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Everything posted by Ent

  1. I think the discrepancy between AVATAR's os gross and any other juggernaut os gross has taught us how potentially extensive the OS market can be and that our own ideas of hitting a roof can be below what we even consider possible. Nobody can predict how far TA2 can go. But if TA did reach $900 million in 2012 and AVATAR reached $2 billion in 2008 in overseas markets, technically TA2 can gross to $1.3+ billion os in 2015. Not saying that it will do it but AVATAR showed us that any juggernaut has definitely room to expand beyond expectations since AVATAR is the proof of what extreme level a movie gross could potentially reach in that market. The fact that it did it at a time where we were barely talking about expanding markets, 7 years before TA2 will be released reinforce that sentiment..
  2. The thing is legs, for any movie rely mainly on REWATCHABILITY factor. All movies that have made it far BO Wise made it mainly because a great deal of the audience went back, again and again watching it. But when you have competition concentrated in a short period of time, that rewatchability factor is affected by financial constraints limitted your options while movies are also hit two times quicker by a dropping in theater account..
  3. $805M this weekend and $815M final
  4. I don't know. I think that the best month to release a movie in the US is in July. But anyway, you can have any incentives,great month, competition will trump them anyway. And i don't remember a competition that fierce. I mean it is clear to me for example that if FF6 was released a week after IM3 on the overseas market, IM3 would have not reach what it reached because i t had basicly 4 weeks in 90% of its overseas markets, without competition taking its potential rewatchibility or female viewers, without competition taking away its IMAX and 3D.
  5. Well technically, IM3 lost half of its IMAX, some 3D and a great deal of female viewers to Gatsby, 7 days only after its release. Then when STID came, all its IMAX was gone and further 3D, hence it started loosing a great deal of theaters account and some incentives to the competition while females that were en masse during the first week still went more to Gatsby. Competition like the one we have whitnessed last month has lessen the watchability and rewatchability factor of most movies because people have a limitted amount to spend on monthly. Look at THG for example, those who love that movie could have watch it and rewatch it several times during two months. Those who wanted to go to the movies without having something in mind will be inclined to watch it too because it was the only blockbuster movie that was talked about during two months...
  6. The quality didn't brought it down...competition did. Look at HPDH2, 96 % at RT, you can't say that quality brought it down, yet it opened $5 million less than IM3, during the summer and enjoy IMAX and 3D for two months...not to mention that its run was extensive like many of the series. Why didn't it break $385 million with all these incentives ?. You just can't open at $169 or $174 million and pass $400 million that easy if the movie isn't LIKED by a large pannel of people. You just can't. The thing is not even 20 movies have reached $400 million. If you remove those that have been rereleased, you have like 12-15 of them...it's not easy without competition, it's damn difficult with direct competition....And most of those movies were released in the summer for obvious reasons...Others like THG crawled to it benefitting about zero serious competition for two whole months !
  7. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 4m EPIC: $1.39M Monday / $66.76M Domestic Total / 3,894 Locations / $356 Location Avg. #Epic
  8. With those results, how far TA2 can go in Asia Pacific, Firedeep ?
  9. How ? They have no power to stop every single article, every blog where his son will get some backlash. Again, the higher responsability lies on Will Smith feet for putting his son in first line, giving him the main responsability to carry that blockbuster with the potential backlash to endure if the movie turn out a stinker. Critics already underline that his acting was so, so to say the least. I don't think Jaden is armed enough to digest that type of failure at such a young age.. Even, Willow turned off that vanity project "Annie" that her father offered her. This, after her successful 'Whip My hair'. She discovered how tough it was to be a child star and prefered to go back to school and play with her girLfriends on the weekend. She has more sense in her little 13 years of age than her brother, father and mother putting altogether.
  10. Not that silly but smart....maybe they hired him on purpose. In case this turn out a mess, he could be used as a scapegoat
  11. Will Smith is responsible for this mess. He has deliberatly put his son in first line, exposing him to the backlash at 15, giving him the lead role in a massively neglected vanity project. All this because of his obsession to make his family the next Barrymore's dynasty. Jaden is a spoiled and arrogant brat but he still a child who may not be emotionally prepared to carry part of the responsability for this failure of epic proportions.
  12. woah i i thought it could manage to open north 30 million a week ago. Those terrible reviews are finally crackling Smith's ability to open good no matter what.
  13. Only domestically and even there, it's all relative since his movies barely match the investment cost on its main market, the domestic one...sometimes they are just under that cost. Each of his action movie end up lower than the domestic take on the overseas market. They never crack $100 million overseas except for American Gangster. If my memory serves me well he has only two movies that have reached $200 million ww, which is not that good for action movies that have the usual $80 - $100 million investment cost. They barely break even or miss it slightly many times.
  14. The Last Airbender did it. I know it was in July but still...it got 6% at RT, was able to open at 40+ million and fnishing at 130+ million.
  15. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 2m FAST & FURIOUS 6: $4.99M Thursday / $135.84M Domestic Total / 3,658 Locations / $1,365 Location Avg. #Fast6
  16. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS: $2.56M Thursday / $164.76M Domestic Total / 3,907 Locations / $656 Location Avg.
  17. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m EPIC: $1.81M Thursday / $48.76M Domestic Total / 3,882 Locations / $465 Location Avg. #Epic
  18. All in all the first three monthly releases IM3, Gatsby and STID behave like they have vanquished the storm successfully and now are pretty stable, droping nicely while FF6 and HGIII are still showing some turbulence and are more volatile at this stage.
  19. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m MUD: $2.51M 4-Day Weekend Actual / $15.12M Domestic Total / 712 Locations / $3,523 Location Avg. #Mud
  20. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m IRON MAN 3: $24.69M 4-Day Weekend Actual / $372.78M Domestic Total / 3,424 Locations / $7,212 Location Avg. #IronMan3
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