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Everything posted by Ent

  1. STID is no more cerebral than the rest of the blockbusters. STID a sci Fi adventure movie that rely heavily on action compared to its predecessor. IM3 is an action adventure CF is labelled into the same category as an action adventure FF6 is pure action. Those movies are all about the same type of products. Just because one has more cheese than salad doesn't change their nature. People should consume them shamlessly without trying to pass some of them as some superior delicate 'cerebral' products in a pseudo intellectual attempt. Ain't no shame consuming them as they are once in a while..
  2. STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS Paramount 3,868 $22,055,000 +91.2% / $5,702 $35,591,000 / 2 $27,500,000 +24.7% / $7,110 $63,091,000 / 3 $21,000,000 -23.6% / $5,429 $84,091,000 / 4 N/A 2 IRON MAN 3 Buena Vista 4,237 $9,512,000 +188.5% / $2,245 $311,404,000 / 15 $15,467,000 +62.6% / $3,650 $326,871,000 / 16 $10,203,000 -34% / $2,408 $337,073,000 / 17 N/A 3 THE GREAT GATSBY (2013) Warner Bros. 3,550 $7,650,000 +123.2% / $2,155 $74,394,000 / 8 $9,555,000 +24.9% / $2,692 $83,949,000 / 9 $6,210,000 -35% / $1,749 $90,159,000 / 10
  3. Always thought Trek would be first in line to suffer from FF6/HGIII since it was the most recent release, hence bigger BO hit by the double threat... and besides, it shares more or less the same target. That's a no brainer I underestimate GG which makes it a third threat to both IM3 and STID, since their release was at one week from it. But IM3 was always the stronger man of the month, hence it can counteract more easily while having maximised to the fullest its solo week. STID was too weak to start with, came into the party afterwards and has no weapon to counteract those who were there first nor the ones that are coming. He is condemned to start poorly, eating the rest of the demand GG and IM3 have massively consumed already and to eat the leftovers next week.
  4. I have read here and there, people watching STID and then going back watching again IM3 for the second or third time. I guess the rewatchability factor over time (maybe even after having digested the controversial twist) for those who have like it averagely is stronger in the case of IM3 than in the one of STID. Some Trekkie were even getting mad at them for not supporting STID while going back to either IM3 or Gatsby.
  5. STID collapsed and turned out stinking like chlamydia while IM3 as the phoenix was reborn after its weekly hybernation...
  6. It's the worst case scenario if it really end up with those figures and doesn't recover on saturday. That will put it around $83 millions - 4 days and $70 millions ow.. Considering ST09 did $75 millions 4 years ago and without 3D, it doesn't bode well with massive competition at its heals
  7. IM3 is the phoenix of this month, agonizing on weekdays, rebirthing during the weekend with a big middle finger at those who project its premature death after its weekly hybernation
  8. The thing is when you have a sequel, many people who didn't see the first one, won't see the next one. Too many time, studios promote a sequel as they promote a first movie. Marketing should focus into popularizing the brand by using every platform to rise the visibility of the first movie BEFORE the sequel is out. I have said it once and i say it again, the best way to promote a sequel is to make sure that its first movie is relentlessly showed on TV each year before the sequel's release, becoming mainstream and known by the GA public. It's the only way to turn nerd related franchise into a mainstream one. People sooner or later will catch it on TV and some may realise what they were missing. Those consumers will rise the first audience and will anticipate its sequel adding to the fans. By reliying to much on videos, you only attract the fans and the averagely interested in it. By making the movie free for the masses, through TV channels, you rise your target tremendously. Put the majority of your marketing funds into popularizing the first movie for the masses each year and then half of the job will be done for the next one.
  9. Crowded month...that's all. Between IM3/GATSBY, one pumping the demand, the other one breaking off and killing what's left. Between highly anticipated FF6/HGIII, then EPIC/AE increasing interest, one would have been hit harder and be the sacrifice of the pack.
  10. FF6 : $270 millions domestic + $730 millions OS = $1 billion Call me crazy but its a tiny possibility...but a possibility nonetheless.... Personally it's and always was my wild card of the summer if ( and it's a big if) a movie should upset and hit the $1 billion's milestone unexpectedly. Thor2 is the next potential upset of the year with more or less the same configuration, breaking the OS market left and right to crawl near that mark and hit $250+ millions domestic wise. In any case, those movies should hit $850 millions ww at least.
  11. Told you ! It's a wild card of the year and a potential top 3 worldwide ! I have been saying this for days but people underestimate its universal popularity abroad.
  12. I really beleive that if it doesn't recover that well this weekend, it's mainly because of competition and money constraints from the average consumer. The GA has to select which movie to sacrifice between several monthly options. Not every single person could afford $100 to $150 monthly to watch every single most anticipated sequel of this particuliar month and the GA may even be more selective if it had to decide between STID, F6 and HGIII.
  13. It's not just about the gap, it's more about the gap related to the impact the first movie had on the GA. AVATAR 2 sequel will be released like 6/7 years later. Terminator 2 was released 8 years after its first installment. Those movies have had a great impact on the memory of the GA and in the case of Terminator2, the gap between the two movies was used to popularize T1 through TV relentlessly and everywhere. Most people discovered T1 through TV and got pumped up for its sequel years before its release. I guess the lack of the Internet and the underuse of video enabled TV to become the next bigger platform for hits. Hit movies were directly channeled from movies to TV channels giving access to a larger panel of people to popularize a movie. You tend to be more open to discover a movie on TV since you don't have to pay for it. If you like it, you will be more inclined to pay for its sequel. Today, you pass through video, hence you have to be at the very least a little bit interested in the product to pay for it. Through TV you touch the indifferent folks who may discover something they will be able to like ultimately.
  14. At some point, the general audience will face some financial constraints that will limit their options. They will see the first movie, then decide what other movie they will spend money on, waiting for the least favorite to be released on DVD. Maybe that part of the GA that would normally flock to Watch STID in other circumstances will just wait for the movie they prefer, FF6 or HGIII or else because they have to make a choice based on their wallet. This month is too messed up and every movie will pay the price for it to a certain extent. If STID underperform, you can bet that the crowded month and subsequent overwhelming competition is the primal cause of it.
  15. People should relax. The movie will perform well on the weekend and catch up.
  16. This FF6 will inflict some serious damages. I expect the other movies to get hurt pretty hard !
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