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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. So I just got back from seeing this today: I can see why everyone likes this movie so much, the attitude and tone of the movie is fun and engaging throughout. The animation is also spectacular, a job well done. My eyes just lit up at all the visuals I was seeing. The characters in this are also engaging, Hops was funny and a likable and Nick was funny but was glad they went into his back story, made his character all the more interesting. The story kept me engaged throughout, however......I'm not sure what it is, but I just feel like something was missing from this (it really wasn't as funny as it was marketed, but that's not a big deal the story is what counts). I'm not sure if it's because I walked in thinking it was going to be this riot pee-soaking hysterical movie, or the fact that reviewers had my expectations so high (like comparing it to Lion King) that it made it impossible to soar over. I just felt like I left the theater thinking "what that was good, but that's about it". I wouldn't die to go see it again anytime soon, which I know is weird to say considering I just said how good it was. Overall, I'd give this a very high B+, 8/10.
  2. Guys, let's stop it with the Marvel/DC banter, enough. This is strictly for Thursday numbers. If you continue to derail this thread not only will I continue to delete your comments, but you'll be banned from here.
  3. Guys, let's not turn this into a Marvel vs DC shit battle. Let's keep it to numbers and just that.
  4. Really? I've seen a lot of people I know that loved the movie. Some of them didn't like the ending (for obvious reasons I won't say), but overall they loved it and thought it was good. They only thing they said was that it wasn't really a kid movie, said it was dark but I guess that's comic book accurate?
  5. To be fair, you're really comparing apples to oranges. Avengers is a full cast of superheroes banding together, vs. bat vs sup where you have only 1 movie to develop a character (superman from MOS) because ben affleck's batman had to be developed (I'm assuming?) in this movie. It would have been a fair more accurate comparison if it were Justice League, and the characters have their own background movies out.
  6. Nothing to me looks great with this, however I just know it won't be a dud. The fans will still go to it and it'll make it's money (though not as much as the first). I'll say 65M OW, 162.5M DOM, 515M OS, 677.5M WW.
  7. I'm somewhat surprised the OS isn't higher for this thing. I thought bat and sup were like, worldwide known. Then again, I'm always bad at predicting OS
  8. User Mockingjayraphael was warned.
  9. Saw it last night, and I have to say I am one who is walking in that knows literally zero about this as I don't follow marvel or any of that stuff. For me, this was really solid: it had lots of humor, great action scenes, good characters (which Reynolds I thought knocked Wade out of the park), and pace wise I thought the film moved swiftly and always had your attention. I think my only negative were two things: One was how he became a "super" powered human, Francis made a comment that the whole torture things he was going through actually wouldn't do anything to cure him, which made me think they scammed him. So, when Wade did have powers I was a bit confused, and I'm still confused as to how again. Like, did they discover enough stress will make a person somehow become incredibly super powered? My second was the villain Francis, I just didn't buy him being the "main" evil villain. I could buy him maybe being an underling (which in the beginning of the movie Deadpool kicked his ass easily), but somehow Francis is this big powerful enemy and for some reason I just didn't buy into him. Other than hang those two minor things I can say I definitely like this movie and will want to see it again, and definitely will buy it when it comes out on DVD. It also was really refreshing to have some R rated jokes and raunchiness in a superhero flick. I gave this movie an A, overall 8.5/10.
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