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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I don't necessarily think so, at least not comic book movies specifically. Sure Iron Man 3 was a big hit but movies like Gravity, The Hobbit, and Fast and Furious all did well too. I don't think if comic book movies stopped being made males would stop going to theaters, just a new type of movie would get popular.
  2. I edited Wobbuffet out of mine because there was a 0% chance he was going to end up nominated.
  3. I like them, there are a lot I wanted to get in but narrowing it down to 20 is more difficult than I thought. However 64 will be able to get in.
  4. I agree it will be extremely hard for them to campaign Boyhood, but if they focus all of their efforts on it they can maybe squeeze it in there, especially given it's ambition.
  5. I could have easily seen Costume and Make Up though.
  6. I nearly put him on mine, I just had so many to choose from.
  7. We would never lie about something worth 10,000 points, we are honest players.
  8. 1) Will ASM2 make more than 35 mill OD? No 2) Will ASM2 make less than 30 mill OD? No 3) Will ASM2 make more than 37.5 M OD mill OD? No 4) Will ASM2 make more than 7M OW in Brazil? Yes 5) Will ASM2 make more than 90 mill OW? No 6) Will ASM2 make more than 100 mill OW? No 7) Will ASM2 have a Saturday drop of more than 8%? No 8) Will ASM2 make more than 10 mill at midnight/thurs? No 9) Will ASM2 make more than 10 mill at IMAX domestically? No 10) Will ASM2 have a per theater average of more than $23,200? No 11) Will ASM2 have a cinemascore of A or better? No 12) Will ASM2 fall less than 33% on Sunday? Yes 13) Will ASM2 make at least 60 mill more than positions 2 and 3 combined? Yes 14) Will ASM2 have a world wide weekend of more than 200 mill? No 15) Will the top 10 films combine to make more than 130 million? Yes 16) Will Captain 2 drop less than 50.5%? Yes 17) Will Captain 2 have a Friday increase of more than 125%? No 18) Will The Other Woman drop more than 41%? No 19) Will Nikki or Deadline's posting about ASM2 contain the phrase "NOT A RECORD" anywhere in the post at any time on the weekend? Yes 20) Will the first posted "projection" about ASM2 be higher than the number reported with official Friday estimates? Yes 21) Will The Quiet Ones drop less than 55%? No 22) Will HIFR drop less than 45%? Yes 23) Will any film in the top 12 drop less than 35%? Yes 24) Will Walk of Shame have a per theater average of more than $3000? No 25) Will Transcendence stay in the top 15? Yes 26) Will Transcendence drop more than 70%? No 27) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 85%? Yes 28) Will Rio 2 have a Friday increase of more than 75%? Yes 29) Will Draft Day stay in the top 13? No 30) Will Divergent increase more than 40% on Saturday? Yes Bonus 1-4 are to 3 decimal points please. Only one person will get the bonus per question. Bonus 1: What will ASM2 weekend gross be? 87.432m Bonus 2: What will TOW's weekend gross be? 17.252m Bonus 3: What will Brick Mansion's weekend gross be? 4.762m Bonus 4: What will the combined gross be for The Quiet Ones, Oculus and Transcendence? 5.652m Bonus 5: What finishes in spots: 4 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 5 Heaven is For Real 10 Bears 11 Divergent 13 The Grand Budapest Hotel 2000 each and a bonus of 5000 if all correct
  9. Alright, changed my original answers now that I have a sense of the buzz for this.
  10. It sounds like IFC will actually try and push this movie though, they have an actual winner on their hands, they need to push it properly.
