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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I think streaming is changing that. Most TV Shows you can now watch at your leisure, allowing for WoM hits like Stranger Things and such. It's harder to get people in front of a TV at a specific time for ratings during the Summer, but it's not a problem with streaming.
  2. It's hard to say if a film is definitively effected by reviews or not. You can show films that succeeded despite bad reviews, but you can't say with certainty that the film wouldn't have done better with good reviews (and change nothing else). It's probably every movie is effected by reviews to some extent we just don't know the magnitude of that extent (which likely varies Movie by movie) Every movie is its own unique thing in a unique period of time. So it's really hard to predict and project what makes them successful in any definitive sense.
  3. 1. Blade Runner 2. Detroit 3. Dunkirk 4. It Comes At Night 5. Wonder Woman 6. War for the Planet of the Apes 7. A Ghost Story 8. Wind River 9. Baby Driver 10. The Dark Tower
  4. I'm curious how well GoT would do if they turned the finale into a 3 hour movie. I reckon it'd be fairly large.
  5. GoT has been a game changer as well. We're getting more movie ideas being turned into TV Series' instead, and theres plenty of other shows taking inspiration from it and Breaking Bad.
  6. Lord of the Rings did peak though. It peaked with Return of the King, and then the Hobbit was the decline. That was also filmed together as one long story, so since the first grabbed people, it kept growing because people wanted to see the conclusion.
  7. I mean, that's true. But also look at things like The Girl on the Train or the Accountant. They both had mixed reviews, but because of placing them in barren dates and knowing how to market them, they were decent successes. If there's lots of wide releases however, I think the reviews help a movie stand out, and then the actual audience reception determines legs. I also wouldn't blame the critics for the movie's success or failure. Their job is simply to review a movie for its quality, and they tend to do a good job at it. It's the quality of the movie you're making that you can blame. Market an appealing concept and deliver with the product, and you'll have a much easier time selling tickets.
  8. I think reviews can help or hurt movies but I don't think they are what kill or make a movie a success. I do think glowing reception can really help a movie get noticed and break out. Such as Get Out, had universal praise and audiences obviously dug it. But I do think it's easy to mistake reviews with WoM. Alien for example isn't liked at all, despite fresh reviews.
  9. Also, I'll tend to watch big blockbusters in theaters anyways despite critic opinions. But smaller and mid-budget movies I'll often skip if they get mixed reviews.
  10. Yeah, it's pretty rare that I find the critic consensus unjustified (even if I don't necessarily personally agree with it at times). For example, I personally found Pirates to be dumb fun, but I wouldn't call it a great movie (probably not even a good one), and I understand completely why it's rotten. Or with Civil War, that movie just wasn't really for me, but I understand why it's fresh and got great reviews. It's not that often when I find the RT consensus to be truly unjustified.
  11. Then have you really seen a truly bad movie? I felt personally insulted when I saw movies like IDR, or America: Imagine the World Without Her, and so on.
  12. I used to think I liked the Rock. But his Twitter meltdown is truly pathetic. Like Michael Scott cringe level.
  13. IMAX trailers are fun, the best was seeing that Dunkirk prologue when I was not expecting it, in 70mm. I'm really hyped for that movie, Nolan might actually deliver something worthy of the praise it gets for once
  14. I missed the first one in the bathroom Then I got Transformers Blade Runner Spider-Man Apes Star Wars Thor The Mummy I had seen all of the trailers already and I've already fanboyed over the Blade Runner and Star Wars trailers, so I wasn't doing flips or anything.
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