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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Awesome one liners 'He had to split' ( after cutting the guy in half ) 'Hello cutie pie one of us is in deep trouble' 'Drop dead! - I don't do requests' and so on
  2. The best animated movie as far as I'm concerned And its also in my top 5010/10
  3. If this reaches 400 mil OS then english language remake is going to be super redundant and will only matter in DOM market I mean look at Dragon Tattoo ... and the original didn't even come close to Intouchables gross
  4. Very blah IMO It clearly was made to please the fans when certain scenes ( that I imagine are very popular with the fans of the book ) took way more than they should have The build up towards the games was pretty great but when games finally started ... lets me just say that the marketing department actually did the best thing with a no show of the games Actors did a pretty good job but cinematography sucked balls and the beginning of the movie is more frenetic that the entire Bourne Ultimatum even though it doesn't contain any action ... much like the film itself Characters are also not very likable or maybe they weren't translated that well to the screen ... Kato or what's his name is who's supposed to be a bad guy got the most sympathy out of me in that final scene of his and was the only one that got to me ... that was the best scene in the movie btw not some cute little black girl dying just so people can take out their tissues Also no social commentary whatsoever and in a movie that revolves around a bunch of kids killing each other to entertain masses that's really odd Idk I just don't see what the fuss is about 4/10
  5. quite a drop for THG Unless it rises with the new estimates big time
  6. Damn that SK number is really surprising Maybe this catches on in US like Big Fat Greek Wedding did back then ... it seems the appeal for the film is global
  7. This one should reach at least 4 million in viewers for the premiere There is just too much hype and too many people caught up with the show ... If I had to guess the ratings I'd say 4.2 mil for the premiere telecast along with a 2.0 key demo rating ( not that it matters for HBO ) I think the battle episode near the end of the season might hit 5 mil in viewers
  8. awesome awesome going back to the roots is always a good thing IMO
  9. I favor Layer Cake the most then XMFC
  10. Wow I think I'm gonna see it just to see Ice Cube being funny ( again ) and being in a good movie ( 3 kings was a damn long time ago )
  11. Hmm Safe House is not doing so great ... definitely not when compared to DOM Its gonna do what your average Denzel movie does OS which is below expectations I think given the big breakout it had in DOM market
  12. Hmm should we expect much from Asia anyway ? This is a thoroughly European film I don't think it will catch on much outside of Europe Still an amazing run ... I wish someone would give it a proper release in US say like Disney does with Miyazaki movies
  13. speechless what's next He'll play a talking carrot ?
  14. Saw it liked it but other than original take on the matter there wasn't anything original in particular regarding the story or characters As soon as Andrew flips the car with the dude in it you know he's gonna go too far with his power ... black guy dies first ( who saw that coming ) ... someone mentioned Akira and now that I think of it this movie was HEAVILY both influenced by it and borrowed stuff from it Don't get me wrong I liked it but predictability was not what I was expecting in the second half which is supposed to be the stronger one ... and predictability was all I've got District 9 is still the king of this type of sci fi documentary/found footage like stuff Oh yeah that reminds me ... film really forgot about the 'all filmed on camera by other people' stuff when final fight was going on ... All in all 7/10 But only worth watching once
  15. War of The Worlds is a borderline abomination from its unacceptable short running time ( a movie this epic is supposed to be over 2 hours ... not 100 minutes or however long it was ) to the incredibly annoying Dacota Fanning character that ties with Jar Jar Binks as the most irritating thing on the screen ever all the way up to every single nonsensical thing that occurs culminating in a total brainless move from the son of Tom Cruise going into the midst of a giant battle with aliens just cause 'he has to see this' ... I was totally screaming inside my head during that scene couldn't even blame Cruise for ditching him I figured he though he had better chances with only one retarded child Also to whomever said that IM2 will be more appreciated cause of tie ins with other Marvel movies - is that what film making is supposed to be about ? advertising other movies through your own ?
  16. Demolition Man is awesome Simon says Probably the best Wesley Snipes role
  17. don't wanna nitpick but you're not way out if you're saying 10 mil opposed to 12
  18. Yeah prospects OS are around 150-200 mil I'd say 250 at best However once it takes off second movie will do more OS than whatever the second one does DOM Think Twilight
  19. Season 3 is great and pretty dark But season 5 .... some of the best tv ever btw 24 is my personal favorite show
  20. First thing - great numbers all around Second - you are seriously overplaying the importance of the music in a trailer third - Safe House is SH not SF
  21. Hmm The Good The Bad and The Ugly is obviously there Once Upon a Time in West and ... in respect to John Wayne Searchers
  22. You are all underestimating TDKR The rule of a second sequel increasing is gonna be in effect plus its coming of a beloved film if SM3 managed to increase 150 mil then TDKR is bound to do that too so that's 600 mil right there ... add China and 650 mil will happen easily
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