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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Which is why Civil War's first Tuesday increased by 3.5% and Zootopia's 18.3% (after an 81% drop Monday, so easier to increase from). Summer's especially, the first Tuesday increase should be less because Monday has more spillover. Im not saying it hasn't happened before, but the precedent for a 100m opener is for the first Tuesday to stay flat, and the 2nd to have those wild increases
  2. Wed: 16.5m Thu: 16.1m Fri: 27.4m Sat: 35.6m Sun: 24.9m Wknd: 87.9m (-35%) An under 40% drop looks really likely as long as it holds to the 15-17m range tomorrow and Thursday. Even with minimal Friday and Saturday increases.
  3. I know it has. But look at the precedent for big openers, the first Tuesday is usually flat due to spillover on Monday. I'm saying it isn't a typical number, that was a good call, but it's also unprecedented for how large the opening was and how big Monday was.
  4. Still, it's not exactly precedent for the first Tuesday. Discount Tuesday usually starts to kick in week 2 going forward. I was expecting maybe a 1-3% increase today based on precedent. Dory's Tuesday is one of the top 4 non-opening Tuesdays of all time. That is huge.
  5. Why is such an increase expected anyways? It's actually precedent for big openers to decrease on Tuesday instead of increase. I find it funny that some naysayers are saying, "Oh, it's expected." No it's not. I can think of a single 100m Opener in recent memory that he a massive increase on its first Tuesday, especially after a big Monday.
  6. That's a fantastic Tuesday. Could Dory have under a 40% drop this weekend?
  7. How? It's not like it wasn't set up? Not only that but it plays into next season as well, because Littlefinger is now entangled in the northern plot.
  8. You always say these kind of things in hindsight about a Pixar film, despite the whole time before the opening about how it's going to underperform (i.e., Dory under SLOP), and then when it over performs you blow it off as if it's nothing special. I get you have no love for Pixar, but I don't think winning the summer (and possibly the year), smashing animated records, and such is anything to scoff at.
  9. Also, What was the point in Sansa telling Jon? They likely had limited supplies, and Littlefinger has never been the type to rely on. She sent that letter hoping for a miracle, but her telling Jon could equate to him forming his strategy around an army that might not come. There's flaws in the logic, but people have to remember that characters are supposed to represent people, who are flawed. Yes, characters make logical mistakes, but that doesn't always make it bad writing. It's easy for us to look in hindsight and say, "The characters are idiots! Why didn't they do this!" But in human history, these are the types of actions and behaviors humans have actually had. Just like Rickon not zigzagging. A few seconds ago this kid thought he was going to die, after sitting in a dungeon having to play who knows whatever sick game Ramsay had for him. Sometimes the most obvious answer won't pop into your head when you need it most, that's realistic, people make dumb, on the moment decisions all the time. The Sansa thing will only be bad writing if it doesn't come up again, which given the trailer for next episode, it's probably coming up. People need to stop equating a character making a dumb decision as the writing being bad, people are stupid and make stupid decisions and it'd be stupid not to show it.
  10. I wouldn't say gone, it could have stronger late legs, but it'll be pretty close. Also, depending on how Central Intelligence holds up, that's another 100m.
  11. The Jungle Book says hi. And the Conjuring 2 will likely squeak over the mark.
  12. 1.Moana 2.Suicide Squad 3.The Secret Life of Pets 4.Fantastic Beasts That's based on maximum potential.
  13. My ranking of Season 6 so far 1.Battle of the Bastards - A+ 2.The Door - A+ 3.The Book of Stranger - A+ 4.Oathbreaker - A 5.Home - A 6.The Broken Man - A 7.Blood of My Blood - A- 8.The Red Woman - B+ 9.No One - B
  14. I agree. Wicked as a musical is quite terrible. The music's not to bad, except for the fact it wasn't good enough to be overplayed and sang to death the way it is. Wicked is probably the most overrated musical ever made. (More than Phantom)
  15. I'd be fine with them turning the Elsa character lesbian, but I'd prefer they not go that far. Keep it as a sisterly bond.
  16. I hate the RT review system, but I'm pretty sure only one episode this season hasn't had over a 90% tomatometer. Doesn't sound negative to me. Youre cherry picking evidence because you're butt hurt the show and books aren't one and the same. Guess what, it's possible for both to be different and good. They've said since near the beginning they'd have to take different routes to the same destination. In all actuality, I'm glad they're different. When I finally get to read WoW and DoS, I'll get a different experience (and likely just as positive) as the show. Book purists are one of my biggest pet peeves when discussing adaptions. You can still create a good representation of a novel and not have it be exactly the same in the movie/show.
