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Everything posted by Mango

  1. One of me and my dads favorite movies ever. We used to watch it together anytime we saw it on. A classic where the characters are as lovable and the plot is as fun and well executed even after a thousand viewings.
  2. This is one of my favorite movies from my childhood and it still stands as a favorite today. Still have our old VHS. Perfect blend of sci-fi action and witty comedy. Its everything a summer blockbuster should be. Not dumb action to "not think about", just straightforward fun which, while still fairly simple, is still smart.Smith and Jones make the best duo ever. 5/5.
  3. Johnson looks a bit chunky in the early 90s. Must have been his college football years.
  4. This is still hilarious.Mr.Pink when you finish TDK trilogy you should totally adapt LotR.
  5. Lol Ice Cube thinking people care what he has to say.
  6. My dad took me to see this opening weekend ( I think it was that Saturday) and man it just entirely blew me away. I'd seen the Spidey cartoons tons of times but this movie is what made me a huge Spidey fan, and I think that can be said for a ton of kids at the time. This movie is just pure fun. It doesn't really try to be an in-depth thriller like Batman Begins, and it shouldn't be. It's a light-hearted thrill ride in itself and all the leads have great chemistry. Gotta say, I still love this movie. This along with Spider-Man 2 are the definitive Spidey films, IMO. Nothing against Garfield and the others in the new series, but it just doesn't hold a candle to this one.
  7. Pornhub is really broadening their catalog.
  8. If Cap opens to anything over $90 million I think $270 million is locked with the WOM it's been getting.
  9. Noah was a great movie. I can understand that the GA seems very mixed on it though. Still, it's having a good run. Cap should really liven up the box office.
  10. I have no idea what to think of the finale. Like wow what the hell just happened. The show hasn't been as good as the first 4-5 seasons but I thought there was actual development and plot progression this past season and applaud the controversial decision to make it cover the wedding. But man that finale was a few hits with mostly misses. It doesn't ruin the series but almost makes the last three seasons feel completely pointless. I might warm up to it, but I definitely need time to think it out.That said, I did love some of the clever callbacks and references to early seasons.
  11. Anyone else watching the finale? I'm going to be so sad when this ends.
  12. I would gladly pay to see The Incredibles and Ratatouille again. I'll probably opt for the 2D showings though.
  13. As far as the video game adaptation genre goes Need For Speed is probably one of the highest.
  14. Pain & Gain is one of my favorite films from last year. Really underrated IMO. Bay's unique sense of visuals, humor, and eye for hot women/macho men work perfectly for it.I'd go as far and say its a movie Bay was born to direct.
  15. This is going to be so awesome. Have we ever had an R rated CG animated film before?
  16. Remember when How to Train Your Dragon's $43 million was considered low for the spring DWA release? Now here we are saying how relatively normal Peabody's $30 million-ish will be. The times they are a-changin'
  17. Woah, Frozen hit $1 billion a lot earlier than I expected. Now all that's left is $400 million domestic. What an incredible run.
  18. Bravo. This whole thing has been awesome. Really looking forward to the next installment.
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