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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Essentially, this question is "Will Pain and Gain make 49.4 million" because the other four read pretty easy to me. Impossible to tell what Paramount will do with P&G
  2. A) Before Midnight: 5 mill Yes B] Now You See Me: 102 mill Yes C) After Earth: 62 milll No D) IM3: 403.5 mill Yes E) The Purge: 61 mill Yes F) Pain and Gain: 49.4 mill No
  3. What an absolutely spectacular weekend for WWZ. Second highest OW of all time to not hit number one, and it has a slim chance at taking the crown from TDAT with an incredible Sunday. I predicted a 54 million breakout, but THIS is just awesome. Also, I nailed MU for this weekend (82). Too bad I way overpredicted it at the start of BSG.
  4. I liked it quite a lot. I can't say I LOVED it, but it was a good, intense, and emotional ride. Very thrilling, and it had a true sense of death and destruction (as opposed to something like Avengers or MOS). Pitt was good. I didn't mind the ending at all. 7.75/10
  5. Listen, I loved MOS and so did both audiences I saw it with, but when I asked a couple friends if they saw it, both of them said they heard it sucked. My crowd gave it big time applause, but I could tell there was a few people who weren't big fans. Still, as Tele said, I think the market is still correcting. Business will pick up, and I think it does 300
  6. I can't wait to see WWZ tomorrow afternoon- I think I'll like it, but not love it. Would certainly love to, though. MU is such a great movie- even if it isn't "Pixar's best," I don't get how even the most pretentious, head up his ass sequel hater can give it a negative review.
  7. I had After Earth in my top 15 and not WWZ, I don't think. In my defense, I literally swapped predictions for the two movies around May 20th. I had a Tele/MOS esque epiphany about WWZ all too late.
  8. I actually called Gatsby and Purge breaking out way before most people, and in recent weeks I felt a ton of buzz for WWZ, but NYSM passing 100? Nah, no way. I thought it would do 22/70. Its run has really impressed me.
  9. The Purge made back it's entire budget at midnight. Say what you want about quality or legs, but that opening day was a freak of nature. Can't ignore NYSM breaking out too. IM3 is obviously the most positive, massive hit of the summer, but that's not the big story so far.
  10. You know those creepy Twitters dedicated to stalking one celebrity, with names like "Bieber's Girl <3" and stuff? That's this board and Rth
  11. So a 200 million weekend with no holidays and no 100+ opener? Pretty bonkers, if you ask me.
  12. 140% jump is pretty insane, but looking at the numbers from 2010 when the NBA finals went to game 7 on Thursday, it could certainly jump 110-120.
  13. It got 2.5 million from previews. So the real range she's giving is 27.5 to 30.5
  14. I'll believe Avatar 2 is coming out when a trailer is released. That ain't happening in 2015. As for Avengers, call it a hunch. Growing up in that generation, FN is THE most popular movie I encountered throughout elementary and middle school. It's still quoted and referenced to this day. The announcement of the sequel got more social media buzz than any movie I can remember I can remember among my friends. And this popularity has been passed down to a younger generation- my four year old niece loves Finding Nemo. Plus, it's the highest selling home video of all time. Unless it sucks, I believe FD is passing Shrek 2 and becoming the first animated movie to hit 500 million. And I say this whole rant as someone who has never, even as a tiny kid, liked animated movies. Finding Nemo is transcendent.
  15. I don't really remember much of Season Three. That was Pie O My, right?
  16. Saw it two months ago, and I've reviewed it plenty, but it's my favorite animated movie in a long, long time. It certainly needs a few moments to breathe, making pacing an issue. But otherwise, I found it just as funny, rich, emotional, and beautiful as some of Pixar's best work. 8.75/10
  17. Dory is going to be massive, massive, massive in 2015. As hyped as SW7 and TA2 and MJ2 are going to be, my very early prediction is that Dory wins the year (domestically)
  18. If they're using Cars 2 projections based on matinee business, this could be hitting 35+ OD. I know a ton of people my age that want to see this movie at night- it's a beloved film from their childhood in a way that Cars 2 could never be. It will play very well tonight. I see Gopher already pretty much hit the nail on the head with this point.
  19. I never argued that Channing Tatum was near as big as Brad Pitt overseas. But in a thread like this, where we're talking about domestic numbers, he certainly holds his own. Easily.
  20. As the lead or co-lead of a movie, Brad Pitt had four movies in the past decade cross 100 million- Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Basterds, and Benjamin Button (I don't count the Ocean's movies). Tatum had three last year. To say that Tatum doesn't at least have damn strong box office power is crazy. Sure he's not half as FAMOUS as Brad Pitt, but he puts asses in seats I'd say at least nearly as well.
  21. Well I'm talking domestically, I can't judge overseas, I've never even left the country. And to say that he's not even 1/10th as big is an asinine statement.
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