That would be bad if DS does less than 30m; but it's way to early to tell. Also, 80+m for TA this weekend!! Gee, ya think Nikki. AnHybody could have posted that. We all knew it would do 80+m five days ago when it did 207m OW.
  2. Thu - 12.5Fri - 30.3 +143%Sat - 44.2 +46%Sun - 28.8 -35%Total - 103.3m10 day total - 373m. Surpassing the previous record by 60m!!
  3. I think the part about her just waking up would have been a clue. Funny though B.
  4. It's ok. If it makes it then great. If not, then no big deal. I can make it a week without posting.
  5. It needs a 2.89 multi to hit 600m off its OW. TDK - 3.37Spiderman - 3.51TA's WOM is easily on par with those two movies. It's doing 600m. If it doesn't I won't post on these boards for a week.
  6. Week 2:1.YES2.YES3.YES4.YES5.YES6.YES7.YES8.NO9.NO10.YES11.NO12.NOBonus: 1. 103.802m2. -49.961%3. +65.327mBonus 4:5- Pirates!7- FYE11- 3Stooges15- MM
  7. Baumer, what other things did you score besides the first week questions?Also, does the board run on Eastern time?
  8. I was just looking at some of the daily records. TDK's 10 day record is 313.78m. TA is going to crush that by 50m+ after this weekend!!That's just awesome.
  9. With JC, I got the feeling the Disney was never quite sure how to market it properly. They won't have that problem with the Marvel movies. If IM3 is back on the level of IM then it should see an increase. Same for Thor2 and Cap2. I'd like to see another Hulk movie, especially with the way Ruffalo played the character in TA.
  10. It's early May!! It's week day drops won't be anything out of the ordinary. Thy're just sarting from a higher point than most other movies. This movie will be all about the weekends.
  11. Oops, sorry, I forgot. I'm on my phone. Not even sure how to do that on it. I forgot about that Wizard of Oz reference.
  12. Phil is agent Colson's first name, so it was a reference to him. By "flying monkeys" I assume you mean the alien army at the end? They're called the Chetauri(not sure if that's how it's spelled). Loki runs into them after he dissapeers into the void at the end of Thor. Befor the conversation with Maria, Fury told Cap and Stark that they were in his pocket when he died and that he never got Cap to sign them like he wanted. They were blood stained. It was the push they needed to get off their butts and finally truly work together. He lied to them because the cards were actually in his locker.
  13. I thought I was doing good with my 438m predict for TA. Oh well.
  14. I really need to watch Mask of the Phantasm! My problem with TDK is just that Batman gets overshadowed by the villians in his own movie. That's why I like BB more than TDK, because the focus was truly on Batman. The villians were not as strong but they were still well done. Just once I'd like a well made Batman movie where he's the strongest and most interesting character in it. This is one thing I loved about TA. Loki and the Cherauri don't overshadow the Avengers and Shield. They're just as well written and strong characters as the bad guy was and in a couple cases better.
  15. I think it's WOM and audience reaction is just as strong as it was for TDK. Clearly, it won't have Titanic or Avatar size multi; but sight he start it's had and the level of WOM it's getting, then it doesn't need a multi that high to go past 600m. It doesn't even need a multi as much as TDK to reach 600m. If it matches TDKs multi it will pass Titanic's current DOM gross. Considering its not Summer break quite yet it's weekdays probably won't be super strong but they'll be pretty good none the less. I also means the next couple weekends will be very good. It's going pass 600m. I believe it.
  16. Yea, I know. I just meant to match its original run. Still, the movie is getting fantastic WOM. I can't see it have a multi less than 3 at this point. TDK had a 3.3x. With the reaction and WOM this is getting, wouldn't you say it's close to TDK level of reactions coming off the weekend?
  17. Yea, I know. I just meant to match its original run. Still, the movie is getting fantastic WOM. I can't see it have a multi less than 3 at this point. TDK had a 3.3x. With the reaction and WOM this is getting, wouldn't you say it's close to TDK level of reactions coming off the weekend?
  18. Avatar, NO, but it only needs a 3x to match Titanic. With the WOM this is getting I'd say that's very doable. It will be well passed the half way mark after next weekend
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