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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. The only reason that club might actually fail now is because I thought X-Men's legs would be worse. So it'll be just barely unless one of the three you mentioned can break out.
  2. IDR deserves to tank like it is. It's not even an inspired failure of quality. It didn't even try, which was what was so frustrating. It literally might have been the laziest big studio movie of the decade
  3. Only 62m+? Or is this just another silly projection? That would pretty much require Dory not to increase today.
  4. In honor of Episode 10, rank the season finale ending scenes (just the ending scene) 1.Fire and Blood 2.Valar Moghulis 3.Mother's Mercy 4.Mhysa 5.The Children
  5. All we got were the previews, these could translate to a high 30-40m opening, or a 50-60m range opening if there are more walkups and WoM doesn't kill it. But given that WoM is terrible, it may have an awful weekend multiplier.
  6. Yeah, 70m or so is pretty much the absolute floor for this weekend, and that's if it has minuscule Friday and Saturday increases.
  7. Dory is killing it, the absolute floor now is Fri: 23.5m Sat: 28.7m Sun: 20m Wknd: 72.2m (-47%) My lowball guess though Fri: 24m Sat: 31m Sun: 23.2m Wknd: 78.2m (-42%)
  8. So your only actual comment is, "I guess you've never seen a Roland Emmerich film"? Why, yes I have, and this is one of, if not his worst (which says a lot). Also, as a Warcraft fan I enjoyed Warcraft, but I also mentioned in my (real) review that if you weren't a fan of the game franchise you likely wouldn't like the movie. But I also recognize it wasn't really a good movie, but a fun guilty pleasure for Warcraft fans. Independence Day had major flaws, but this movie cranked all of them up a thousand notches. Plus, the few destructo porn shots were bland and uninspiring. (Yes the fiery destruction of the London Bridge was very uninspired). My comparison to BvS was that movie was a convoluted mess, but in comparison to this one, it didn't seem so. No, the movie doesn't take itself seriously, but that's because it isn't good in any way shape or form.
  9. Ooooh boy, this was terrible. Like, I don't even know where to start terrible. Like, if a movie were a smoothie, this smoothie would be a blend of dog turds and Trump's combover. This movie literally every single cliche action movie trope you could possibly think of. Every character is some cardboard heroic cutout that seems straight out of a parody movie. And speaking of the characters, I lost freaking count. Every scene they introduced more, and they all were about as believable as Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sex with that woman." Characters literally stared into the camera and gave a heroic nod, or a little wink after they did some "cool" action stunt. Not only that, but every character was either an idiot or the "smart" character that acted like a bumbling idiot. Not to mention, the alien ship literally destroys half the planet and there's no reaction. None. Just, "Let's get to Area 51." Were the characters even meant to be humans or did Roland Emmerich watch some five year old play with his action figures and think, "Oh man! That kid's onto something!" And the never ending barrage of one-liners and a literal butt shot of an old man out of the blue. It was awful. I didn't laugh, chuckle, or even be slightly amused by any of the comic relief attempts in this movie. And the script, oh gosh the script. That screenplay is lazier than than a frat boy confused about why he flunked all the classes he never showed up to. There was not a single intelligently written line in this movie, not even something slightly believable. There wasn't even anything amusing. Let's not even start on the random deus ex machina robot that randomly shows up an hour before the end of the world to give humanity one last hope. This was literally a plot point, and it was ridiculous. Let's not even get that of course the robot comments at the end how incredible humans are and blah blah blah. Well, the action had to be entertaining right? If Emmerich can do something, it's blow everything up right? You can't even turn your brain off and enjoy the chaos because the action shots and visuals are some of the most boring rip-offs I've seen on screen in years. Nothing was exciting to watch, there wasn't a moment where I thought, "that was cool." The movie literally ends with a character pretty much saying, "Be sure to come back in two years when we go and kick more alien ass!" *cut to credits* The only good thing about the movie was the president's daughter was pretty hot. Too bad she couldn't act and gave line deliveries so cliche you could almost swear it was from a YouTube parody trailer. This movie gets everything the first one for wrong, and nothing that it got right. There was no tension anywhere in the movie, there was no humor (that actually made you laugh), there was nothing intriguing, there were no charismatic actors. Not to mention, the "movie" is makes Batman v Superman seem like a concise and clean movie because of how convoluted it is. This movie fails on all accounts on even being a somewhat entertaining movie to watch drunk. This is a cat piss quality movie with a dog turd on top. To reference an actual good movie from this year, I give Independence Day Resurgence ? / 5
  10. Yeah I was thinking about joining, I just don't like to actually bet my money, even for a worthy cause (in that case I'd prefer just to donate). I also think 475 is a done deal at this point, unless Dory gets a sudden surge of hate and falls off a cliff.
  11. This is what brainwashing does to you kids.
  12. I heard every tear Baumer sheds when a Pixar movie succeeds can cure a child's cancer.
  13. Looking at other peoples lists, there's quite a number of songs I accidentally overlooked that would have made mine, oh well. It's also looking like all hope is lost for Pan's Lullaby, Sweet Transvestite, and Time Warp ?
  14. I didn't mean it was a bad movie. I loved the Force Awakens, but I was only talking about thematic depth (something none of the Star Wars movies really have, which I don't mind, they're incredibly entertaining and fun movies).
  15. Also, it's worth mentioning that dumb cartoons like Finding Dory, Zootopia, and Inside Out all had much more mature themes and ideas to say than practically any of the big boy CGI-Fest/Comic Book Blockbusters like Jurassic World, Civil War, Avengers, Batman v Superman, Transformers, The Force Awakens etc.
  16. Technically, any movie with CGI is in a way a "stupid" cartoon.
  17. The two people that gave the movie an F and didn't post a review are trolling. If you're going to be unreasonable, at least say why.
  18. Yeah, 18m would be a 9th all-time non-opening Wednesday right under The Dark Knight. Two of the other Wednesday's are Star Wars, and 3 were Holiday Wednesday's (in TASM's case, it was its second day open)
  19. 18m is fantastic, the least optimistic scenario going forward Thu: 16.2m Fri: 22.7m Sat: 30.7m Sun: 20m Wknd: 73.4m (-46%) My guess Thu: 17.3m Fri: 26m Sat: 35.1m Sun: 24.6m Wknd: 86.2m (-36%)
  20. 16.6m would be a good number. I'm wondering if it actually was a clue though.
  21. A more muted weekend Fri: 23.3m Sat: 32.6m Sun: 22.8m Wknd: 79m (-41%) (290m) Which would still be a might impressive drop off of a 135m opening.
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