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Everything posted by TLK

  1. Nikki is now saying $16.5 million Friday for The Purge and $33 million weekend.
  2. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 4m Early Friday #s indicate that #ThePurge is headed for $30 mil, while #TheInternship should grab $18 mil. So basically everyone is converging on $30 million for The Purge and high teens for Internship. However, this time last week everyone had After Earth and NYSM in low 20s.
  3. THR Internship $6 million http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/box-office-report-friday-returns-564796
  4. Problem with horror genre is that all these movies are shit and the genre itself is suffering while some crafty producers are getting very, very rich. I don't want to get into a debate but when the genre becomes synonymous with bad movies then its long-term survival itself becomes questionable.
  5. Could be Woody Allen project. I don't think Crowe project will move to 2014.
  6. This is an interesting discussion. Let us suppose that Mia is a better actress than Emma but Emma is a bigger box office draw. Who will you hire for a movie like this ? This movie probably isn't going to win Oscars and even if it were to compete for awards I refuse to believe that an experienced actress like Emma Stone is so bad that she cannot be a part of this ensemble. This argument actually goes for a lot of actors/actresses and movies. Just because an actor X is somewhat "better" than actor Y doesn't make them a better choice for a movie. Basically, I am saying that it was Emma Stone who ditched this project because she has something better lined up.
  7. Maybe she has something big lined up. Star Wars is supposed to shoot early next year. There is POTC5 as well and I think she will do fine opposite Depp if she is willing to take a chance. There is enough room in Hollywood for a dozen young actresses. It is the older actresses who face problems with ageism and sexism. Emma's problem is that she isn't taking chances . She has carried at least one movie on her own so she is safe and she needs to get out of her comfort zone to be taken seriously. She will be fine either way.
  8. I am pretty sure GDT signed her first and she was supposed to be the lead.
  9. Mia Wasikowska is a good actress but she lacks the kind of name recognition that Emma Stone has.
  10. I second (third ?) Ils. Very disturbing movie.
  11. I admire Nikk Finke the businesswoman. She single-handedly took on the trades and won. Even if she gets fired from DL, I don't think she will go away meekly into obscurity. Penske is a guy with a lot of money but Nikki build Deadline so she can build another one.
  12. After Earth http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=3687&p=.htm "The audience was 51 percent male and 60 percent were 25 years of age or older." I think this was a major problem with the movie. This isn't a good age breakdown for a summer movie with a 14 year old lead.
  13. Exactly. This is why studios would rather produce sequels for even less well-received movie. Movies just never drop in overseas markets these days. If you have a $300-$500 million movie then there is a pretty good chance that its sequel will end up making at least as much WW even if the RT score is bad. This is a damn good business model if you know how to manage costs. Edit - The cast is not on board for the sequel and that is the only reason why there won't be a THO4.
  14. Everything was down this Friday. In fact, FF6 had one of the best jumps in the top 10. As Shawn said, wait for Saturday numbers. We may see bigger jumps across the board today.
  15. You know how to copy paste images. Congratulations.
  16. The reboot argument works when the series has been in hiatus. They have been churning out movies every couple of year and you have another Wolverine movie being released this year. JLaw is a factor but she is going to be in three movies this year and the problem with a large ensemble movie is that you are diluting characters. How much individual screentime are any of these actors going to get anyway in a movie like this?
  17. Why are people so high on DOFP ? The franchise hasn't been relevant for the better part of the last decade. The last movie was well-reviewed and it barely scraped past $150 million. The Wolverine movie appears to have very little buzz and may very well bomb. This franchise is nowhere near its peak and will be facing intense competition in July. I will be surprised if it make $225 million.
  18. I was expecting this weekend to be weak across the board because of the inflated MD weekend. I won't be surprised if June is relatively weaker because of frontloading in May.
  19. So about $27-28 million for AE. These are Battleship and John Carter numbers but both of those were much more expensive productions.
  20. Village has a stupid storyline but the direction is pretty good. His direction went downhill after LiTW.
  21. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-now-you-see-me-after-earth-box-office-20130531,0,2397247.story Will 'After Earth' lose to 'Now You See Me' at the box office? Neither film looks likely to contend with "Fast & Furious 6," which should cruise to its second weekend in the winner's circle with an estimated $40 million. And though estimates earlier this week had put "After Earth" somewhere around $35 million to $38 million for the weekend, according to people who have seen early returns and updated tracking surveys, the film could end up neck and neck with "Now You See Me," with each possibly landing somewhere between $20 million and $25 million.
  22. I agree with everyone that Signs is a really good movie until the end. It is a well-written story , very well-directed, the acting is pretty good and the movie has your full attention.until the very end. To be honest, if you want a happy ending then there isn't much you can do with movies like this. It is difficult to come up with non-cheesy and realistic ending for apocalyptic movies. See War Of The Worlds.
  23. I think they are overestimating 1THAE. This is a movie that should do well in matinees as its demo skews younger and more African American compared to other movies. Jack the Giant Slayer is not a good comparison, MIB3 is.
  24. Ben Fritz ‏@benfritz 7m Early weekend estimate that just came my way: "After Earth": $19M-$22M. "Now You See Me": $21M-$24M.
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