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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Right I like this one very much TDKR 750 IA4(btw ) 700TASM 520Going a little conservative here since they are very close to each other and competition will be fierce ... still though either TDKR or IA4 is breaking the 800 mil mark but I'm not sure about that yet ... will probably go with TDKR when time arrives
  2. But the tracking is pointing out to a breakout in US and this is actually a spy action movie of sorts that takes place internationally which is always good for OS BO Maybe it manages to break on through to say 130-150 mil OS
  3. Yeah this pretty much doesn't have anywhere to go other than between 100 and 125 mil OS
  4. it aint much better now either Numbers should be lower due to the incredibly bad weather this weekend
  5. Here's his dark of the moon review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwkL53bH0PIMan when he goes after the movie he really kills it
  6. Kermode - whether I agree or not he is always interesting and most times really funny
  7. Journey 2 is going for that 200 mil OS and it looks like it won't break a sweat getting there However, we oughta wait for Europe openings before we start jerking off to its performance
  8. When you say that Tony Scott should have directed the aerial shots do you mean his usual google earth rip off shots of the stuff on the ground or actual airplane stuff ?Can't recall him ever doing those much less with some flare
  9. That's solid for Journey 2 but given that it has 2 of 12 major markets in there its not that great Will do over 100 mil OS though obviously
  10. That can't be The Monkey King with Donnie Yen right ? I thought that movie was coming out in the middle of summer its a huge release
  11. Define action All this CGI overload stuff I never consider real action Bourne Ultimatum on the other hand can say that it has one of the best action sequences on film
  12. Ummm is this the Superbad comedy ? Cause that movie is freakin awesome
  13. That audio commentary is brilliant I still prefer T2 and Predator but yeah this is up there as one of Arnie's best In fact the ultimate Arnold trilogy would consist of these 3 movies
  14. Best - The Good The Bad and The ugly worst - Sin City I guess ... Donnie Darko too
  15. I myself like reading what baumer,gopher,lobotomy,tribefan and aDIM think about movies ... few others too that I forgot to mention You can call me a snob but I think I have a good taste in film its just that I don't write long reviews and lately I haven't even graded a lot of the movies I saw
  16. I'd say its a weak 7/10 I was very detached from the film and the story just wasn't good enough ... Fincher did a great job but he's so above this stuff Funny, I thought Social Network would be below him but it wasn't and he actually made a pretty great film there This one is among his worst
  17. One of the greatest of all time Jack Nicholson gives one of the best performances you'll ever see 10/10
  18. This flick is so bad and bombing so hard there isn't even a full synopsis released online lol I enjoy reading plots for these crap movies ... then I imagine some of the mind numbingly awful sounding things I read happening on the screen and I laugh But damn nobody is bothering to put up a synopsis for this crap it must be completely horrible
  19. Its a very exciting time at Chinese BO with 2 films debuting over 20 mil each But apparently Flowers of War did indeed demonstrate that Zhang Yimou's directorial skills eroded deeply Idk anything about Dragon Gate other than its a 3D collabo between Tsui Hark and Jet Li ... which is a pretty cool and nostalgic mix
  20. Fishnets how do you know all that stuff ? What you're saying is about as refreshing view as I've seen or read ... ever I know you're Canadian so it strikes me incredibly odd that you know all this stuff ... even about Tigers ... which were basically just a bunch of thieves not real soldiers ... but still I am pleasantly surprised
  21. Yes he is except the fact that he totally isn't but still ... you're pretty and girls like you so I'll let this one slide
  22. <3 <3 <3 my gf just got a text that we ain't together anymore
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