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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I just now binged the show so the goodness of season 2 and 1 may have bled over to it. But I still found it hilarious. Titus deserved an Emmy for his lemonade parody.
  2. Y’all should vote for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Season 3 just passed up Master of None for best TV show of 2017 for me. Way better than Veep
  3. Just a quick note, if you guys make edits to your ballot (it’s fine if you do) just be sure to say so in the pm and what you changed. It helps with the tallying. The vote counting will be done much quicker if they’re counted as they come. If you make an edit it’ll only take a few seconds to change!
  4. Some factoids out of the current vote spread to inspire you to cast a ballot (many of these things could easily change with a few votes!) Transformers currently has a non-worst feature nomination I, Tonya, Three Billboards and Dunkirk have Worst Feature votes! With the exception of one actor nom, #BOFFYSsoWhite (Yikes) Franco is on the verge of getting a nom or not #Francogate At Least one of the usual suspects for Best Funniest Poster currently would not even get a nom (there's potential that none of them will, yet it's spread enough that it could be all of them yet again!) A single vote could change who gets a nom and who doesn't for nearly every cat There's currently 15 ballots cast!
  5. I add pineapple to any pizza. It goes with everything
  6. Loud and action heavy trailers do well because the Super Bowl is a loud event. But there’s plenty of woman who watch the Super Bowl, probably the best place to release a fifty shades trailer
  7. I think the people claiming to be Christians but silently covering up sexual assault need divine intervention before anyone on this forum.
  8. What’s worse, is you have preachers and elders with doctorates in theological studies and such that still miss the point lol.
  9. 1. GET OUT 2. GET OUT 3. GET OUT 4. GET OUT 5. GET OUT 6. GET OUT 7. Theee Billboards 8. Lady Bird 9. Dunkirk
  10. Reminds me of all the Christians saying, “Well, King David sinned so that means Trump must be who God’s choice for president!” after the access Hollywood tapes. Left me going ‘WTF?’ not even knowing how to respond.
  11. The actual Gospel message is rather inspiring, but it isn’t really preached/practiced by today’s church. It’s one about recognizing when you’ve done wrong, turning your life around and finding forgiveness. It’s one about helping the poor and it’s actually a denouncement of the theology the modern church as turned into. The Pharisees, the religious zealots of the time who used their positions to enforce legalistic rules and used their religion as a system to protect their power, were pretty much the villains of the gospel books. Oddly enough, the modern church seems to model themselves more after the antagonists then the actual message The Gospel was supposed to be about.
  12. There’s lots of good from the community aspect of an organized church. I’ve seen lots of good people do a lot of good work. And not all of the leaders of every congregation would let something like this fly. But the fact few leaders within denominations are willing to speak out against this is sickening.
  13. This makes me shakenly angry, more so than any of the Hollywood cases. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5a51f387e4b089e14dbb79a8 https://www.npr.org/2018/01/24/580193284/amid-metoo-evangelicals-grapple-with-misconduct-in-churchtoo Maybe it’s because I grew up in an evangelical church so it hits close to home. It makes me wonder if the church I had grown up in ever did the same for a member? If they ever covered up somebody in a position of power to protect their image? I understand a core message of the evangelical church is forgiveness, but they seem to keep skipping the part of confession and repentance that come before. And they also skip the part that forgiveness does not mean taking away any consequences (well at least when it comes to this. Which just makes the ring even more hypocritically, I still remember a lesson about how same sex relations can be forgiven but they must still have consequences. It’s kind of disgusting when you’ll cover up a sexual assault but openly condemn someone who’s gay) This youth pastor should be a person the youth and parents in the congregation should be able to trust. The elders who covered up the assault should be people the congregation should be able to trust. It’s not just that they had power and abused it, but they were elected to positions because the people from the church trusted them to be people who would do their jobs with care and uphold moral character. This guy betrays a young girl’s trust, lies, takes her to a secluded area, rapes her and tries to manipulate her to stay silent. He doesn’t even apologize or ask for forgiveness, his first reaction is to make her be silent about her abuse. She has the bravery to take the issue to leaders of the congregation, and they stay silent. These elders displayed they cared more about protecting an image than protecting other youth in danger of being assaulted by man who not only assaulted a girl, but assaulted a girl while being in a position where he was supposed to be a moral example to her. That’s a deep scar that’ll never be truly mended. She then takes it to a group of woman, and even then the elders remain silent, only hushing the guy to a different church in Tennessee while throwing a going away reception for him. Instead of addressing the issue, they let an abuser go without consequence, without having to face any reckoning for his actions, and thus endanger others from suffering from the same man. He then continues to stay silent about it. He only chooses to speak up when the girl goes public years later. He gets up in front of a congregation, lies about how he handled the situation, and receives a standing ovation because his confession appeared heartfelt. I’m sick. As a person of faith I think it’s clear. The church has no moral authority. This situation isn’t unique to any congregation or denomination. It’s in the Catholic Church, it’s in the Protestant Church, it’s with the politicians the church endorses and it’s disgusting behavior. It doesn’t preach a message of forgiveness and rescue from brokenness. It’s using that message as a way to cover up and protect abusers and manipulators in power while taking no issue in condemning the powerless. And I realize that I am also guilty of protecting those people if I refuse to speak out about it. What happened at that high point congregation wasn’t forgiveness or redemption, it was an allowance to let an abuser keep his power to abuse.
  14. All of this high school talk just reminds me how much of a waste of talent I was in high school. Id figure out how many assignments I could skip in various classes I didn’t like and still pull an A so my mom wouldn’t get mad (I mean it mostly worked, but lol if I just did them I could have been ranked 3rd - 1st instead of 9th). I went into my ACT blind because I was taking a “moral stance against the system and refused to participate in the crime that was standardized testing” (I mean my score was fine, It exempted me from pre-cal and my English core for college, but lol really?). I only applied to three D2 state schools (well one was a private D2 school) because I was lazy and didn’t want to write college application essays. And that’s ignoring the other stupid shit I did. Kind of proof that just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot in practicality.
  15. Cutting out the bad take part. But honestly, the streaks stuff annoys me. I don’t have the time or motivation to try and make sure we send each other a snap everyday just so some number ticks up. I pretty much only use it if I want to send something to my friends that I don’t really want to permanently be on my Facebook or twitter feed.
  16. Lol, that hasn’t stopped about 25% of the people on Tinder. That’s part of the reason I deleted it, I got matched with a few 16 year olds claiming to be 20 and was like “Hell naw, done with this.”
  17. You don’t have to list a full 10 nominees, and you can opt out of cats you don’t feel like you’ve seen enough for. Even if you just post 4 or 5 BP picks, your opinion will be valued!
  18. You should have just made a tinder account with your Snapchat tag in it and used it as an advertisement like all the good teens do.
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