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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Some people are getting way ahead of themselves with this 20 mil OD for MM I'm sure that people that are predicting based on these early numbers are aware of the fact that its going to play a LOT better late at night btw 1 R rated movie opening around 50 mil and the other opening above 30 mil = win This couldn't have happened a lot of times could it ?
  2. Another point I forgot to mention Seriously FUCK this open ending shit that's been going on ... if you're desperate for a money printing franchise try making a compelling film that can stand on its own Raiders of The Lost Ark seems to have left Hollywood text books on how to properly create a franchise and instead was replaced by Transformers
  3. Excellent cast and a solid movie IMO Nothing spectacular but it gives that Once Upon a Time in America vibe7/10
  4. great film not quite as perfect as Princess Mononoke but still pretty great ... and yes a massive tear jerker Say what you want but Pixar is nothing when compared to some of the finest japan anime 9/10
  5. and this is now the second week I missed ... Maybe I oughta quit idk I'm usually more reliable
  6. 1) Will Moonrise Kingdom stay in the top 10? YES2) Will The Intouchables increase? YES 3) Will Chernobyl Diaries drop less than 60%? NO4) Will The Hunger Games increase more than 40% on Saturday? YES5) Will Battleship decrease by less than 50%? NO6) Will MIB3 finish within at least 7 mill of SWATH? YES7) Will The Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 60%? YES8) Will Rock of Ages make more than 26.5 mill? YES9) Will That's My Boy make more than 32.5 mill? NO10) Will Rock of Ages and TMB combine to make more than 60 mill? NO11) Will That's My Boy decrease by less than 8% on Sunday? NO12) Will Prometheus decrease by more than 25% on Sunday? NO10/12 300011/12 500012/12 7000Bonus 1: What will Avengers WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? 4000 1.423Bonus 2: What will MAD3's WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? 4000 291 Bonus 3:What films finish is spots:5 Snow White9 Moonrise Kingdom11 The Dictator14 Dark Shadows
  7. Believe the hype !!! This film can only be considered bad by a non human ... it is perhaps the best dramedy I ever saw and Omar Sy embodies the word charisma ... what a fucking performance I am speechless at his talent right now Cluzzet was also brilliant but I've seen him before and I know how great of an actor he is Direction of the movie was flawless too Simply put it deserves its high spot on IMDB top 250 America don't be stupid you are missing out a movie equally powerful as Shawshank Redemption and much better than Forest Gump 9/10
  8. Fun but it just might be the most forgettable movie in history of filmmaking I can't remember nothing whatsoever before the time travel other than escape from the moon and restaurant shootout 6/10 There are plenty of worse films out there for sure
  9. While I was very disappointed with this slasher horror movie I really liked Idris Elba and he gave the best performance and I remember his last scene the best other than the abortion scene Still though when exactly did Riddley lose his way ? Gladiator Blade Runner ????
  10. 1) Will Prometheus open to more than 60 mill? NO2) Will Madagascar open to more than 44 mill? YES3) Will Madagascar have a Saturday increase of more than 20%? YES4) Will Prometheus make more than 1.5 mill at midnight? YES5) Will SWATH fall less than 46%? NO6) Will MIB3 have a Friday bump of more than 90%? YES7) Will Bel Ami have a theater average of more than $4000.00? YES8) Will Peace Love and Misunderstanding gross more than $60,000? YES9) Will The Avengers fall less than 42%? NO10) Will SWATH have one the two best Saturday increases? NO11) Will Marigold Hotel have the best drop? NO12) Out of the films that cost at least 150 million, which will have the best Sunday drop? AVENGERS 10/12 300011/12 400012/12 7000Bonus 1: What will be the combined weekend total of Prometheus and Madagascar? 4000 106.543 Bonus 2: What will be the combined total of all 3D films? 4000 129.945MBonus 3: What will THG's total be after this weekend? 4000 400.234 Bonus 4: What finishes in slots:6 Marigold7 What to Expect 9 Battleship 12 Dark Shadows 2000 each bonus of 5000 if you call all 4 correctly.