  11. That's why I said go by your personal definition of badass for the nominations.
  12. My personal nominations 1.Po from Kung Fu Panda 2.Godzilla from Godzilla 3.Bruce Banner's Hulk from The Incredible Hulk 4.Sauron from the Lord of the Rings 5.Indiana Jones from Indiana Jones 6.Gandalf from Lord of the Rings 7.Mufasa from The Lion King 8.The Joker from Batman 9.Revan from Star Wars 10.The Doctor from Doctor Who 11.Iron Man from Iron Man 12.Link from The Legend of Zelda 13.Scar from the Lion King 14.Darth Vader from Star Wars 15.Commander Shepard from Mass Effect 16.Batman from Batman 17.Samus from Metroid 18.Dr. Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs 19.Optimus Prime from Transformers 20.The Dude from Big Lebowski
  13. I added a rule about making sure you list the character with the franchise they are from in order to help avoid confusion. They also must be a singular character, so instead of putting the Daleks name a specific Dalek. (Characters can summon minions though) One main reason for this rule is say you list Thor, there are many different entities of Thor that aren't necessarily just the Marvel comics Thor, there is Thor from Norse Mythology, there is the Thor unit from Starcraft, etc.
  14. In case you are confused, I am creating a new Speakeasy competition/list/bracket thing because I got a burst of my inner childishness for Godzilla, read more to learn what exactly this is. What exactly is the Battle of the Badasses? The battle of the Battle of the Badasses is a competition based on similar ones I have seen from other forums in the past, it entails pitting sixty four characters from various franchises together into a bracket based showdown where users discuss and debate which character would win in a battle to the death and vote on it over a week period. When the winner is decided either I, or a volunteer will do a write up of the battle stating exactly how it went down. Each battle will take place on a battlefield that will be decided randomly based on RNG, and when it all comes down to it the winner will be hailed the ultimate franchise badass by universal recognition based on the BoxOffice.com forums. Round 1 Results Indiana Jones vs. Katniss Nathan Drake vs. Link Regina George vs. Rambo The Hulk vs. Lara Croft http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14798-botb-indiana-jones-v-katniss-nathan-drake-v-link-hulk-v-lara-croft-regina-george-v-rambo/ Ellen Ripley vs. Jason Bourne Catwoman vs. T-800 Clover vs. Tris The Man With No Name vs. Goku http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14851-botb-ellen-ripley-v-jason-bourne-catwoman-v-t-800-clover-v-tris-the-man-with-no-name-v-goku/ Liam Neeson vs. Han Solo Hans vs. Walter White Queen Mother vs. Odysseus Vegeta vs. Avatar Aang http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14887-botb-liam-neeson-v-han-solo-hans-v-walter-white-queen-mother-v-odysseus-vegeta-v-avatar-aang/ Achilles vs. Darth Vader The Doctor vs. The Joker Jaime Lannister vs. James Bond Gru vs. Kratos http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14944-botb-achilles-v-darth-vader-the-doctor-v-the-joker-jaime-lannister-v-james-bond-gru-v-kratos/ The Wolverine vs. Bowser Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo vs. The Bride Sauron vs. Max Rockatansky Creasy vs. Thor http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14976-botb-the-wolverine-v-bowser-mr-hankey-the-christmas-poo-v-the-bride-sauron-v-max-rockatansky-creasy-v-thor/ John Matrix vs. Cameron Poe King Kong vs. Mufasa Po vs. Yoda Dalek Sec vs. Iron Man http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/15041-botb-john-matrix-v-cameron-poe-king-kong-v-mufasa-po-v-yoda-dalek-sec-v-iron-man/ Godzilla vs. Trunks Vincent Vega vs. Donkey Kong Dolan vs. Captain America Leon Kennedy vs. Gandalf http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/15074-botb-godzilla-v-trunks-vincent-vega-v-donkey-kong-dolan-v-captain-america-leon-kennedy-v-gandalf/ The Nominations Here is also the link to the current bracket http://betterbracketmaker.com/#!/50ddd6aead635 As for the stadiums they are How will nominations work? The competition will star with a two week nomination period where any user can pm or list their top 20 choices in order of preference, for example 1. (20 points) 2. (19 points) 3. etc. The characters with the most points will win the nomination and get to take part in the battle. Rules for nominating 1.The character can be from any movie, TV Show, Comic Book, or even Video Game, but don't nominate a pussy. (What character qualifies as a pussy is up for your digression) 2.The maximum number of characters from a particular franchise is two, this is simply me taking affirmative action so all of the characters aren't from Dragonball Z. -To clear up confusion on the franchise rule, when it comes to say Marvel or DC you may have more than 2 characters as long as each character is from a different IP. -Just so all of the characters aren't Marvel or DC, in any cross-IP universe (where different franchises bridge over into one such as the Marvel Comic Universe) there is a maximum of 5 characters. (This does not include random specials such as Scooby Doo meets Godzilla or something of the likes.) 