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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. On the contrary I see DM3 over 1b, anencephaly a strong chance for Transformers and Pirates over 1b. I was previously thinking GOTG2 over 1b, but the international numbers aren't looking good enough to push it over.
  2. I could see August having no 100m hits, and September compensating for it. But it still feels weird to think nothing in August will hit 100m, and TDT has the most potential.
  3. Yeah, I'd also like to change my GOTG WW predict to below 1b, and under Pirates and Transformers, but don't want to screw with my week 0 for something uncertain. Im thinking a WW top 5 looks like this 1.DM3 2.Pirates 3.Transformers 4.GOTG2 5.WW
  4. This would have been great for August if they had moved it there in time.
  5. Still not happy about having Snatched at number 15. But Detroit is run by a small and untested studio, there's nothing to base a Dark Tower prediction on, it's hard to see Annabelle: Creation even matching the first, All Eyez on Me isn't on the radar at all like Straight Outta Compton was, Rough Night, Baby Driverand Girls Trip are even riskier than Snatched, I still have faith that the GA will reject The Emoji Movie (and metrics are backing it up currently) and Valerian and King Arthur both look like bombs in the making.
  6. I'm trying to think if it's worth sacrificing my Week 0 questions to add Dark Tower back to my list? Im still not confident because this movie has gotten next to 0 marketing attention. But August is also dead and I fee like something has to succeed there.
  7. China Totals Call a film’s gross to within 5 million to get 25,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 10 million to get 20,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 20 million to get 15,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 30 million to get 10,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 40 million to get 0 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 40.01-60 million lose 10,000 points Call a film wrong by more than 60 million lose 20,000 points Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (38/38) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (37/38) Captain Underpants (1/38) Wonder Woman (31/38) The Mummy (22/38) Cars 3 (4/38) Transformers: The Last Knight (38/38) Despicable Me 3 (15/38) Spider-Man: Homecoming (37/38) War for the Planet of the Apes (31/38) Dunkirk (7/38) Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planet (6/38)
  8. Worldwide Predictions Call a film’s gross to within 10 million to get 50,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 25 million to get 40,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 50 million to get 30,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 75 million to get 20,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 100 million to get 10,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 150 million to get 5000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 200 million to get no bonus points Miss the gross by 200-250M and lose 10,000 points. Then also lose an additional 1,000 points for every subsequent 25M you miss the final total by. (You will losedouble these points if the film doesn’t make the top 10 WW.) *If the film finishes in the top 15, the maximum points that can be lost are 25,000. If the film is not in the top 15, there is no upper limit for points lost. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (40/40) King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (1/40) Alien: Covenant (8/40) Baywatch (1/40) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (40/40) Wonder Woman (40/40) The Mummy (30/40) Cars 3 (39/40) Transformers: The Last Knight (40/40) Despicable Me 3 (40/40) Spider-Man Homecoming (40/40) War for the Planet of the Apes (40/40) Dunkirk (34/40) The Emoji Movie (1/40) Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets (6/40)
  9. Opening Weekend Prediction Call a film’s gross to within 1 million to get 30,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 2.5 million to get 25,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 5 million to get 20,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 10 million to get 15,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 15 million to get 10,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 20 million to get 5,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 30 million to get no bonus points Miss the gross by more than 30M and lose 10,000 points (You will lose these points even if the film doesn’t make the top 7 OW.) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (41/41) #1 Alien: Covenant (1/41) MISSED Baywatch (1/41) MISSED Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (35/41) #5 Wonder Woman (40/41) #3 The Mummy (3/41) MISSED Cars 3 (5/41) #7 Transformers: The Last Knight (38/41) MISSED Despicable Me 3 (40/41) #4 Spider-Man: Homecoming (41/41) #2 War for the Planet of the Apes (35/41) #6 Dunkirk (4/41) MISSED
  10. This thread will be for tracking totals of the four main topics for the pre-seasons. I will also check off questions from the preseason when they are for sure correct or incorrect. This will be for easy reference so you can get an idea of how you're doing on pre-seasons before Chaasmi and JJ actually score everything. Domestic Total Tracking If less than 10 players successfully predict a film to finish in the top 15, those players will score a 50,000 point bonus. If less than 5 players successfully predict a film to finish in the top 15, those players will score a 75,000 point bonus. If 1 solitary player successfully predicts a film to finish in the top 15, that players will score a 150,000 point bonus. Call a film’s gross to within 2 million to get 30,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 5 million to get 25,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 10 million to get 20,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 20 million to get 15,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 30 million to get 10,000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 40 million to get 5000 bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 50 million to get no bonus points Call a film’s gross to within 50.01-80 million lose 10,000 points and lose 1,000 points for every subsequent 10M you are away. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (41/41) #2 Snatched (9/41) #15 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (6/41) MISSED Alien: Covenant (41/41) #11 Baywatch (38/41) #13 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (41/41) #5 Captain Underpants (30/41) #12 Wonder Woman (41/41) #1 The Mummy (36/41) #10 Rough Night (7/41) MISSED Cars 3 (41/41) #6 All Eyez on Me (9/41) MISSED Transformers: The Last Knight (41/41) #7 The House (14/41) MISSED Despicable Me 3 (41/41) #4 Baby Driver (4/41) #9 Spider-Man: Homecoming (41/41) #3 War for the Planet of the Apes (41/41) #8 Dunkirk (40/41) Girl's Trip (2/41) Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets (8/41) The Emoji Movie (17/41) Atomic Blonde (2/41) The Dark Tower (10/41) Detroit (7/41) Annabelle: Creation (4/41) The Hitman's Bodyguard (1/41)
  11. Yeah, people who put the effort into making a full list should get more weight. It incetivizes ranking more which helps make it where number 100 on the list has more than 1-2 votes.
