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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Probably? Heck no. The question should be, would it have hit $500m.
  2. Exception, not the rule. Probably she used outdated extrapolations despite being late.
  3. Like your club.Some had it even higher. TA made people rise their predictions and ignore common sense (no 3D, very difficult to improve on TDK, which was already the perfect storm).
  4. Yep. If anything (some) fans were arrogant with their bullish predictions.
  5. Not you again with your overenthusiastic overpredictions. ;)It is not coming close to $800m OS. It is not making $700m OS even.EDIT:Okay, i'll add, if it gets released in China and breaks out big time, like over $100m, then $700m OS might be possible.
  6. I'm aware that conversion rates skews the picture somewhat. I was looking the dollar grosses. But i believe it was barely bigger.
  7. Nope. I acknowledged that TDK was big in certain markets but not as big as the biggest properties there. And OS markets can't be always taken as 1:1 indicators. TDK made more in the UK than TA, which isn't the case in the USA.
  8. You should have asked CEDAR that. I was just channeling him.
  9. Oh, really? I think it would have made right around $180m. Nobody can say with certainty, so calling people stupid for having a different opinion just makes - guess what - yourself look stupid. Yes and TDK MADE FUCKING 18M DOLLARS IN THREE MOTHERFUCKING HOURS, much more than any Marvel movies at the time. Batman has a much more fervent fanbase, its OWs are more frontloaded.
  10. That's because superheroes have more room to grow in OS markets.
  11. It didn't break any records as far as i know. TA didn't either (in those markets).
  12. OS markets are different. TDK was already big in some markets (mainly english speaking) but nothing like in the USA where it broke records. It wouldn't be the first movie that grows in OS markets but shrinks domestically.
  13. it's the same, the movies dropped primarily due to TDKR.
  14. It's perfectly in line with TDK's Saturday. I knew sub $40m is not gonna happen.
  15. I'll say it again, New Moon bested TDK's OD only a year later.
  16. It's just that the arguments were mostly about friday since that's the only number we have atm.
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