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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Suddenly remembered the discussion several hours ago about fantasy series that would be great as TV shows. Not really fantasy, but I think there could be a lot of fun adapting one of Peter F. Hamilton's epic sci-fi series. Cool tech, disparate cultures so there's a lot of fun costumes, zero-G sex. Big space battles. What wouldn't HBO viewers love about it?
  2. I just did some checking. I have 5 posts that have garnered more than 10 likes apiece. None that have gotten to 15, though, so clearly I need to do some planning.
  3. 1) Will Fault in our Stars have a bigger Thursday than Edge of Tomorrow? YES2) Will Fault in our Stars open to number one? YES3) Will Fault in our Stars open to more than 35 million? YES4) Will Fault in our Stars open to less than 45 million? NO5) Will Edge of Tomorrow open to more than 25 million? YES6) Will Edge of Tomorrow gross more than 80 million WW? YES7) Will Maleficent drop less than 50.5%? NO8) Will DOFP have a Friday increase of more than 70% YES9) Will DOFP drop by less than 45%? YES10) Will Godzilla increase by more than 45% on Saturday? NO11) Will Blended fall less than 40%? NO12) Will any film in the top 12 have a Saturday increase of more than 75%? NO13) Will Million Ways make more than Blended and Neighbors combined? NO14) Will Fault in our Stars have at least an A- cinemascore? YES15) Will Fault in our Stars open to more than 60 mill? (for all the loonies) NO 12/15 300013/15 500014/15 700015/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will be the combined gross of Fault and Edge? 5000 82.4Bonus 2: What will Godzilla's drop be this weekend? 5000 63.4%Bonus 3: What will be the best Friday increase % wise? (not the film, but the actual number...so if you think Million Ways to die will have the best Friday increase, and you think it will increase 97.55%, your answer will simply be 97.55%, I don't need the movie) 5000 147.3% What finishes in spots: 1 The Fault in Our Stars2 Maleficent3 Edge of Tomorrow8 Blended12 Belle15 Heaven is for Real
  4. A bit, yeah. It definitely suffered because the real story of Bitcoin is more fascinating than his fictional version. But it also felt like he was sorta writing Cryptonomicon 2.0. There wasn't any need to repeat himself, even if the context was updated. And a lot of it read like a techno-libertarian's wet dream, which was somewhat distracting. Mostly though, I found his main character (whose name I can't remember) to not be compelling in the slightest. I really don't care about the trials and tribulations of old white dudes. I got to the end with the realization that Zula should have been the main character, and she definitely should have had the shining climax moment. Though, with all that, the Day 4 sequence was pretty amazing and fun.
  5. Yeah. It took me a while to get into it, but when I did, it's so captivating. Part of the reason Reamde was so disappointing to me was because it followed up Anathem and was pretty much lacking in every single way.
  6. Anathem would be pretty great as a TV series. You could pitch it as, what, Pillars of the Earth crossed with Star Wars.
  7. The Diamond Age Anathem (the novel where he FINALLY figured out how to write an ending!) The Baroque Cycle Snow Crash Crypotnomicon Zodiac Reamde (I was severely disappointed.) Haven't read The Mongoliad.
  8. Yeah, several of them had Wednesday openings or association with a Holiday period that provided an early boost. I was just checking down the list, though.
  9. Not sure about well over, but the sub $50m OW, greater than $200m DOM list includes: Alvin & The Chipmunks 2 (48.9/219.6) Tangled (48.8/200.8) Batman Begins (48.8/205.3) FotR (47.2/313.4) Ratatouille (47/206.4) Jurassic Park (47/357.1) PotC1 (46.6/305.4) Meet the Fockers (46.1/279.3) The Hangovers (45/277.3) National Treasure 2 (44.8/220) Alvin & the Chipmunks (44.3/217.3) HTTYD (43.7/217.6) Shrek (42.3/267.7) Twister (41.1/241.7) The Lion King (40.9/312.9) Batman '89 (40.5/251.2) Armageddon (36.1/201.6) Wedding Crashers (33.9/209.3) T2 (31.8/204.8) Saving Private Ryan (30.6/216.5) Night at the Museum (30.4/250.9) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (29.6/209.4) Cast Away (28.9/233.6) Titanic (28.6/600.8) The Sixth Sense (26.7/293.5) Forrest Gump (24.5/329.7) RotJ (23/252.6) Mrs. Doubtfire (20.5/219.2) Aladdin (19.3/217.4) Home Alone (17.1/285.8) Beverly Hills Cop (15.2/234.8) Ghostbusters (13.6/229.2) Ghost (12.2/217.6) ET (11.8/359.2) Back to the Future (11.2/210.6) ESB (10.8/209.4)
  10. That's a good hold for Maleficent. Could be positive WOM.
  11. It's not the same demo. Magic Mike played older, and was very much a "girls night out after work" sort of film. TFIOS is more HS and college aged.
  12. He actually doesn't feel that strongly about the film, just the box office run. It was several months into its run before he finally went to go see it. Thought it was okay, IIRC, but he's not a fan of animation.
  13. With that, it seems pretty certain DoFP will fall behind the pace of CA2 on Thursday. Nice bump for Maleficent, though.
  14. I'd guess that Disney Japan is their own division, and will make the calls about such things since they are generally the ones with the most knowledge about the local market. They would probably have consultation of International Distribution, though. For all the doom and gloom scenarios, there might be other, entirely sunny ones. Sure, it could end on 7/16, and then show up again a few days or a week later, so that SA's first run gross can remain intact, though Frozen will eventually eclipse it. Or maybe Disney has to release the video in mid-July due to contractual arrangements and are looking for ways to maximize the box office before that happens. By saying that the theatrical run is going to end, they could start advertising for people to watch it in theaters, before it's gone for good. (This is basically the same strategy as the Disney Vault. Or the limited engagement that led to Hannah Montana doing bonzo business its opening weekend.) Or perhaps there's something else entirely. The report could be bullshit. After all, 7/16 is a Wednesday, which seems a completely illogical day to end a theatrical run. Why not the 18th? Basically, stop making assumptions and wait until there's more concrete news. Oh, and don't go laying blame in against all of Japan. It's frankly kinda racist. Now onto more happy topics, like Murgatroyd's charts. Those are always great to see each week. Can we expect them soon?
  15. Every film has different circumstances. Also, everyone's still making hella assumptions in this thread.
  16. I've got 325 points to play with. All bets for 1 person. 100 points TFIOS earns at least $40m OW 75 points TFIOS earns at least $45m OW 50 points TFIOS earns at least $50m OW 25 points TFIOS earns at least $55m OW 50 points TFIOS has an OD estimate of at least $20m 25 points TFIOS has an OD estimate of at least $25m
  17. Ooh. I wonder if Olaf is around. There are a lot of deadly cool things you can do with a carrot.
  18. It's possible that it'll happen on Thursday. It depends on what sort of Tuesday bump DoFP gets. If it gets more than $4m, that's probably enough to keep it ahead until Friday.
  19. It might be interesting to construct a chart that removes the top three markets for each individual movie. That would give a better sense for which films play broadly outside of their dominance areas, regardless of which specific areas those are.
  20. Looks like Godzilla will fall behind Spidey's comparable day on Saturday or so. DoFP will probably fall behind Cap2 on Friday.
  21. I think y'all are jumping to conclusions. The fact that this may be Disney's decision at all is just conjecture. And the reasons for the decision are just an assumption. If it's true at all, which we don't know at this point.
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