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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Everything seems as if it either hits big this year or completely misses. Theres not many modest hits. I think we're getting closer to a time when smaller movies will be released through streaming platforms with limited theater releases and what's released in theaters is limited to blockbusters and the bigger comedies and dramas.
  2. A Beasts of No Nation Ex Machina Inside Out Jurassic World Mad Max: Fury Road B Ant-Man Avengers: Age of Ultron The DUFF Everest Furious 7 Kingsman: The Secret Service The Last 5 Years The Martian Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation The Walk C Cinderella Chappie Insurgent Minions Pitch Perfect 2 Terminator: Genisys Tomorrowland Vacation War Room D Blackhat Descendants Get Hard Jupiter Ascending Max The Man From U.N.C.L.E Mortdecai Pixels T3ken F Fantastic Four Fifty Shades of Grey Hot Pursuit Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Seventh Son
  3. 1.Star Wars 2.The Revenant 3.The Good Dinosaur 4.The Hateful Eight 5.In the Heart of the Sea 6.Finding Dory 7.Kung Fu Panda 3 8.Hail, Caesar! 9.The Night Before 10.Creed
  4. I watched it and it just left me sobering in a way. Its a wake up call that shows you up front how devastating these wars in Africa are that we barely see on the news. The performances are incredible, and the film left me utterly still and made me contemplate on everything I saw. Technically speaking, it is gorgeously shot and very well-acted. In fact it was bolstered by the two strongest performances I've seen this year so far. Attah and Elba are both Oscar worthy in these roles, and some of the final speeches Attah gives are heart wrenching. The film is definitely worth a watch, and it's not one that I think I could bring myself to watch again. While it gives some glimmer of hope at the very end, everything is just so melancholy throughout and watching horrors happen and go by (while realistic) is not something that's easy to watch. It's very well-made and I hope Netflix continues to push quality original releases like this. A
  5. 1.The Good Dinosaur 2.The Revenant 3.Star Wars 7 4.The Hateful Eight 5.In the Heart of the Sea 6.The Night Before 7.Krampus 8.Hail, Caesar! 9.Kung Fu Panda 3 10.Finding Dory
  6. For viewers it would be really nice. Id love to be able to watch small films from home, even if I have to pay, instead of wait for big rollouts. Obviously it's not the most optimal way to release most films, even ones like PP2 and Gone Girl. (Obviously from how much money they made as well) But small films that never make much in theaters anyways? I think it'd be great and work better for them, even if it was a rental method. Most people wouldn't go see something like Beast of No Nation in theaters unless they are film enthusiasts. But if Beast of No Nation is a new Netflix movie for the day, or a 3 dollar rental, people will be more inclined to see it and it'll bring in more revenue. Its also more convenient for viewers who don't necessarily want to see the film in theaters but do want to see the film. I hope studios continue to push small releases as limited theater releases followed by (or along with) VOD/Netflix releases. I think it's a great idea.
  7. I wouldn't say that, his repertoire of films is made up of mostly lesser movies. His only really great film is Memento.
  8. I wouldn't say that, his repertoire of films is made up of mostly lesser movies. His only really great film is Memento.
  9. A Ex Machina Inside Out Jurassic World Mad Max: Fury Road B Ant-Man Avengers: Age of Ultron The DUFF Everest Furious 7 Kingsman: The Secret Service The Last 5 Years The Martian Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation The Walk C Cinderella Chappie Insurgent Minions Pitch Perfect 2 Terminator: Genisys Tomorrowland Vacation War Room D Blackhat Descendants Get Hard Jupiter Ascending Max The Man From U.N.C.L.E Mortdecai Pixels T3ken F Fantastic Four Fifty Shades of Grey Hot Pursuit Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Seventh Son
