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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Not if TDK already played at peak performance for a Batman (superhero) movie. SM3 broke the OW record because it had no TA to deal with. SM3, TKD, TKDR, TA all will roughly sell the same amount of tickets on OW, the difference is 3D for TA.
  2. SM2 opened in June, SM3 in May, difficult to compare.TDKR will open bigger than TDK, i don't get the upset.Some people had unrealistic expectations. 3D added about $30m to TA's weekend, that's very hard to make up for when OWs are already so high, not that much room to grow.
  3. Let's wait on actuals. Personally, i believe the number will be higher.
  4. Again, not just the death but the Joker being the villain. Both biggest Batman films have the Joker as the villain.
  5. Because midnight grosses get bigger in general. Look at how they went up for Harry Potter for instance.
  6. Same could be said for the faction that claims otherwise ("killings had a huge impact").
  7. Or it could mean that the Joker effect was bigger than some believed (not just Ledger's death but the Joker being the villain). Midnight grosses get bigger in general, those $30m on midnights might have deflated the Friday daily gross.
  8. Terrible news. Some people really are fucked up.I don't think, however, it'll affect box office much. I mean, what are the chances another shooting happens? Sure, some might not feel like going after what happened.
  9. To answer the question, it won't affect box office at all. It will remain a very limited thing.
  10. It didn't. Making less than its predecessor isn't flopping.
  11. Nobody is going to the movies in germany, it seems. Or they are all saving for The Hobbit. Let's hope so.
  12. I didn't. ;)Over $800m WW is still a success for Sony.
  13. They were already pretty expanded when Avatar came out. Russia made, what, $100m? China 200m. It may make a little bit more in some markets but drop in others.
  14. It's not. In fact, it probably won't increase internationally. Avatar was a kind of a phenomenon pretty much everywhere, not much room to grow. And exchange rates were pretty favorable.
  15. It isn't. It was always going to gross less. It is a reboot, Spiderman 3 wasn't particularly liked.
  16. Terrible thursday for Prometheus. If it doesn't increase the most by far on friday, well, than legs ain't gonna be pretty.
  17. Like i've been saying, that's true for pretty much all of Europe, except the UK.
  18. Buhahahahahaha...........hahahahahahaha......No.
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