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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. You don't know. No movie opened on tuesday as far as i know. Dunno why it should be more of a hassle on tuesday than on wednesday or thursday.
  2. It should. People that go on first day in droves are people that care and they know when it's opening. Why should they give a poop if it's opening on tuesday as opposed to wednesday?
  3. Fake, you were right, it's gonna do less than ROTK worldwide or at the very best will match it, i think that much is clear by now. Congrats. Honestly, the movie disappointed me quite a bit so i don't care about its box office anymore.
  4. Sure, i thought that was a given, hence i didn't mention it.
  5. It's not only likely, it's gonna destroy Avengers in Europe.In Latin America Avengers will win.
  6. Well, he has to kill time somehow. I'd have preferred him making some other movies but oh well...
  7. It didn't. You said it yourself, it's the SFX that weren't advanced enough.
  8. Yeah, if a had the choice, i'd take Alita as well. Nothing against Avatar, but i dig cyberpunk. It's gonna be interesting how he intends to differentiate Avatar 2 & 3. Humans coming back and another skirmish in the jungle? That can't be it...
  9. Dunno what's gotten into them. I can't remember them releasing two big blockbusters on the same day prior to the TASM / TDKR thing, each movie at least got one week. But now suddenly some asshole decided to screw foreign movies over even more.
  10. I want 70m. (probably not gonna happen but one can dream )
  11. You realize you're fueling expectations? You better not be wrong.
  12. True. On the other hand, box office allegedly is down in Spain. I guess people are just more selective. As long as they select Hobbit, i don't really care.
  13. So, isn't Spain in the midst of a crisis? What's with all the box office records recently?
  14. $1b is not gonna happen.EDIT:Forgot China. But needs to do $100m there. Difficult.
  15. So few 100k bellow $40m is falling apart but a few 100k above $40m is okay?
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