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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Yet over in the Home thread, every comment is about how bad it looks. Perhaps they are trying a lower budget: every DWA film since HTTYD has been under 150m. But also perhaps people are just going to complain about something. (Completely separate is the issue that DWA needs to scale back to 2 films a year.)
  2. I don't think there's nearly enough data to support a 4 year gap being a problem one way or the other. It's especially difficult for animated films. However, Ice Age 2 was 4 years after the first, it managed to beat it in both OW and total, but not by a huge margin in the latter case. It did more than double the OS gross, however, which is probably a big part of the positive chances for Dragon 2. The Madagascar films hit on 3.5 year cycles. The third dropped in OW from the second (which was bigger OW, but smaller in total than the first), but had a nice bump in total. MIB2 came 5 years after the first, had a slightly bigger OW, but dropped a fair bit in total. It also wasn't very good. Mission Impossible 2 came 4 years after the first. It beat it in both OW and DOM total, despite iffy audience response. Toy Story 2 came 4 years after the first. It beat it handily in both OW and total. Star Trek's been mentioned. So there aren't a ton of comparable data points to build a pattern. Sometimes 4 year gaps are bad. Sometimes they don't matter.
  3. Just from the first two weeks of sales it's already the fourth bestselling BD of all time. Since it's been out for over two months, and has regularly led the pack in sales, it's probably not too much of a stretch to expect that it's at least the second bestselling of all time, and may have overtaken Avatar. It's more difficult to get data on overall DVD sales, because really robust tracking and such is overall pretty recent (2009 or so), so many older titles don't have super accurate numbers that are easily available. Even so, The Dark Knight sold over 17m DVDs, and has over 2m in BD sales, so it's total combined is around 20m. Avatar's sitting around 17m combined. Frozen's one week sales are north of 7m combined, and it's probably not too much of a stretch to guess that after two months it's pushing north of 15m. It could even be closer to 20m, if DVD sales are taking up a larger and larger percentage. Suffice to say, it's probably in the running for top three, at least for the past five years of tracking. As far as all time video sales, The Lion King moved about 80m VHS tapes back in the 90s. Nothing will ever top that.
  4. If HTTYD has a sub 20m Friday including Thursday previews, I may just give up on the box office for the rest of the summer. Ouch.
  5. With updated numbers. 22JS - 5.5 Thu / 18 Fri / 20 Sat / 15 Sun - 58.5 weekend HTTYD 2 - 2 Thu / 18 Fri / 22 Sat / 19 Sun - 61 weekend
  6. Optimistically: 22JS - 5.5 Thu / 20 Fri / 22 Sat / 17.5 Sun - 65 weekend HTTYD2 - 2 Thu / 23 Fri / 27 Sat / 21 Sun - 73 weekend
  7. I saw it back-to-back with the first, and it's neat to see the two in comparison. The first is a magical journey that shows the amazing emotional connection between a boy and his pet. This is pretty much impossible to replicate, and so the sequel doesn't really even try. It accepts that as a given and goes off on its own direction. Some things in the sequel are definitely an improvement. One of the weak points of the first was its presentation of female characters. Astrid was fun, but little more than an action girl foil, and now she's got her own adventure and arc that doesn't necessarily follow that of Hiccup. Ruffnut has an especially surprising fleshing out. And Valka is a great new addition, providing more emotional depth for the series. Blanchett provides a very good portrayal as someone who is not quite familiar and connected to the human world anymore. The sense of wonder about how cool dragons are remains. The animation and music are both spectacular. It's a fun, gripping ride that goes places I didn't entirely expect, but which were welcome. Even though the first film is probably better overall, this is an especially worthy sequel. It deserves to be in the conversation for best followup films. 5/5
  8. I think this week is going to go very poorly for me.
  9. And then basically six months of Avengers? 1. How to Train Your Dragon 2 Oh, wait. It won. I can stop voting for it, now. I wish Song of the Sea had a release date. It's supposed to be sometime this fall, but nothing specific is announced, yet. 1. Big Hero 6 2. Book of Life 3. The Boxtrolls 4. Interstellar 5. Inherent Vice 6. Annie 7. Cinderella 8. Tomorrowland 9. Furious 7 10. Mad Max: Fury Road
  10. 1) Will HTTYD2 OPEN to more than 63 mill? YES2) Will 22JS open to number 2? YES3) Will FIOS place 3 rd? NO4) Will the films in spots 3-4-5-6 combine to make more than position 2? NO5) Will HTTYD and 22JS combine to make more than 125 mill? YES6) Will Maleficent have a Friday increase of more than 68%? YES7) Will any film have more than a 60% Saturday increase? NO8) Will 22JS make more than 7 mill for Thurs? YES9) Will HTTYD make more than 1.8 mill on Thurs? YES10) Will EOTdecrease by less than 45%? YES11) Will Godzilla still suck? YES12) Will ASM2 have a Saturday increase of more than 45%? NO13) Will Million Ways drop more than 41%? YES14) Will any film increase on Thurs? ( openers dont count) NO10/12 300011/12 500012/12 8000Bonus 1) what will be the drop percentage wise for Fault in Our Stars? 5000 62Bonus 2) What will be the cumulative total fpr the top ten films? 5000 220,435,281Bonus 3) what will x-men gross internationally this weekend? 5000 23,456,789Bonus 4) what will Frozen worldwide total be after this weekend? 5000 1,255,469,212Bonus 5) (to be pmed to me) what famous Hollywood personality did some uncredited rewrites on the gene Hackman and Denzel Washington Submarine movie Crimson Tide? (3000).
  11. Every Star Wars film is worse than the one that came out immediately before it.
  12. If you want good animation, it's going to take time. I hope Chris Sanders can deliver the goods again.
  13. Right now it looks like it should gross more than either of those. Spidey is looking like it will just edge past 200, and Godzilla is probably only going to barely hit it, so if Maleficent can hold on this weekend with a drop of 50% or less, it should go further.
  14. That's likely in both cases. Maleficent will probably be a bit shy of 145m going into the weekend, and TFIOS will be around 66m. After the weekend, they should be past 160m and 80m, respectively, which sets both up well for passing the century marks.
  15. Despite the larger drop compared to Monday, TFIOS still is holding up well compared to Sunday. Sun-Wed dropsTFIOS - 56%Maleficent - 63%EoT - 64%DoFP - 62%
  16. They didn't win for Get a Horse. Paperman was a pretty big exception for WDAS. But it seems Feast is a bit more on the sentimental/heartwarming side of things, like Paperman, rather than balls to the wall humor like Get a Horse, so it may have a better chance.
  17. That's ambitious. It would pretty much mean that the loss of box office revenue could be ignored if they can pull it off. It's a bit unfortunate they can't also get the biggest movie of all time as well, but they may feel that the timing is critical to get the most out of the video sales.
  18. If Earth to Echo does well, it's going to screw a lot of people, too. TLAM2 having legs might also do it.
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