  11. A) Moonrise Kingdom: 10 mill abstain Chernobyl Diaries: 20 mill no C) Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: 25 mill yes D) Hunger Games: 401 mill abstain E) Dictator: 53 mill yes F) Intouchables: 600K yes
  12. One word after all the hype that was surrounding this movie is UNDERWHELMING A weak 7/10
  13. 1) Will Snow White open to more than 40 million? GODDAMN YOU BAUMER I THINK IT WILL OPEN WITH EXACTLY 40 MIL .. screw it - YES 2) Will Piranha 3DD open to more 2.5 mill? NO 3) Will Greater Glory have a per theater average of more than $4500? NO 4) Will Battlefield America make more than 500K? NO 5) Will Piranha have a Saturday drop of more than 20%? YES 6) Will Snow White have a Saturday increase of more than 10%? NO 7) Will The Avengers drop more than 49%? NO 8) Will MIB3 drop more than 55%? NO 9) Will any film in the top 10 have a Sunday drop of less than 40% from it's previous Sunday? YES 10) Will Snow White make at least 15 mill more than MIB3? NO 11) Will any film have a Friday increase of less than 30%? NO 12) Will Chernobyl Diaries make at least 1 million more than Piranha 3DD YES 13) Will Best Exotic Marigold finish in the top 10? YES10/13 300011/13 400012/13 500013/13 8000 Bonus 1) What will the Avengers WW total be after estimates on Sunday? 4000 $1,367.450 Bonus 2) What will The Hunger Games domestic total be after Monday actuals? 4000 $397.440Bonus 3) What films finish in slots:4 The Dictator 6 Marigold Hotel 7 What to Expect 11 The Hunger Games
  14. Right Finished series one and I gotta say its a good show propelled to something more thanks to Idris Elba and his awesome performance Not you classic cop show that's for sure BBC has this new generation of shows which are starting a really good trend - quality tv
  15. Because the writing is better than all US shows on broadcast tv combined ... and most of cable ones too Plus actors are kinda busy see Freeman is doing Hobbit ( kind of a huge thing ya know ) and Cumberbatch is probably in some stuff too Then there's Moffat arguably Britain's most sough after writer right now ( and rightfully so ) I want them to take time in order to give us something as great as first 6 episodes/movies so that Guy Ritchie realizes how much of a hack he really is
  16. I'm pretty sure I have a bet with someone that TDKR will gross more OS than TASM but its not on page 1
  17. 'walk my dogs' codename for masturbation :lol:My top 12 sucks again and I'm behind for one week's question plus one SOTM but I'll catch up with you bastards
  18. This will underwhelm at BO just like MIB3 did and you wanna know why ? Because its going to have some insane 200 + mil budget, its going to come out way too far away from its predecessor that wasn't all that good, plus this series of films never posted numbers that would indicate that this movie can gross 600 + mil I don't even believe in it grossing over 500 at this point and so on and so on When it comes to Will Smith movies nowadays its sorta like a deja vu
  19. Hey baumer you sexy MF I missed one week and I also missed the makeup questions for last week I'm usually way more reliable when it comes to deadlines but I totally brainfarted ... so if you would be kind to do some make up questions sometimes down the road but only if I'm like top 5 or something I don't wanna bother you if I have no chance of winning Also if you don't give me makeup questions at all that would be cool too since I'm really in no position to demand anything
  20. MIB did just fine and in line with all other big hits of Smith like Hancock and I Am Legend Its the insane budget and ridiculous percentage deal for Smith that's going to keep this thing from turning profit till DVD When was the last time Smith movie managed to do over 700 mil WW ( that wasn't called Independence Day )
  21. ]For a limited release it always is Guess it will have to ride on WOM solely ... we'll see I think its gonna keep a high PTA in weeks to come
  22. That's not good at all Hopefully WOM catches on like it did everywhere else ... at least this number guarantees its going to hit at least 50 theaters ... that's enough to start spreading good WOM
  23. How's Intouchables doing ? Is it going to have at least a 30K PTA ?
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