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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. On the bright side, the Pixar/Disney Oscar streak that’s been going on Post-Rango might finally be broken.
  2. Not when you’re talking about an animated film and the kid demo.
  3. Check my advertisements and main thread posts! I make my fun of the bamboo awards more than anyone else!
  4. You’re implying this is new information! I don’t even take them seriously, and I’m the one who runs them.
  5. The BOFFY for WTF WrathofHan goes to his continual persistence that Pfieffer would get nominated for every award!
  6. I get Spotify and Amazon’s model. They’re attempting to force themselves into a “natural monopoly/oligopoly” position (yes I know they’re not a monopoly, they have competitors). In a sense they continue to produce, thinking their industry has high economies of scale, and once they get large enough they’ll be able to make a profit and be to far ahead for any competitors to reach them due to the high costs of the industry. The difference is Spotify and Amazon require investing and building an infrastructure for the company. Signing on artists to put their music on your app. Amazon, building the whole prime network, which isn’t currently making them much money, but they’re now so big (with too many other companies and consumers relying on them) that they have a safety net from failing. MoviePass is not the same in that regard. It’s s high cost environment, but they aren’t investing in anything, and they don’t really have leverage, even when subs grow. Their model can be replicated much easier, and for much less cost, by the actual theater chains themselves. Essentially it’d be like a company that you sub to and they’ll pay to download x amount of songs for you everyday. If that company tries to leverage its way into getting better deals from the actual sellers (say, iTunes), there’s nothing stopping that seller from simply offering their own sub service which gives you access to their songs, and cut out the middleman. It’s the main reason I don’t think MP will be sustainable with this model. It’s easy to compare them to Spotify or Netflix, but the nature of their industry is much different and their future competitors (theaters) have much more effective cost structures so even if movie theater subs from MP take off, theaters can simply offer their own sub plans with a much lower cost structure.
  7. I can assure you, there will be no loud obnoxious claps into the microphone at the BOFFYS unlike the sad SOTU!
  8. I’ll make a quick announcement. There were a large number of 5th and 6th Place ties, so each film category will have SIX NOMINEES #BOFFYSGoBFCA That being said, there were still some BIG SNUBS and YUGE SURPRISES!
  9. I get the argument for paper books and why people might prefer them. I personally prefer digital reading, but I also read less for the artistic experience and more for a quantative one. I reckon sitting down and reading a novel for fun could be more enjoyable on a couch with a paperback novel.
  10. It could also be a generational thing. I've had access to the internet for most of my life, so I've done much more digital reading. I could see how people who didn't grow up in an internet age would have a bit more attachment to reading off of paper. I think even if it's a table specifically for reading (although most tablets are multi-purposed now), you're buying much more than just one book on it. One book versus one tablet, book's better. But let's say 5-6 textbooks a semester, plus various other forms of books and the paper from the books starts to stack up quickly. Obviously, not everybody needs 5-6 textbooks a semester, so the convenience factor of having your books under one folder varies depending the person
  11. I actually prefer tablet reading with a fast paced schedule. It’s convenient, less weighty for text books, easy to jump around and I can read on the go. It also wastes less paper. Movies, I don’t really notice much of a difference between an actual blu-Ray and good streaming
  12. I would never go back to the days of physical media, streaming and downloading FTW.
  13. They’re going to crossover the Valerian and Bright universes!
  14. If you could send it to me that'd be helpful, I was tallying the votes and was unaware you sent in a ballot!
  15. You can still vote, and the ballot doesn't have to be fully completed. Even if you want to just nominate a few categories it works!
  16. I almost nominated Wissaeu for Hero and Villain, but I decided to just scrap Disaster Artist from my ballot completely.
  17. Nah, we all know That One Guy is actually Broadwayfreak/DCasey
  18. I do think less typically baity films like Get Out, Dunkirk, The Martian, Gravity, etc. do better if they’re released early. It lets them stand out and not get clumped with the stream of awards releases.
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