  12. Ugh I took this off my summer game because I figured it'd be delayed. With no competition, this doesn't even need that great of a campaign to pull decent numbers.
  13. It landed under Dark of the Moon, I don't think any place on the list so far is anything glowing. These are early knockouts.
  14. This is to difficult so I'm just going to submit a list of all the pokemon Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Caterpie Metapod Butterfree Weedle Kakuna Beedrill Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Rattata Raticate Spearow Fearow Ekans Arbok Pikachu Raichu Sandshrew Sandslash Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking Clefairy Clefable Vulpix Ninetales Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Zubat Golbat Oddish Gloom Vileplume Paras Parasect Venonat Venomoth Diglett Dugtrio Meowth Persian Psyduck Golduck Mankey Primeape Growlithe Arcanine Poliwag Poliwhirl Poliwrath Abra Kadabra Alakazam Machop Machoke Machamp Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel Tentacool Tentacruel Geodude Graveler Golem Ponyta Rapidash Slowpoke Slowbro Magnemite Magneton Farfetch'd Doduo Dodrio Seel Dewgong Grimer Muk Shellder Cloyster Gastly Haunter Gengar Onix Drowzee Hypno Krabby Kingler Voltorb Electrode Exeggcute Exeggutor Cubone Marowak Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Lickitung Koffing Weezing Rhyhorn Rhydon Chansey Tangela Kangaskhan Horsea Seadra Goldeen Seaking Staryu Starmie Mr. Mime Scyther Jynx Electabuzz Magmar Pinsir Tauros Magikarp Gyarados Lapras Ditto Eevee Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Porygon Omanyte Omastar Kabuto Kabutops Aerodactyl Snorlax Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Mewtwo Mew Chikorita Bayleef Meganium Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr Sentret Furret Hoothoot Noctowl Ledyba Ledian Spinarak Ariados Crobat Chinchou Lanturn Pichu Cleffa Igglybuff Togepi Togetic Natu Xatu Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos Bellossom Marill Azumarill Sudowoodo Politoed Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff Aipom Sunkern Sunflora Yanma Wooper Quagsire Espeon Umbreon Murkrow Slowking Misdreavus Unown Wobbuffet Girafarig Pineco Forretress Dunsparce Gligar Steelix Snubbull Granbull Qwilfish Scizor Shuckle Heracross Sneasel Teddiursa Ursaring Slugma Magcargo Swinub Piloswine Corsola Remoraid Octillery Delibird Mantine Skarmory Houndour Houndoom Kingdra Phanpy Donphan Porygon2 Stantler Smeargle Tyrogue Hitmontop Smoochum Elekid Magby Miltank Blissey Raikou Entei Suicune Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi Treecko Grovyle Sceptile Torchic Combusken Blaziken Mudkip Marshtomp Swampert Poochyena Mightyena Zigzagoon Linoone Wurmple Silcoon Beautifly Cascoon Dustox Lotad Lombre Ludicolo Seedot Nuzleaf Shiftry Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelipper Ralts Kirlia Gardevoir Surskit Masquerain Shroomish Breloom Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking Nincada Ninjask Shedinja Whismur Loudred Exploud Makuhita Hariyama Azurill Nosepass Skitty Delcatty Sableye Mawile Aron Lairon Aggron Meditite Medicham Electrike Manectric Plusle Minun Volbeat Illumise Roselia Gulpin Swalot Carvanha Sharpedo Wailmer Wailord Numel Camerupt Torkoal Spoink Grumpig Spinda Trapinch Vibrava Flygon Cacnea Cacturne Swablu Altaria Zangoose Seviper Lunatone Solrock Barboach Whiscash Corphish Crawdaunt Baltoy Claydol Lileep Cradily Anorith Armaldo Feebas Milotic Castform Kecleon Shuppet Banette Duskull Dusclops Tropius Chimecho Absol Wynaut Snorunt Glalie Spheal Sealeo Walrein Clamperl Huntail Gorebyss Relicanth Luvdisc Bagon Shelgon Salamence Beldum Metang Metagross Regirock Regice Registeel Latias Latios Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Jirachi Deoxys Turtwig Grotle Torterra Chimchar Monferno Infernape Piplup Prinplup Empoleon Starly Staravia Staraptor Bidoof Bibarel Kricketot Kricketune Shinx Luxio Luxray Budew Roserade Cranidos Rampardos Shieldon Bastiodon Burmy Wormadam Mothim Combee Vespiquen Pachirisu Buizel Floatzel Cherubi Cherrim Shellos Gastrodon Ambipom Drifloon Drifblim Buneary Lopunny Mismagius Honchkrow Glameow Purugly Chingling Stunky Skuntank Bronzor Bronzong Bonsly Mime Jr. Happiny Chatot Spiritomb Gible Gabite Garchomp Munchlax Riolu Lucario Hippopotas Hippowdon Skorupi Drapion Croagunk Toxicroak Carnivine Finneon Lumineon Mantyke Snover Abomasnow Weavile Magnezone Lickilicky Rhyperior Tangrowth Electivire Magmortar Togekiss Yanmega Leafeon Glaceon Gliscor Mamoswine Porygon-Z Gallade Probopass Dusknoir Froslass Rotom Uxie Mesprit Azelf Dialga Palkia Heatran Regigigas Giratina My list is totally serious by the way, please count it as my actual submission
  15. Lol and Life of Pi, a movie that has rotting animal corpses and implications of traumatic canibalism and, was PG. Apparently it's more family friendly than La La Land.
  16. Yeah, markets will grow in BO potential if their actual economies grow. You aren't going to buy as many movie tickets if you don't have any money.
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