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Everything posted by junkshop36

  1. Haha. Nikki's extrapolations for TA's weekend is funny. It would have to have a terrible Sunday drop for that 19m weekend to occur.
  2. Just got back from seeing SW. It was good bu nothing spectacular. Theron and the dwarves were easily the best part of the movie. Probably could have worked a little better had it not been quite so serious. The dwarves brought some much needed humor to the movie but there could have been a little more. I agree about the romance aspect. Not sure why they didn't follow through with that. I mean, the movie is called Snow White AND the Huntsman, LOL. Also, the battle sequence at the end wasn't quite as epic as though it would be. It didn't last all that long. I did like that scene with those black glass things attacking the Huntsman and the other fighters in the room. That was pretty cool.
  3. A 20m weekend for TA would be the 4th highest 5th weekend gross ever. It's looking at a 45/46% post MD weekend drop, which is quite good. Even with all the movies coming out this month it should leg its way to about 610-615m at worse.
  4. I want the rest of the numbers. Good start for SW but I want to know how MIB3 and especially TA, because that's the movie I care about.
  5. Good start for SW&TH. Though, with that supposed budget plus marketing, it's going to need some nice legs and pretty good OS gross. Now give us some numbers on MIB3 and TA Nikki!!
  6. 1.YES2.NO3.NO4.NO5.YES6.YES7.NO8.NO9.YES10.YES11.NO12.YES13.YESBONUS:1. 1,353.5842.398.331SPOTS:4.BS6.BEMH7.WTEWYE11.MK
  7. I don't go to the movies much except for during the Summer and Holiday periods.1.TPM 3D2.The Lorax3.The Hunger Games4.Wrath of the Titans5.The Avengers6.MIB3
  8. I have to go with The Avengers mainly because I didn't think any movie would break 200m until, maybe, Avatar 2.
  9. Star Wars OT by far. It not even close for me. The next closest would've been Indy, but that's not a trilogy anymore.
  10. The Avengers by a few miles!!I enjoy DH2 but I LOVED TA. Just a purely awesome movie.
  11. Expected drops for most everything except for MIB3's larger than normal drop. TA should pass TDK on Friday. THG keeps chugging along towards 400m.
  12. Heath Ledger - TDK/JokerPretty much every actor that played a major character in Star Wars.
  13. For me personally, it's Cameron. I think the Abyss is his weakest movie and I still enjoy it.
  14. Yep. And that's the general problem I noticed with the prequels. They're a mixed bag of really bad scenes and really good scenes. There's no middle ground.
  15. That's because, unfortunately, you didnt get to see their relationship between AOTC and ROTS. That wasn't covered more closely until he started doing the Clone Wars animated show. However, it's clear that they're much closer to each other in the first part of ROTS before Anakin starts turning. The only parts of ROTS that I disliked was the early scene on Padme's balcony, a couple of the small scenes between Anakin and Palpatine(but not the opera scene. That was cool) and that's about it. Everything else pretty good to great, IMO of coarse. I really enjoyed DH2. It's my second favorite HP movie. The only thing I didn't really like was the way the deaths of Tonks, Lupin and Fred were handled. That was bad.
  16. I was enjoying the River. Terra Nova was decent but I knew it wasn't gonna make it. Right now I'm most upset abou Eurika going off the air. I love that show.
  17. Good drops for MIB and TA. Discount Tuesday definitely makes a difference though.
  18. I said I would not post on these boards for a month if TA didn't make it to 600m a while back. It was in the TA over 600m thread. This as before it even had hit the 400m mark. Don't know if that counts but I meant it!
  19. So have the points been tallied for this weeks questions now that actuals are out? I'm curious as I'd like to make sure my points are correct.
  20. Not bad for MIB3 I suppose. Considering it took them 10 years to get around to it and not to mention the fact that the last one was not very well liked; it's not to bad. YES!! TA passed 500m on Saturday. Nice to get something right for a change in the BSG.
  21. I had a feeling something along those lines was going on, but they are clearly trying to keep the main crux of the story a secret for the audience to actually discover for themselves when they watch it.
  22. TPM:Qui GonThe opening sequence before they get to NabooR2 saving the day again!Darth MaulPod RaceFinal duelAOTC:Coruscant chase sequenceDiner sceneObi-Wan vs. Jango on the platformasteroid scenethe entire arena sequenceYoda busting out his lightsaber!!ROTS:the entire opening sequencethe opera sceneseeing Kashyyk for the first timeWindu vs. PalpatineOrder 66 sequenceYoda slicing the heads off those two clonesthe entire Mustafar section of the movieYoda vs. PalpAnakin taking his first breath as VaderThe final shot of Owen and Beru holding Luke while looking at the twin suns of Tattoine
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