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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. They do play some influence for me personally when my top 7 movies of all time are so close for me in my personal opinion that the tiniest thing I find wrong with it can move it a couple slots. It's why Raiders of the Lost Ark wasn't higher, and why Empire Strikes Back was all the way at number 30.
  2. 5 The Lord of the Rings Yes, I just shoehorned three movies into one so it only took up one spot on my list, I know that is kind of cheating, but the trilogy is really like one extremely long movie anyways, so it counts right? In fact, there was a time when The Lord of the Rings used to be the number 1 film(s) on my list, but then those pesky hobbitses movies came out, shat on the legacy of my favorite book as a child, and tarnished the name of Middle Earth forever, so I can no longer (with any dignity) put this at number one when there are four other movies I like just as much that haven't completely destroyed their reputation with unnecessary, god-awful prequels.
  3. That movie has what, a 200m dollar budget and that was the best VFX they could muster? Pixar made much more realistic looking CGI than that with the Blue Umbrella, and that was supposed to be evidently animated!
  4. Lol apparently Josh Hutcherson gave the best performance of the year guys, we all had it wrong.
  5. I personally prefer Once Upon a Time in the West, although Unforgiven is great. 6 Monty Python and the Holy Grail This is the only straight comedy in my top ten, and if you watch it it'd be evident exactly why that is. It is the absolute ridiculousness of the movie that makes it so funny, everything is over the top, over the done, and very self-aware, and it is through this total absurdity that the movie never ceases to ever stop being gut-bustingly entertaining in its parodic humor. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the funniest movie I have seen, and it makes me laugh just as much every time I watch it.
  6. There should be a bonus set of questions similar to question 19, only the rules are +2000 for everyone right -4000 for everyone wrong If you get every question wrong you gain 6000 points per question instead of lose 4000 points per question. A lot of these questions would need to be yes or no to keep it fair.
  7. 1) Will ASM2 make more than Captain America 2 did on Thursday? No 2) Will ASM2 make more than Cap2 on OD? No 3) Will ASM2 make more than Cap2 did on OW? No 4) Will ASM2 fall more than 67% on Monday? Abstain Opening Weekend 88.7m
  8. 1.Boyhood 2.Godzilla 3.Guardians of the Galaxy 4.The Fault in Our Stars 5.How to Train Your Dragon 2 6.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 7.Neighbors 8.Gone Girl 9.Exodus 10.Lucy
  9. 7 Once Upon a Time in the West These next seven movies I had a really time placing in order because they are all near equal in my opinion, and I love them all for completely different reasons, but it's safe to say that Once Upon a Time in the West is the best western movie of all time and everything about it is absolutely jaw dropping. The cinematography mixed with the striking soundtrack sends chills down your bones, and Henry Fonda delivers his most iconic performance he has ever given, and the movie is a striking achievement that really defies its age in how timeless it really is. Once Upon a Time in the West is a poetic masterpiece by Sergio Leone, and exemplifies THE way to be incredibly stylistic and poetic with a movie, yet not be over the top pretentious like most directors who try this style do.
  10. POT 1 1.Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 2.Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 3.The Avengers 4.Hunger Games: Catching Fire 5.The Dark Knight Rises POT 2 1.Finding Nemo 2.Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 3.Jurassic Park 4.The Dark Knight 5.Frozen (Sorry)
  11. I believe it was a 13 year project and captured the life and coming of age of a boy growing from 5 to 17.
  12. 8 Raiders of the Lost Ark This and the original Star Wars trilogy were my two childhood favorites when I was child, if I wasn't Luke Skywalker one day then I was Indiana Jones, and this was the best of the amazing trilogy of only three movies, it's a shame they never made a fourth one, but I assume if they made one now it just wouldn't match up (although I would love to see a fourth as long as it isn't something stupid like Shia Labeouff or Aliens). I shouldn't even need to write an explanation to this eternal classic, which is Spielberg's best movie.
  13. Ikr, even I didn't like Batman and Robin when I was young. I actually remember being super excited about seeing it because I thought batman was the coolest thing ever, I walked out of that movie changing my personal coolest thing ever back to Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Btw Films, love your inclusion of Where the Wild Things Are, a severely underrated movie
  14. 9 The Big Lebowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1SfzV67Bqw If this isn't the most quotable movie of all time, it's up there as one of the most quotable, The Big Lebowski is the best movie from the Coen Bros and is a rare case of a film that gets funnier every single time you watch it. The entire movie is absolutely priceless, as well as offering an incredibly entertaining story to go along with the semi-dark humor. The performances are of course fantastic, and its themes are distinct. There are very few movies like The Big Lebowski.
  15. 10 Pulp Fiction I'll start off my top 10 with Quentin Tarantino's pop cultural character study over nihilism, Pulp Fiction. This film is universally agreed to be Tarantino's masterpiece, and a movie that would be able to define a new generation of filmmaking. Every scene is delicately crafted, and the ideas and themes are deeply rooted into each entertaining image in a thrilling story that keeps your brain moving to make all of the connections to a movie which literally has a theme of emptiness. There are very few films out there as well crafted as this one.
  16. I may think the Dark Knight is overrated, but it's better than Cap 2 (which I still really liked)
  17. The Dark Knight Rises v Pirates Of The Caribbean 2The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring v Skyfall Titanic v The Avengers Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King v Inception Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 v The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Jurassic Park v Toy Story 3 Shrek 2 v Finding Nemo Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince v The Dark Knight Despicable Me 2 v Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers Frozen v The Lion King
  18. I think either Star Wars Ep 7 or Age of Ultron, but they have to delete alternate trailers and not be like the Amazing Spider-Man and release a new trailer every week.
  19. I'd still consider those tentpoles, albeit smaller ones but still heavily marketed.
  20. Gravity was a blockbuster, 100m dollar budget, lots of advertising, massive special effects. Now it was meant to be a smaller tent-pole but it was meant to be a tent-pole nevertheless. Boyhood is a different case.
  21. I wonder what would happen to my 6.5/10 rating for it if I re-watched it. Nah, I prefer looking back on it in decentness
  22. It's not horror as you would normally think of, it's incredibly creepy and scary, but not in a "Boo! Got ya!" type of way that most horror movies are like now.
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