  10. I'm going to change my score to a B- after thinking some more. Too many flaws to warrant anything higher.
  11. First things first, I really enjoyed this movie, its a lot of fun and engaging. The film flies by and always keeps moving, there's not many actual flaws with the movie as a whole, although I have a few gripes, my biggest gripe though is I just wanted more than it gave. What I mean is, the entire thing felt fairly safe, I was never in tension about the if Watney was going to get off Mars because they didn't give enough time for each problem. As soon as a problem came up, there was a solution. They either needed to condense it some and spend more time on fewer problems to increase the stakes, or they needed an extra 30 minutes in the movie to allow each one to take full effect. Matt Damon was great in the movie, he signed above the other actors in the film, but I wanted more of him. Not really more from him, but I wanted to see Mark Watney battle Mars more than he did. I wanted more in what was motivating him to keep going and to further explore that, because the man was abandoned and alone on a planet and in a situation where he was likely to die. I didn't see that take its toll on him, you only saw what it did to his body over the 6 months later period, and its abrupt. I buy that he can keep his sense of humor and positivity, but there wasn't enough in the script to show the other side as well. I found the crew members to be fairly cheeky as well, I got that they were a motivation, but they were all my least favorite part of the movie (excluding Michael Pena) and Jessica Chastain seemed to overplay her character. I didn't buy it. I overall really liked that they had the humorous elements and had an uplifting tone and spirit, but I do wish there had been more gravity to the situation. The stakes never came across and it never struck you emotionally like it should have. Damon escaping Mars should have been a Shawshank or even Re-Entry Scene from Gravity kind of moment, where you just get a great sense of relief to finally see the character free from their situation. I didn't get that, I just got an" Oh cool, he's off Mars," feeling, and I think it's because they didn't get you emotionally invested into the characters. Maybe others were emotionally invested, I wasn't. Also I couldn't help but feel this was an R rated film that the studios toned down to make money. The "Oh watch your language" joke was funny the first time, and got old and annoying afterward. I don't want to sound like I'm ragging on the movie, I'm not, it was a very solid and enjoyable movie, but I couldn't help but want more from it. I'll give it a solid B.
  12. 1.The Good Dinosaur 2.The Revenant 3.The Hateful Eight 4.Steve Jobs 5.Star Wars 7 6.In the Heart of the Sea 7.Kung Fu Panda 3 8.Finding Dory 9.The Night Before 10.Bridge of Spies
  13. A Ex Machina Inside Out Jurassic World Mad Max: Fury Road B Ant-Man Avengers: Age of Ultron The DUFF Everest Furious 7 Kingsman: The Secret Service The Last 5 Years Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Pitch Perfect 2 The Walk C Cinderella Chappie Insurgent Minions Terminator: Genisys Tomorrowland Vacation War Room D Blackhat Descendants Get Hard Jupiter Ascending Max The Man From U.N.C.L.E Mortdecai Pixels T3ken F Fantastic Four Fifty Shades of Grey Hot Pursuit Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Seventh Son
  14. I saw this in IMAX 3D and I'm mixed, I overall really enjoyed it and visually its well worth the price of admission. Great cinematography and excellent 3D, its some of the best use of 3D I've seen. Narratively, its a mixed bag, my biggest problem being that you have JGL narrating in hard to adjust to French accent on the top of the Statue of Liberty the entire movie. It's distracting and lazy. It tells too much of a story that should be very visual in nature. So much of the narrative feels like a cheap way to speed through the development without any care, making the development ironically slow and boring in perception, to get to the thrilling coup act. Whenever the movie quits telling you the story and shows you the story, it's brilliant and engaging. Sadly it tells about half the story and shows you the other half, making it half great and half mediocre. The performances are a little hammy, and while they're not bad, there's nothing special. I think most of the fault of this is on the script for skipping development in favor of narration. Because of this the emotional pay off of the coup sequence isn't as strong as it should be. I also find this laziness inexcusable as its Robert Zemeckis, the man has made some great films, and you can see greatness in this movie. Sadly that greatness is never fully realized because its coated in laziness. Laziness in execution, laziness in the score, and laziness in the script. Not to say I disliked the movie, there's a lot to love, and there's nothing to hate. There's just a lot to be dissatisfied about because you know it could have easily been done better and you know Zemeckis knew that when he made the film. This could have easily been an A/A+ film because there's so many fantastic moments. And when you're in the coup, you feel as if you're there, on the tower, on the wire. Sadly, it just couldn't completely deliver on the other moments, most notably an intrusive narration, so I'll give it a B/B+
  15. The Revenant The Martian Mad Max: Fury Road Spectre The Walk
  16. I bet 50 points to two people Goosebumps opens over 25m I bet 50 points to two people Goosebumps opens to number 1 its OW I bet 50 points Goosebumps is over 70m DOM
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