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  1. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 27m THE WOLVERINE: $0.915M Wednesday / $115.21M Domestic Total / 2,867 Locations / $319 Location Avg. #TheWolverine BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 28m PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS: $1.56M Wednesday / $29.12M Domestic Total / 3,301 Locations BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 21m WE'RE THE MILLERS: $3.17M Wednesday / $48.79M Domestic Total / 3,260 Locations / $973 Location Avg. #WereTheMillers BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 7m PLANES: $2.135M Wednesday / $29.94M Domestic Total / 3,702 Locations / $577 Location Avg. #Planes
  2. $375 - $425 M overseas. I don't see it pulling a FF6 or a TDKR, two 2d movies that hit that mark abroad. I also don't see it hitting bigger than the last Twilight ($537M for a 2d movie without China). HG CF doesn't strike me as those movies that will be equally extremely loved in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, The UK, Mexico, Brasil, Russia, China, South Korea (HG did 3.9 M there) and Japan. You need to hit big in every single of those markets or very big in all of them but one to have a chance to hit $550 M for a 2d movie...few movies hit that mark, fewer in 2d...the last ones being FF6 and Skyfall
  3. It's a possibility, a slight one, but a possibility nonetheless... Every follow up to TA are indirect sequels that have the potential to hit big (nobody knows how big so i wouldn't laugh at that possibility too) because they all deal with some aspects of the aftermath of TA, hence poitentially could drive a lot of the TA general audience to the by product. In this one, it is Loki's fate after TA...you can be sure that THIS is an incentive for many people who have been exposed to TA but not to Thor1. Also, Thor1 hugely underperformed in South America. With TA crushing some records there, the level of popularity both Thor and Loki have acquired since then will exponentially increase Thor2 gross leading to much bigger numbers in that continent. In Europe, Thor1 had its best numbers so its sequel could only increase after TA and i don't see Asia, especially countries like China, Philippines and South Korea, all three increasing from TA to IM3, to show less popularity for Thor2. Because by increasing their revenues from TA to IM3, they have shown that they are interrested by its by products and consider them as sequels. Not to say that Thor2 will do IM3 numbers, but if it was huge for TA and IM3, it will likely be huge for Thor2 in those markets.
  4. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 35s FAST & FURIOUS 6: $544.2M Overseas Total / $782.5M Global Total. #Fast6
  5. I have Thor2 at around $650 M OS so it could be very close. Right now i am out. But i am convinced it would do gangbusters abroad and more than the majoriy in here think of.
  6. Sure. But you have to admit that it never really rose much above the domestic one and since Raimi, no other superhero, be it Batman or Superman has proven to be consistently as popular as Spiderman OS Wise, regardless of who is playing it. Hence why i will be VERY cautious and not say that Batman + Superman is a given to hit one billion at this stage. Spiderman is a better contender to hit high marks OS. Put Spiderman with any other (put him back to TA) and you will sure see a significant increase in the OS market. Batman + Superman are no guarantee at all. It will all depend on the movie itself, if it's good or not. Even TDK did it by crawling and by having one of the 4th biggest domestic take ever sustained by an Oscar camapaign. It did better domestic than foreign and it was a great movie with lots of exposure due to that Oscar campaign for his deceased star. That's why i stay cautious cause for me the only asset that has proven to be that popular overseas regardless of which actor plays it is Spiderman. Spiderman can hit easily a minimum of $550 M at this stage in the OS market regardless of the quality of the movie, regardless of its actor. I wouldn't go as far for Superman + Batman whose reception depend on a lot more variables, including a great movie.
  7. I would be very cautious with that affirmation because outside of Nolan's Batman (and even there, only TDK and TDKR), the OS market never really embraced Batman, the character the way they embraced Spider Man, proven by its reboot that demonstrated that even outside of Raimy and Tobey Mc guire, the character is still very popular abroad.. So nothing is certain. It is yet to be proven that a non Nolan Batman without Bale can bring the masses in droves better than Spider Man (hence hitting at least $600M abroad) does when it comes to the OS market, to have a chance to hit a billion. The same way that The Bourne sans Matt Dillon and the Terminator serie sans Cameron and Schwarzie (except for his cameo) are much less attractive to the audience. It will also be the case when IM will rebooted without RDJ.
