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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. lol I can only imagine how much people would be freaking out if Frozen passed CF and IM3 XD
  2. If Frozen made 20 million this weekend and then follow tangled exactly: 5th weekend = 14.6m (61st highest 4th weekend) 6th weekend = 22.3m (4th highest 5th weekend) 7th weekend = 11.6m (13th highest 6th weekend) 8th weekend = 9.0m (13th highest 7th weekend) 9th weekend = 7.4m (17th highest 8th weekend) 10th weekend = 5.4m (27th highest 9th weekend) 11th weekend - 2.4m
  3. hoping that Interstellar, How to Train Your Dragon 2, and Hobbit 3 end up being amazing I want TASM2 to be amazing too but I feel like it's going to end up being slightly better then mediocre in my mind. Not to excited for Mockingjay because I have absolutely no idea how anyone could make the first half of the book the least bit exciting especially when stretched over 2 hours
  4. They'll probably continue to make these movies as long as they continue to make absurd amounts of money overseas
  5. I was quite surprised by how good the movie ended up being. I think I ended up liking it quite a bit more then Wreck-it Ralph. All in all I'd give it an A+ I feel like Disney has once again eclipsed Pixar for making the best animated movies. I mean so far since Toy Story 3 I haven't been impressed with their work. Cars 2 was bad and Brave and Monsters University were decent but nothing all that special. But I've really enjoyed Disney's last few films like Frozen, Wreck-it Ralph etc.
  6. The MPAA system cares way too much about language. I mean why does the use of the f word automatically make it rated R... People hear swearing on a regular basis at school since like elementary. Sure it's not a good idea to purposely expose kids to that sort of thing but the fact that they even try to keep teens from seeing that sort of thing is kinda stupid. Especially considering the amount of blood and violence that gets by with a PG-13 rating. I agree with the idea of have a sort of PG-15 rating to better distinguish things
  7. I think it would be a cool idea if somebody started something similar to the CAYOM except instead it would be Create a Year of Television. People would create television shows and schedule them into time slots during the week. The show would run in periods of a couple months probably, that way if a show performs poorly it can be replaced and people can shift their schedules and extend episode orders and whatnot. People would create short summaries for each episode (shouldn't take too long as long as people keep the summaries to a reasonable length). Then we could have a review section where people review seasons, or individual episodes if they so choose in order to see what shows are well-received. Then people can predict ratings and stuff. Then obviously we'd have somebody do the ratings and see which shows did well. If some absurd amount of people ended up joining we could probably have some of the bigger players control a few "networks" that could decline or accept shows but enough people for that is unlikely. idk doesn't need to happen could be interesting though also apparently I incorrectly titled this topic and can't change it =/
  8. The mystery of the hatch was without a doubt the greatest mystery ever on television
  9. This movie would be considered way better if LOTR hadn't happened yet... everyone who reviews it or talks about it always like "Yeah that was cool i guess... but it's still not LOTR"
  10. These are my scientific Godzilla predictions: OW - 206,200,669 DOM - 1,033,181,993 WW - 3,601,221,558 Godzilla will become the first billion dollar domestic movie.
  11. If this ends up with 26 million that is NOT a good sign that's less than AUJ made on Saturday =/
  12. I feel like just out of definition superheroes shouldn't die in their respective movies. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of a superhero movie. People see them because it's all about good always defeating evil and coming out on top. Only time I could see this happening is if it was an unimportant minor character no one cared about or if they'd killed Batman off in TDKR cause that franchise was kind of different from the superhero norm
  13. 1. Spider-Man 2 2. The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Spider-Man 4. Spider-Man 3
  14. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It does have some weaker moments but it makes up for it in many ways. A+
  15. What are the best movies you have seen since the turn of the millennium?
  16. I haven't seen a good deal of movies but here's what I've got so far: 10. Harry Potter 8 (2011) 9. Catching Fire (2013) 8. The Avengers (2012) 7. The King's speech (2010) 6. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 5. Toy Story 3 (2010) 4. The Social Network (2010) 3. Gravity (2013) 2. Cloud Atlas (2012) 1. Inception (2010)
  17. come to think of it how exactly did this take 4 hours? All I can think of is if you searched the entire forum for movies that started with a certain letter, except you can sort it alphabetically soo
  18. lol @ Alice and Wonderland having 9% XD
  19. Without a doubt one of the worst superhero movies i've ever seen. Incredibly boring and forgettable. I have never seen a movie do so consistently poorly with every plot point. When Lois and superman kissed for the first time I thought "Wait haven't these people talked like... twice?". If you think about it they barely ever even saw each other and knew nothing about the other person. The action was terrible. Visually it was pretty cool at first I suppose but it just kept going... for the whole movie... there was barely any plot development after like 40% of the way into the movie it was just more explosions and more death. The breaking point of the action for me was when they literally flew all the way into space just to coincidentally destroy the international space station and then immediately return to earth. Not to mention superman almost deliberately destroyed tons of the city when he really had no reason to. The pacing was also terrible. It was an incredibly stretched out beginning that made nearly half of the movie just backstory. It was just backstory of his home, backstory of his childhood, backstory of his young adult life, backstory, backstory, with no continuation of plot. Then it instantly changed into like an hour and a half long climax that was just battling here, more battling there, another explosion. It completely missed any sort of middle portion to the movie and any plot development. D- Huge disappointment for me
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