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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. Well I guess I should make one of these: Boreal Pictures Founded: YEAR 8 President: Killimano3 YEAR 8 FINANCIAL SUMMARY (Budget/OW/DOM/WW): Demon: The Summoning (Horror) --- (5,000,000 / $11,341,901 / Walls of Stone (Historical Fiction) --- (100,000,000 / Wizardversity (Comp. Animated/Fantasy) --- (150,000,000 / CRITICAL SUMMARY Demon: The Summoning --- It got a B one time. It was a milestone. Walls of Stone --- ??? Wizardversity --- ??? COMPANY SUMMARY: Highest Grossing Film --- Demon: The Summoning --- At least 11.3 million
  2. Fantastic movie. Great performances, great writing, great directing, basically just great all around. Could have been a tad shorter maybe but it didn't really bother me so it's not that big of a deal
  3. OS update 2.0 --- Fixes bug that allows OS's to band together and ascend to a higher plane of existence
  4. I finished Wizardversity. Kinda rushed it a bit but I really wanted to have something up
  5. Walls of Stone Genre: Historical Fiction Date: April 13th Theaters: 3577 Runtime: 2 hrs. 42 min. Director: Cast: -Liam Neeson as Henry Stafford II -??? as Juliana Stafford -Sean Bean as Henry Stafford III -Russel Crowe as Simon Stafford -Hugo Weaving as Walter Stafford -??? as Robert Stafford -??? Ralf Stafford Rating: PG-13 Composer: Ramin Djawadi Budget: $100 million Plot:
  6. I never can decide whether I like this one or the second one better. They're both just so good
  7. This movie is hilarious. I kept thinking "What exactly is the point of any of this?" When I was watching it. That's what makes it fantastic though, cause it's great without really needing a point XD
  8. There are too many possible jokes here. Nobody could ever choose just one
  9. The new Marvel Phase 2 thing is absurd final battles Iron Man 3 had a hundred Iron Man suits flying around and Tony jumping into new ones every 5 seconds Thor: The Dark World had it's random warping between different universes, or different planets or whatever so what will be Captain America 2's insane final fight???
  10. It's a fun and entertaining movie if you don't think too hard about anything that's going on. But if you do you kind of start to realize some of the things that make the movie unrealistic. Also Morgan Freeman may have sort of been an asshole but he didn't deserve to go to prison XD
  11. One the best movies I have ever seen, It just seemed to get better and better as it went along and the ending was amazing. When I first saw it I didn't really know anything about it so it really surprised me just how hopeful and happy this movie was.
  12. There wasn't a lot about the movie that specifically stuck out to me but it was such an emotional tale that it made up for it. The ending especially was really well done. Definitely one of the top movies of the year
  13. well it definitely won't hold as well as the first Avatar. But it'll still hold better then Star Wars 7
  14. Honestly I think the Star Wars 7 will have a higher OW for December. Avatar should still be high and should hold better later on though
  15. Tropic Thunder is definitely one of the most quotable movies I've seen XD
  16. I thought it was actually very well done. It was pretty depressing, but it did a good job of making me feel for the characters
  17. Easily the best pirates film and the only one i'd consider a really top tier film. Dead Man's Chest is underrated imo as well though.
  18. The death of Wilson is the saddest death of any death ever
  19. Frozen's entire drop came from it's Friday. Saturday was barely down at all and Sunday was actually an increase over last week
  20. yeah it's personally one of the most angering moments in cinema for me that there is clearly enough room for them both
  21. I feel like if something is surprising it has to by default at least spark an interest in you even if for only a second. Unless of course he means surprising to others?
  22. NOOO STOP STOP STOP STOP ugh..... sometimes the world sucks....
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