  8. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m WORLD WAR Z: $292.5M Overseas Total / $488.3M Global Total. #WorldWarZ
  9. Hope it crawls to $800 M ! Go FF6 !
  10. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 3m TURBO: $2.16M Tuesday / $60.10M Domestic Total / 3,809 Locations / $566 Location Avg. #Turbo
  11. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 2m THE WOLVERINE: $5.98M Tuesday / $64.65M Domestic Total / 3,924 Locations / $1,525 Location Avg. #TheWolverine
  12. But it's not like there have been 10 reboots of supe hero movies. Personally, i think OS numbers are clearly disappointing because very divisive from one market to another one and because though it came after SR, it also had three major incentives to somewhat erase or belittle the post effect of SR lukewarm reception and renew faith in that reboot.. I am disappointed because Nolan's name was a major incentive in the post TDK trilogy. It acted to create the goodwill that was lackig post SR. It created huge anticipation resulting in a huge OW. It basicly increased the GA with people who were not necessary fans of Superman but went there because of being exclusively fans of Nolan. It should have benefitted more from it if it was as good or even slightly under what Nolan produced. Second it had 3D compared to all past Superman. Third it benefitted from expanding markets. All in all, it seems to me that admission wise it has stayed relatively flat compared to SR. And the reason for a reboot is to increase popularity, hence increase the number of potential consumers. The other incentives like a famous name attached to it, expanding markets to exploit to the max and 3D are all tools aimed at maximising that increase of admissions. In that regard MOS has disappointed. It has disappointed even more when looking the huge disparity between markets. When a product is so divisive that it seems loved or hated according markets, then you can clearly see that it underperform and lost huge amount of money in many places, especially when those markets are culturally big consumers of that type of product and yet didn't embrace yours. Regardiless of its good overall numbers, you can't deny that it performed like one of the less linear superhero movie abroad. A very divisive product.
  13. I think that people calling it OK do that based on how it behaved, how it got to its numbers. It opened big in many countries and dropped very fast (like 2nd week) in those countries. Basicly, based on its respective OW revenues in many markets, it was on track to maybe $800M worldwide. It lost steam fast in a lot of markets, not just the domestic one... which is a real problem when a product has so much volatlity in so many markets.. That's why i think people call it OK based on the high potential it showed early on, on its opening and the disappointed results translated by the consequent massive drops in many markets. It's like this movie opened abnormaly huge (an excessive rush factor) and then right after that behaved much lower like it was never supposed to open that huge to start with or like it was two different movies, one opening like a potential juggernaut or blockbuster, then a second one (after weekend 2 or even after a few days in certain markets) behaving like a successful non blockbuster movie, with much lower revenues...this again, in many markets, not just the domestic one. That's why i think, some people call its results decent.
  14. Same here, I think about $80 M as well !
  15. Interestic stat : MOS will be the 7th movie that won't reach $300M after opening above $100M. There are 25 movies that have opened above $100M and bar MOS that is a first movie, only 6 sequels didn't manage to reach $300 million too : the 4 Twilight sequels, one Harry Potter sequel and X Men last strand.
  16. DM2 is on pace to hit $300M this weekend.
  17. Thanks Rth ! DM2 will enter the weekend with $290M. It will hit $300M domestic after the weekend !
  18. I agree that domestically he is very consistent but it's easier to be consistent when you consistently chose the same type of projects where your performance are at its finest. For some years now Denzel has been playing into action/thriller movies not dramas like he used to be. So of course his success will be consistent since it is on par with the genre where he has become successfully typecasted. I am pretty sure if Pitt had started doing 90% of the time, action like he did with Mr and Mrs Smith, he would be as consistent or even more consistent in his success. Yet he mixes up and takes more risks.. Cruise is the same, he is consistent and more successful than Denzel in both markets when it comes to action movies. When he goes out of his comfort zione he becomes less consistent.
  19. Apart from Downey who has now acquired an international appeal, none of those you have mentioned have more pull than Pitt, Jolie, Smith, Cruise and Depp to rise an average project that would bomb otherswise on the overseas market based on their sole superstar status...Pirates 4 and The Tourist are one of the main examples that comes to mind. Denzel movies consistently do less abroad and most of his $100 million action movies don't even reach $200 million worldwide unlike Jolie's own action movies.
  20. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m THE WAY WAY BACK: $616,000 Friday (est) / $3.01M Domestic Total / 304 Locations / $2,026 Location Avg. #TheWayWayBack
  21. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 1m THE HEAT: $2.84M Friday (est) / $122.81M Domestic Total / 2,689 Locations / $1,056 Location Avg. #TheHeat
  22. Gitesh Pandya ‏@giteshpandya 1m Rocking $17M opening day for #TheConjuring at #1 on FRI. Heading to low to mid 40s wknd.
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