3.The maximum number of characters you can nominate is 20, although you may nominate less. Please put your nominations in preferential order, if you do not do this I will count the first character you list as your first choice and so on. If you have more than 20 nominations that are not in preferential order I will only count the first twenty listed as your nominations. 4.When you list your nominations please put the characters full name and the franchise they are from. It can easily get confusing if you simply put the name Luke for example, given it could be Luke Skywalker from Star Wars or Luke Cage from Marvel, etc. 5.The character must be a singular character, although if say the character is able to summon minions (like say Ash Ketchum from Pokemon, in which he has his six pokemon at his disposal) they will be able to do so. But don't for example nominate The Daleks, nominate a specific Dalek instead. 6.You have from today to May 9th at 11:59 Central Time to get your nominations in. How will the actual competition work? Once we have our sixty-four nominated candidates I will put them into a bracket using RNG and to pick the fighting locations I will create a base list of 32 different terrains and then use RNG to determine who fights on what terrain. (If you complain about terrain being unfair for a certain character, tough luck, a true badass would win on any terrain) Once all these logistics are sorted out I will then let the competition begin. For the first round of eliminations there will be two battles that go on at the same time, for the simple fact of helping move the competition at a slightly brisker pace. Each battle will have their own respective thread (mods are free to talk to me about how they want to do this, but it'd be much easier to have a discussion/voting thread for each particular 'showdown' so to speak) for you to vote in and discuss the battle in, you may not discuss the fights in this discussion thread, this thread is for general discussion of the competition and where results will be posted. Once a battle is over the voting threads will either be locked or you will not be allowed to post in them, once they are locked you are able to rant about previous battle results in this thread. You will get a week to discuss each showdown in the thread, and the voting will be changeable so at any point when voting is open you may change your vote to a different candidate if somebody is able to convince why a certain character is more badass than another. Rules for Voting 1.You should know how to vote in a poll, the winner is the character with the most votes. 2.In case of a tie I will make a tiebreaker post in the main thread, you then reply to the post with a sentence why you think the character you want to win would win, the first character to get 5 posts with at least 2 complete sentences wins from 5 different users. In this case it's pretty much goes from Battle of the Badasses to Race of the Fanboys. 3.Please be civil in your discussions, have fun, geek out, but debating these characters does not give you permission to make fun of or flame other users in any way. What now? I believe that is it for rules and logistics, once we get the nominations in I will create the bracket for the competition, hopefully this should be a fun summer event and unique from many of the other lists and contests that typically go on. Get your nominations in and don't take it overly seriously, this is for pure group fun.
  15. I keep forgetting to put Neighbors on my list for some reason.
  16. Will IFC get Universal's support maybe? They are also shown as distributors on the trailer.
  17. Results Spottswoode 5 Correct Dark Jedi Master 5 Correct Rukaio 5 Correct Baumer 3 Correct Alright, so there was actually a three way tie, I'll give a like for each one correct and 3 extra if you guessed 5.
  18. There's a typo for my bet TASM2 O/U spideys OW, they both say over. I should be under they should be over.
  19. I wrote my first book when I was 6, and yes an actual book with chapters. It was an adventure fantasy book that took place in Egypt and was pretty much a random mix of Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Hobbit and it absolutely sucked, but it was a book. So yeah, anyone can write a book. That doesn't mean anyone can write a book worth reading.
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