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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I agree with all of this. I'd say the only negative of Disney buying Pixar was Lasseter's focus had to be split between the two with the majority going towards WDA (which honestly needed it the most at the time by far) which I am certain has something to do with Pixar's "decline" so to speak. EDIT - Now that WDA seems to be running smoothly, I think Lasseter should focus more on Pixar than anything. WDA will be fine with the talent involved with Lasseter just chiming in here and there, while he can go back home to Pixar to help them out. Say what you want but the man knows how to manage an animation company.
  2. And they were already a monster in said industry. Getting Pixar was vital for the time. Marvel and Star Wars was just the icing they needed to cover their already huge cake with. Also, fuck yes for The Lego Movie. I want to see this leg it out to $300 million. It needs a 4.34 multi from OW to get there. With the word of mouth it has been getting I'd say that would be no problem for a summer or holiday release, but the cold weekdays of February will slow it down. At the very least $250 million is locked.
  3. I'm thinking this will be more of a WIR follow up than A Frozen follow up. I think Interstellar is going to be really big, but I think this can coexist fairly well. $55/205 for now.
  4. The TV edit of The Hangover is on TBS right now. Some of the censored lines are just incredibly random. "PAGING DR. NANCY"
  5. Hell yeah, GA is Catching Fire. Makes me feel a little better about living here.
  6. I wonder if Lego could have an under 30% drop this coming weekend? The extended weekend is definitely going to be a big help, along with the phenomenal word of mouth. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if the 3-day tops $50 million this weekend.
  7. I saw The Lego Movie at a (packed out) 8:30 show and all I can say now is...EVERYTHING IS AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!
  8. Frozen is #1 on it's 68th day of release. And it opened in 2nd place over two months ago. Just incredible.
  9. The big climax in TLR is seriously awesome. Like, when I was watching it I was just thinking, "this is like a completely different movie."
  10. I really enjoyed the last 20-30 minutes of The Lone Ranger.The rest of the movie unfortunately ranges from mediocre to occasionally okay at best.
  11. With the clear broadened audience it has had through the second half of its run, I wouldn't be surprised if Frozen dips a bit more than your average family film on Superbowl Sunday. The last time I saw it the audience was mostly college students. I mean of course it probably won't be as harsh as stuff like TAM, RA, or TLS but probably more than Nut Job. If this number holds up though it might actually be enough to compensate though.
  12. Wolf passed $100 million and Frozen passed $350 million. Great day for two great films. Catching Fire should have enough left in it to slide past Dead Man's Chest sooner or later.
  13. Narrow it down to three films (six will be overkill, imo) and get rid of Guy Ritchie and this has a ton of potential to be fucking epic.
  14. Let me restate that then- In terms of potential returns, I think PR is the one they dropped the ball on the most.
  15. That's right, I keep forgetting Interstellar will be Paramount's responsbility here. Hopefully they realize Transformers can't possibly last forever, and see that Nolan is an invaluable asset to have on their side and markets it the right way.
  16. Pacific Rim was probably the most poorly marketed film of 2013, IMO. It's pretty ironic, seeing as how I think Man of Steel had probably the best marketing campaign of the year. So WB effectively has the best marketed and worst marketed. You can add Gravity in there for another great marketing campaign by WB as well. I really don't understand what went wrong there. Why did WB do such a horrible job with PR's advertising while MoS, which opened just a month earlier, had an amazing one? A lot of theories as to why have been brought up here, but I guess we'll never know. Was it the fact that MoS was taking up so much of their resources that PR just sort of got the shaft? I don't know, but with a campaign that focused more on the actual plot here and there (come on, it wasn't so deep that a few commercials couldn't have summed up the story) and show off better mech fights as the money shots (as several have mentioned the ones they used were not the best), and also actually putting the film out there for the GA there- I'm pretty sure it could have done close to $200 million, maybe even more had the GA really clicked with it. Hopefully they push Godzilla and Interstellar more in line with MoS and Gravity than PR.
  17. This is just fantastic man, you deserve some kind of award for this.
  18. The thing about l animated films like Nut Job is they appeal to adults about as much as your generic Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network show. Very young kids will probably want to see it, but outside of that it really doesn't have the potential for a broad audience like Frozen or How to Train Your Dragon. So with that said these numbers aren't all that surprising.
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