  17. I do agree that the whole, "Sansa doesn't tell Jon thing," this whole season seemed a little artificial. But I also think it's more trying to get the storyline a little more on track with where the books are headed (in which Jon's army really won't know Littlefinger is coming, because Sansa is with Littlefinger). The way it happened made sense, but I do kind of wish they had taken a different route to make Littlefinger's army coming in feel more satisfying than it did in the episode. I just feel like it's a nitpicky complaint though, given how amazingly executed every plot point was in that episode. The battle was one of the best large scale action sequences I've seen on a screen, ever.
  18. There weren't any big plotholes in last night's episode, especially considering you don't know the direction of the story. It would have been bad writing for Littlefinger not to come in, because of the set up they did to foreshadow that he would. The miscommunication between Jon and Sansa was set up from the beginning as well. Sansa had been holding back information because she didn't want Littlefinger's help, and she was never sure he was coming, a mistake that cost lives. Jon also didn't take Sansa seriously (which probably helped further stem the latter) and didn't listen to her when she said, "Rickon was as good as dead, don't play Ramsay's games." Jon's mistake made sense, nearly cost him the battle, and it's something the character can develop from. You want complain about Dorne? Sure that plot line sucks. The show isn't perfect (neither are the books). But we had a phenomenal hour of television and some of the same people can still do nothing else but complain about something new.
  19. Yeah, also the complaints about the show getting more predictable are also Ill-warranted. There's much more set-up that's happened now than previous seasons, fans are theorizing every possible thing that could happen, not every trope can freaking be broken all the time and make for a good story. Yes, the Starks should have Winterfell back proceeding forward, because it would have been bad writing to continue to have the villains win and continue the show in an endless loop. The ending probably won't be a happy one, and yes some things are getting more obvious, but it's not because the show is worse. You can't kill off the characters you've now set up for the end game randomly, because then you've made that set up pointless and a waste of time, there was more room at the beginning of the story to, but not really the end. Theres a difference between complaining about everything and actual critiquing. And I swear the majority of the complaints/critiques the last few pages weren't critiques they were people whining because the story isn't going exactly in the direction they would have wanted.
  20. That was a really great episode, and I'm not entirely getting the complaints 1.The Littlefinger thing is being addressed next episode, plus Sansa likely didn't know the Vale was coming until they came. Sure, she wrote the letter, but she had no guarantee and given how personal that was for her, it's understandable from a character standpoint why she didn't. Also, that rescue is probably how it'll happen in the books, only Sansa will have riden in with Littlefinger, so it's a way to bring her storyline back on tracks. 2.Yes, there's stuff cut, there has to be. There's some stuff that I would have preferred to have not been cut, but you can either further convolute the visual medium with more characters or streamline the main points (especially when the show hadn't really given viewers a reason to care about the other northern houses in the past). 3.Jon getting played by Ramsey was completely in character for both of them. Yes, it was idiotic of Jon, but Jon doesn't always act rationally. I also think this battle had to happen (which felt much more like a defeat until the very end) to advance Jon's character and help him grow for the wars to come. 4.Yeah, it's "predictable" for the Vale to swoop in, but that didn't make it bad. Are you trying to tell me this episode would have been better if Ramsay won the battle? That would have been terrible storytelling to bring Jon back, only to massacre him and his army and let the most hated character on the show continue on. The show breaks conventions, but if it always breaks the convention than it isn't as meaningful when those conventions break. Sometimes, you need the plot to move along in a crowd pleasing manner. Plus, if Jon had the Vale to begin with, Ramsay wouldn't have come out of Winterfell to meet him in battle, and we would have had a siege instead (which, given it's Winterfell, would result in a major loss). The episode was exceptional, and the actual battle was one of the best sequences ever put on television. There were so many great things about this episode, some of the complaining really seemed silly for this one.
  21. I think Frozen 2 will do fine if it comes out whenever it's ready. Kids that are no longer kids will go back nostalgically, kids that are kids will go see it because they still love Frozen. This isnt HTTYD that kids are going to just forget about and not care.
  22. Kind of, but I still don't see Suicide Squad doing BvS or Civil War high numbers. I think it's definitely got a lot of buzz, but 150m seems like a stretch.
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