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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. It's okay boo, I'll be here for you ? Right, just so everyone is clear we aren't saying you can't bash a movie and say it sucks. However what we're asking is for you to not ho into said thread daily and bash it. I mean, what's the point other than trolling at this point? Exactly. I think we have had our funnest times on here when it was discussing numbers or even in silly bantering in good humor.
  2. I wouldn't say it's getting too sensitive, you can still say how you want of a movie. However, does it really need to be said 12 billion times? I mean really, after the 7th billionth time we get it, you hate it. It really just brings the mood down.
  3. I think this is an awesome idea, people can say their point and move along. There's definitely been a lot of negativity on these threads and I think it has a lot to do with this. Hopefully we can bring back some positivity to this site.
  4. I'm really hoping this turns out to what I hope it can be, and also if this movie can actually anwser our questions (unlike prometheus).
  5. Didn't see this movie on here so thought I'd add it. Overall if you're someone who is extremely claustrophobic (you are seriously scared of tight spaces) then this movie will definitely make you feel at unease, as it takes places in caverns (aka they are climbers). Even for someone like me who doesn't really care about being confined, there were times that I thought the film really did a good job at making you feel like you were there, and I even got really uncomfortable. The pace was pretty good, I love when horror films take their time and get you anxious for a scare vs. spoiling you know a days within ten minutes. I saw it again a few weeks ago so it's not clear in my mind, but I want to say that it's like 40 minutes or so until you actually get into the scares, but I found it worth it. I think the biggest weakness in this film to me, are the characters, which is a huge problem. Now I do remember there being a scene in the beginning in the film that was traumatic to the main character and it had something to do with Juno (again, my memory is foggy). However I do remember finding that it didn't really mesh up with why Juno was putting these girls in such a terrible and even dangerous situation in the first place (I mean never mind monsters, even in a realistic sense so much can go wrong when you go to climb a cavern you've, A). Never been in; and B). Even worse, don't have a map for). All the minor characters are completely forgettable, they have really no personality to me whatsoever and I don't remember much of anything about them. In fact even the main character (the blonde) I don't even remember her name (which is bad as I even saw the sequel, The Descent 2 and still can't remember her name. Tells you something.....though in fairness that movie was really bad). The only reason why I remember Juno is because.....well....it's unique and two, because even though she can be a hated character, she was actually the only character in the movie that actually had a personality in it and you could talk about lol. As for the monsters, I found them to be pretty cool. I'm sure some might find them basic considering they look basically human except for the paleness (obviously since they get no sun light) and their eyes......err....and maybe their teeth. I liked the method of them not being able to see, it actually makes sense. I'm curious though if the director when creating these monsters, are they ancestors to us? Or a completely different species entirely? I know it's not important really, I'm just curious. All in all, it's an okay film. It has it's moments that will grip you considering the situation you're in (aka, being trapped literally with inches of breathing room at times and could be crushed to death in seconds). However the lack of characters you care for I think is the biggest kryptonite with this film because other than that I would have really liked this film, damn shame. I give it a C+/B-, 6/10. (I'll give it the B rating as it's closer to that).
  6. Just saw this, and have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought. It wasn't great, but at the same time the film gave off the vibe it wasn't trying to be serious. It definitely had a horror/comedy like feel to it, almost like it was making fun of itself in a weird way and it somewhat worked for me. I think it gave the film some humor and the humor worked, I especially liked the line, "Well I just got my ass kicked by a bunch of cookies so I'll believe anything" and also "Pretty much, she's saying we're fucked" (grandma nods yes). Don't get me wrong, this film is def flawed. For one, I actually kind of thought it took way to long to get into the action, which you don't often hear from me as I'm all for character development and delaying the gratification of the climatic scares that are to come. However, with a film like this when it's clearly not a serious horror film and like I said is somewhat making fun of itself (at least that's the vibe I got), then there really isn't any point in character development (to an extent). In fact, the characters then to me you should be developing and giving screen time to are the actual antagonists, like the toys and such. I would have loved more scenes with the Ginger bread cookies, they were funny as hell. Instead, it was like I think almost 45-50 minutes into the movie when we actually got a good look at them I think (I'm not counting Beth's death as you didn't see anything). This was def a weird movie, and again this review is coming off literally seconds after just watching it so I'll def have to sleep on it and maybe it might change my mind for either worse or better. For now, I can say that this is one of those times that although I know the movie is flawed in numerous ways, it was almost a guilty pleasure for me as I had fun watching it. I'd give it a low B, overall grade 7/10.
  7. Damnit! I didn't know the trailer was out! I have to say, I'm impressed with it! Looks like they are keeping it true but at the same time adding in some of their own flare to it. Can't wait for this.
  9. Just saw it and although it didn't blow me like I wanted it too, it was still a great movie. I felt that the beginning for me was almost to faithful to the cartoon, and bored me a bit. However, once the film diverted and made its own path I loved it. Emma was good as Belle but to be honest she didnt wow me, I still think Anne Hathaway would of made an amazing Belle. The beast to me could of looked a bit more "beasty", if that makes sense but overall I liked him and at times loved him (sometimes the cgi wasn't the best but it was rare). They definitely made him less scary/monstrous than the cartoon. As for the others (lumiere and cogsworth and such) I loved them all, I actually tearedup at the end when it looked like they all in sense died off. Overall I left feeling happy, sure it didn't wow me but then again it did surprise me at times and did touch my heart when I wasn't expecting it. I'd give this a strong B+, 8/10. question though: that book thing the beast showed belle, was that like a time travel trick? I had originally thought it was merely a hologram of the place but when belle showed her father the rose, I was so confused.
  10. Pfffff, you're on because it's not gonna miss! Everyone I know has said its fantastic and even does some things that the cartoon didnt explore upon. I cant wait to see it myself today.
  11. I'm really glad to see another horror movie knocking it out of the park. Still have to see Split yet, been meaning too.
  12. Ugh, I actually really liked the first trailer, the feels it gave me gave me hope that Ridley was taking this back in the right direction. This new trailer to me was absolutely horrendous, it's just so fucking typical like any other trailer today, basically showing the whole fucking movie. I have no sunk to zero urge to see this movie, I'm that disgusted.
  13. Considering the obvious director, I'm surprised this is getting the reviews it's getting (though I know there's a high chance when more come in it'll tilt way down).
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